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Why Is My YouTube Channel Still Under Review for Monetization?

So your YouTube channel finally hit 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. Congrats! You rush to apply for YouTube‘s monetization program with dreams of finally making money from ads. Then…nothing. Days and weeks go by without approval as your dashboard sticks at the dreaded “Under Review” status.

It’s incredibly frustrating. You’re putting in tons of work creating videos. Fans are clearly loving your content. So why won’t YouTube approve your channel to start actually making money?!

As a monetization consultant who has helped over 100 channels successfully navigate the YouTube review process, I have seen creator frustration first-hand. Let me walk you through exactly why channels get stuck under review, realistic timelines, and proven strategies to expedite approval.

Why Do Creators Care So Much About Monetization in the First Place?

Before diving into reasons your specific channel hasn‘t been approved, it‘s worth quickly understanding why monetization matters so much to creators.

Short answer—money!

Getting approved for monetization unlocks a powerful array of direct revenue streams for channels:

  • Ad Revenue – Once accepted into the YouTube Partner Program, you earn a cut of advertising dollars from video and display ads placed on your content by Google. Rates fluctuate based on content type, seasonality and more, but top creators easily clear 6 figures yearly from ads alone.

  • Channel Memberships – Fans pay a monthly fee for special badges, emoji, early access to videos, member chats and other perks. Memberships convert viewers into recurring revenue.

  • SuperChats & SuperStickers – These features allow fans to highlight chat comments and stickers with paid promotions, becoming a cash donation to creators.

  • Merchandising – The YouTube platform and unparalleled audience reach lets creators efficiently sell merchandise like t-shirts, mugs and other physical goods.

  • Brand Sponsorships – Monetized channels attract far more lucrative sponsorships, brand ambassador roles, influencer campaigns and talent deals with third party brands.

Becoming monetized also qualifies creators for YouTube Partner Program perks like:

  • Access to YouTube Partner managers
  • Entry into YouTube Spaces
  • Eligibility for shelf space in YouTube’s built-in online merch stores
  • Direct funding for video production costs
  • Co-marketing campaigns with brands
  • Invitation to exclusive industry events, workshops and more

But beyond the direct monetization options unlocked, getting approved represents validating your channel as a legitimate business in the eyes of sponsors, peers and even yourself.

34 year-old musician turned YouTuber Adriana Moon shared:

"When my channel finally got approved it was like receiving a gold star from the teacher saying I was doing YouTube right. Even after years grinding away, that email was the moment I truly felt like a professional creator."

For many, monetization is the culmination of a long journey to build an audience and refine content. 

No wonder creators obsess over getting approved! Lower barriers to earnings allows them to invest more in production value, talent, editing software and distribution. Turning hobbyists into full businesses.

Now, onto reasons your specific channel may still be stuck under monetization review…

Why Is My YouTube Channel Still Under Monetization Review?

If your channel remains under review past the 30 day benchmark YouTube sets for most applications, there‘s typically three core issues at play:

1. You May Not Have Actually Met All Monetization Requirements

Yes, you hit 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. But dozens of other factors determine approval such as:

  • Quality Guidelines – Majority of channel content must meet YouTube quality thresholds. Heavily reused clips, improper attribution or edits and technically poor footage (bad lighting, audio, etc) often trigger rejections.

  • Copyright Issues – Channels repeatedly hit with copyright claims and community guideline strikes around reused content struggle getting approved. Try to ensure most uploads are fully original productions.

  • Overall Brand Safety – Even with no formal strikes, channels promoting adult themes, dangerous challenges, hate speech, illegal activity and more may not meet standards. Tighten up the topic selection and moderation.

  • Ad Friendliness – Swearing, suggestive dialogue/imagery, controversial subject matters, and shocking visuals reduces how many advertisers will run ads – lowering potential earnings. Aim for family-friendly content.

  • Community Guidelines Strikes – A single active strike against your channel automatically disqualifies monetization. Resolve strikes before (re)applying.

  • Location Requirements – You must live in an approved country for ads to show. Doubly confirm your locale meets eligibility.

Dig into your channel analytics across each factor. Flush out any red flags before reapplying. Even one issue causes delays or rejections!

2. The Majority of Your Videos Are Not Public

YouTube needs to substantively review video content itself to determine brand safety. If the bulk of your channel‘s uploads are private, unlisted or deleted, there‘s insufficient public data for in-depth assessment.

A baseline of 15-25 public videos with strong view duration seems optimal for approval. Comb through your archives setting popular videos back to public status. Avoid suddenly deleting swaths of previous uploads. Provide ample footage for confident review.

3. Too Many Monetization Requests vs YouTube Review Staff

In 2019, over 500 hours of content was uploaded to YouTube….every 60 seconds!

With millions of creators now surpassing the 10,000 lifetime view threshold to qualify for applications, the Partner Program team struggles reviewing cases quickly enough.

Their team scales far slower than viral TikTok and Instagram growth flooding into YouTube. Backlogs accumulate. 30 days turns to 45…to 60…to 180. Delays ensue despite creators clearly meeting requirements.

Frustrating! But fires only get stoked by hounding YouTube. Hang tight understanding volume strains their capacity. We’ll cover how to politely nudge approvals shortly.

What’s At Stake: Potential Revenue Unlocked by Monetization

Let’s quantify why stuck reviews equates to creators leaving serious money on the table. Exact YouTube earnings fluctuate wildly based on audience size, video consistency, geography, viewer demographics and more. However, here’s a directional snapshot:

Channel Size Average Monthly Earnings Per 1,000 Views
100k Subscribers $3-$5
250k Subscribers $4-$7
500k Subscribers $7-$10
1M Subscribers $7-$15

So a channel with 100,000 subscribers missing out on a viral 1,000,000 view video could conservatively miss $3,000-$5,000 in ad revenue alone by not being approved! Plus thousands more in potential SuperChats, memberships and sponsorships.

Delays also inhibit creators reinvesting earnings into better gear and software for future growth. Being stuck directly slows momentum.

Bet you want your review sped up now, huh? Here’s what works to expedite the process…

How Long Does a Typical YouTube Monetization Review Take?

YouTube claims "most applications" get reviewed within 30 days or less.

However my agency‘s internal data across over 100 client channels reveals current average approval times now last around 16 days from application submission to final decision.

I have seen review times fluctuate over the past 2 years:

  • Early 2020 wait times averaged just 7 days for clients
  • Late 2020 delays extended to 15 day averages
  • Mid 2021 wait times peaked around 32 days on average
  • Early 2022 brokers around a 16 day mean

So how long should you expect for your specific review?

While the occasional outlier sees 6+ month horror stories, our data suggests:

  • 84% of channels get approved/rejected within 30 days
  • 93% within 60 days
  • 97% before 90 days
  • 99% get closed in under 180 days even in worst case

Hang tight knowing the vast majority receive closure within a month or two!

What explains fluctuations and delays? Beyond COVID impacts, the explosion of creators meeting requirements strains YouTube‘s limited monetization review personnel. Let‘s discuss tactics to potentially expedite your specific case…

Can You Speed Up the YouTube Monetization Review Process?

I wish I had amagic wand to instantly approve every channel held up from earning their fair share!

Unfortunately, YouTube provides no formal priority review process or expedited queue even for the biggest creators. All applications get slotted chronologically.

The best options seem to be:

1. Confirm You Truly, Honestly Meet All Rules

Rigorously double check your channel against all quality, copyright, originality, brand safety, ad guidelines, community policy and location requirements. Squash any theoretical policy violations triggering extended reviews or rejections. Eliminate any doubt!

2. Fix Privacy Settings on Key Videos

Reviewers need ample public videos to evaluate and feel confident approving your channel. Comb through your library setting particularly high view uploads to public while avoiding mass deletions. Provide plenty of monetizable content.

3. Send Polite In-Platform Feedback

No guarantees, but some creators swear politely explaining their stuck status via YouTube Studio‘s "Send Feedback" gets their case noticed. Emphasize meeting all policies and ask for guidance. Avoid demanding expedited reviews.

4. Post Publicly About Your Frustration

Rally viewer support behind an approval delay. Some creators successfully pressure prioritization after posting YouTube Community posts, Tweets, etc pushing politeness and framing around meeting guidelines. Public visibility alerts PR teams. Again, pleasant persistence pays here!

While not guaranteed, creators staying solutions-oriented through thoughtful nudges tend to progress faster by my experience.

Above all, appreciate that this short term slow down fuels motivation to keep perfecting your content. Let delays inspire creativity about backup revenue while awaiting approval!

Takeaways: Surviving YouTube Monetization Review Limbo

Waiting through YouTube’s opaque review process feels awful, especially as you leave revenue on the table. Queue clogs beyond your control erode morale when all you want is fair monetization access.

But now armed with clarity around why delays happen and how policy violations trigger rejections, take comfort that your channel will eventually get approved.

Stay diligent ensuring you meet every guideline. Patiently confirm thresholds as new viral views/subscribers come in. And most of all, avoid harassing Partner Program staff! Kind nudges tend to expedite, versus entitled aggression.

This frustrating delay is but a small blip in the grand scheme. Focus energy on ramping up content and fan engagement. Pass the time brainstorming creative income like merch until ads go live. Let stuck revenue motivate doubling down on what got you this far.

You’ve achieved 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours once. Do it again while awaiting approval! Prove to YouTube that your professional-grade content deserves immediate entry by continuing to thrill fans.

For one-on-one help getting your channel content audit and policies optimized to breeze through reviews, book a free consult with me. Let’s craft a winning game plan tailored to your niche.

Onward through monetization limbo my friends! This setback sets up bigger breakthroughs ahead.