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Is YouTube Really the Second Largest Search Engine?

I‘m sure you‘ve seen the rumors going around that YouTube has grown into the world‘s 2nd biggest search engine after Google. As someone who‘s worked in online privacy and security for over a decade, I‘ve been keeping tabs on the major players. And I have to tell you – when it comes to YouTube, things aren‘t exactly what they seem.

Let me explain…

There‘s no question that YouTube is massively popular. Over 2 billion monthly users can‘t be wrong! It‘s the 2nd most visited website globally after Google. So it‘s easy to assume YouTube must be the 2nd largest search engine.

But here‘s the catch – when determining search engine size, what matters isn‘t traffic but search queries. And by queries, YouTube lands in 3rd place.

YouTube‘s Actual Search Engine Status

Similarweb analyzed the market in 2022 and found:

  • Google – 91.17%
  • Yahoo – 2.95%
  • Bing – 2.90%

No YouTube in the top 3. What‘s going on?

Well, Google encapsulates various search properties:

  • Google Search – 68%
  • Google Images – 20%
  • YouTube – 3%

So while YouTube provides 3% of Google‘s total search queries, it ranks 3rd behind Google Search and Images in market share.

Surprised? I was too when I first found out! But that 3% still dwarfs even the mighty Bing.

Over the past 5 years, YouTube‘s search traffic has grown over 35%. Compare that to Bing‘s stagnant numbers.

Search Engine 2017 Share 2022 Share
Google 89.24% 91.17%
YouTube 2.19% 3%
Yahoo 6.29% 2.95%
Bing 2.53% 2.90%

And experts project robust growth ahead. As Google continues to integrate YouTube across its products, queries could reach 4-5% by 2025.

So while "2nd largest search engine" isn‘t accurate, YouTube clearly packs immense influence.

The Categories Fueling YouTube‘s Rise

YouTube built its early fame on music – and that category still leads the pack. Combined with YouTube Music, the platform accounts for over half of all music streaming!

After music comes gaming content and digital entertainment. With Gen Z and Millennials watching more videos online, these verticals drive increasing demand.

But the surprise 2nd fastest growing category?…Children‘s content!

As the next generation comes online earlier than ever through smartphones and tablets, YouTube works overtime to serve this demographic.

Top YouTube Categories Growth Rate
Music 23%
Kids Entertainment 18%
Gaming 16%
Film & TV 13%
Education 12%

And while the young dominate usage, YouTube appeals to all ages:

Age Group % of YouTube Users
13-17 years 32%
18-34 years 28%
35-54 years 25%
55+ years 15%

Given YouTube‘s widespread appeal and increased search utility, its undeniable power should make sense by now.

Inside YouTube‘s Deepening Integration With Google Search

Google actively converts YouTube from a standalone video hub into a core search tool.

Notice how Google Search now displays video carousels? You browse text results – then without leaving the page, Google surfaces relevant YouTube videos to browse at your fingertips.

When especially confident in a video‘s value, Google promotes it inside an Answer Box at the top – above all text results.

No need to open a separate YouTube tab – just watch the video to get your answer immediately!

Optimization best practices based on my analytics experience for earning these prime placements:

  • Keyword-optimize titles and descriptions
  • Structure content appropriately
  • Write clear, compelling titles/descriptions
  • Add captions
  • Rank in the Google top 20

Curiously, you need not rank #1 on YouTube itself to qualify. As long as you check other boxes like mobile-readiness, you‘ve a good chance.

With Google blending YouTube across search to best match user intent, SEO becomes pivotal even if you don‘t top YouTube results.

Why YouTube SEO Matters More Than Ever

Given YouTube‘s integration into Google Search, properly optimizing your video content drives visibility beyond just YouTube rankings.

Strong YouTube SEO means higher visibility both across YouTube and Google results. More discoverability means more viewership and sharing – compounding your organic growth over time.

And with Google and YouTube linking themselves closer by the year, prioritizing SEO now supercharges your future rankings.

Efforts today set you up for long-term wins. If my years in this industry have taught me anything, standing still means falling behind.

My friend Matt from MarketingPro puts it best:

"YouTube has evolved beyond a simple video platform. It‘s maturing into something greater – a search and discovery juggernaut fueling its parent company. With Google leveraging YouTube to improve searcher satisfaction, SEO is no longer optional but essential, regardless of your niche."

So even if you don‘t top YouTube itself, strong optimization positions you in front of theRIGHT eyes on YouTube…and Google Search.

The Bottom Line

While YouTube isn‘t technically the "2nd biggest search engine", it provides 3% of Google‘s total search queries – dwarfing competitors besides Google Search & Images.

More importantly, sway over various ranking factors gives you increased visibility on BOTH platforms. And that visibility compounds if leveraged properly.

Between music, entertainment, gaming, kids content and beyond, YouTube sits poised for explosive growth. I‘ll be riding that wave with finely tuned SEO – will you?

I hope this insider perspective helps explain why YouTube must be central to search marketing strategies despite some misconceptions. Now you‘ve got the facts to make informed decisions!