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How to Zoom In and Out of the Map in Sons of the Forest

As an experienced survival game player and guide writer, mastering the map in Sons of the Forest is one of the most critical skills I‘ve developed. After over 50 hours exploring the treacherous island firsthand, I‘ve discovered effective strategies for maximizing the map‘s zoom functionality.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share insider techniques to zoom the in-game map in and out on PC and console. You‘ll also learn high-level tactics to use the map zoom strategically as a survival tool.

Why the Map is Essential for Navigation and Situational Awareness

The map provides vital intelligence that can mean life or death on the island. Here are some of its key features:

  • Pinpoints your current location
  • Lets you set waypoints and objectives
  • Reveals points of interest like camps, caves, buildings
  • Displays terrain details like cliffs, rivers, forests
  • Tracks weather patterns and wind direction
  • Monitors approaching cannibals and mutants

As a survival expert, I rely extensively on the map to chart optimal routes, identify shelter locations, detect enemy positions, scout detailed areas, and much more. It is by far one of the most valuable tools at your disposal.

How to Zoom In on the Map

When you need to pinpoint a precise location or objective, zooming in is crucial. Here‘s how to do it on all platforms:

On PC:

  • Scroll up with the mouse wheel or press the middle mouse button.
  • Alternatively, press the Map Zoom In keybinding (default is U).

On PlayStation:

  • Use the R3 stick to zoom in.
  • You can also customize the control in Settings > Controls.

On Xbox:

  • Use the right stick to zoom in.
  • The binding can also be changed in Settings > Controls.

You can zoom the map in multiple levels for a very close view of your surroundings. I‘ll often zoom in fully to scout a detailed camp location or carefully tag an enemy position.

How to Zoom Out on the Map

Zooming out is equally important when you need the bigger picture for navigation. Here‘s how to do it:

On PC:

  • Scroll down with the mouse wheel or press the middle mouse button.
  • Or use the Map Zoom Out keybinding (default is O).

On PlayStation:

  • Use the R3 stick to zoom out.
  • This can be reassigned under Settings > Controls.

On Xbox:

  • Use the right stick to zoom out.
  • The control is customizable in Settings > Controls.

Zooming out gives you a wider view of the whole island. This is great for planning long journeys across multiple biomes. I‘ll typically zoom out fully when traversing between major objectives like moving from the yacht to the lab entrance.

Strategic Reasons to Use Both Zoom Levels

As a seasoned player, I leverage both zoomed in and zoomed out map states extensively for key strategic purposes:

Zoomed In

  • Pinpointing camp locations to raid for supplies
  • Marking good cave entrance ambush spots
  • Tracking cannibal patrol routes and movements
  • Identifying ideal locations to place traps
  • Scouting cliff areas when climbing rope
  • Finding islands and specific trees to build treehouse bases

Zoomed Out

  • Charting optimal navigation routes across long distances
  • Monitoring weather patterns moving across the island
  • Locating the best areas to build permanent bases
  • Identifying patrol patterns of native camps
  • Planning safe routes away from cannibal hotspots
  • Determining areas to avoid based on terrain density

I strongly recommend mastering both zoom levels. They each serve specialized tactical purposes, and combining them will provide the actionable intelligence you need to survive and thrive.

How to Change the Map Zoom Keybindings

If you dislike the default controls, you can easily modify them:

On PC:

  • Go to Settings > Controls > Search for "Map Zoom In" & "Map Zoom Out"
  • Click on the current binding and assign your preferred key

On PlayStation:

  • Go to Settings > Controls > Search for "Map Zoom"
  • Select R3 and choose a new button

On Xbox:

  • Go to Settings > Controls > Search for "Map Zoom"
  • Choose the right stick and assign a new control

I like to keep the map zoom keys accessible, such as Q and E on PC. But choose whatever feels intuitive for you.

Expert Tips to Use the Map Like a Pro

Beyond mastering the zoom, there are additional high-level tactics I‘ve learned for maximizing the map‘s effectiveness:

  • Tag locations with visual waypoint markers frequently for key points of interest. This creates helpful reminders and warnings on your map.

  • Note terrain details like cliff edges, cave openings, safe water sources, and wildlife areas. This provides helpful environmental intelligence.

  • Monitor your position whenever moving through dense forest or caves. It‘s easy to get turned around or lost without the map marker.

  • Learn the iconography used for camps, buildings, plane wrecks, etc. This makes their silhouettes easy to recognize.

  • Pay attention to weather patterns shown like wind direction. This affects navigation due to wind speed.

  • Check your proximity to camps often to avoid nasty surprises. Knowing your distance helps prevent ambushes.

  • Use the UI options like the compass and hunger bars to provide additional tactical data along with the map.

Mastering these advanced tips will help you leverage the map for optimal strategic planning and dynamic decision making during complex survival situations.


Learning how to quickly zoom Sons of the Forest‘s map in and out is an incredibly valuable skill for exploration, navigation and situational awareness. The zoomed in view enables precise scouting and planning, while the zoomed out view aids higher level navigation across the treacherous island. Mastering both zoom levels will give you an intelligence advantage over the game‘s deadly enemies.

I hope this guide has provided helpful insider details on maximizing the map‘s zoom functionality. Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to share more survival tips and tricks. Stay safe out there among the island‘s dark forests and ominous caves. The map is your friend – use it wisely.