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How to Do Your Weight in Gold in WoW Dragonflight

The highly anticipated World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion has finally arrived, introducing players to the mysterious Dragon Isles and continuing the adventures in Azeroth. One of the exciting new features is the addition of hidden puzzles and secrets scattered across the land for explorers to uncover.

One such secret is the "Your Weight in Gold" puzzle located deep within Zaralez Caverns in the Forbidden Reach zone. Solving this puzzle rewards you with some sweet loot, making it worth the effort to uncover. As a WoW expert and guide writer with over 10 years of in-game experience, I‘m going to walk you through how to complete this secret puzzle step-by-step.

Overview of the Your Weight in Gold Puzzle

The Your Weight in Gold puzzle is found inside Zaralez Caverns, which is initially blocked off by a cave-in. To access it, you must first complete the nearby Brand New Digs quest chain to clear the rubble and open the cavern. This quest chain starts from an Explorer‘s League member named Brann Bronzebeard at the Songspine Enclave.

Inside the cavern, you‘ll find a large sealed stone door that is locked by four ancient titan pressure plates spread around the room. Activating all four pressure plates simultaneously will open the door, allowing you to loot the Bag of Secrets contained within.

The catch is that the plates cannot be activated directly. You must drop heavy piles of gold coins onto them instead. This is where the "your weight in gold" part comes into play! Dropping exactly 1000g worth of coins on each plate will trigger them.

According to explorer Brann Bronzebeard, the titan plates seem to respond to offerings of gold, likely as a test of greed versus dedication. The titans valued acquisition of knowledge over material wealth.

Step 1: Speak to Myrrit to Gain Burrow Ability

After making your way into Zaralez Caverns through the now cleared cave-in, you‘ll find a friendly mole named Myrrit scurrying about near the rubble. Myrrit offers to teach you his Burrow ability in exchange for helping clear the cave-in.

Speak to Myrrit and after a short conversation, he will grant you the Burrow ability, allowing you to tunnel underground. This burrow ability is essential to completing the puzzle, so make sure to talk to Myrrit first before attempting the pressure plates!

![Speak to Myrrit to gain Burrow ability](myrrit.jpg)

Speak to Myrrit at the cave-in to gain the Burrow ability.

Step 2: Locate Buried Gold Piles with Dig Spots

With Burrow now added to your abilities list, your next step is to locate spots around the cavern marked with a digging cursor.

These areas are points where you can burrow underground and trigger a special Dig ability. Using Dig at these locations will summon a rare elite mob called Buried Wealth.

There are four Dig spots around the cavern, usually found near piles of unearthed gold coins along the walls. Run around while burrowed to find them all. They give off a glittering golden gleam when moused over.

![Dig spot locations](dig-locations.jpg)

Four Dig spots are found around the cavern near gold piles.

Step 3: Defeat Buried Wealth Mobs on the Plates

Go to one of the Dig spots you located and use the Dig ability to spawn the rare elite mob Buried Wealth. This mob has approximately 5 million HP. Quickly run to the nearby pressure plate once summoned.

When Buried Wealth reaches the plate, it will begin channeling a 10 second Coin Sweep ability. Let it complete the channel to drop a pile of exactly 1000g worth of gold coins onto the pressure plate, activating it.

Buried Wealth only spawns once per Dig spot, so repeat this process at all four spots to activate the plates simultaneously. The sealed stone door will then rumble open!

![Lead Buried Wealth onto plates](lead-to-plate.jpg)

Defeat the Buried Wealth mobs on the plates to drop 1000g gold piles, activating them.

Step 4: Loot the Bag of Secrets

With all four ancient pressure plates activated by the weight of 1000g gold offerings, the massive sealed door will finally open. Inside you‘ll find a clickable object called the Bag of Secrets resting on a pedestal. Looting this bag will complete the puzzle.

The Bag of Secrets contains a quest item called the Ouroboros Tablet which starts the next quest Chain of Domination, eventually leading to the meta-achievement Price of Power. Completing this chain awards epic gear!

![Open the sealed door](open-door.jpg)

The activated plates open the sealed door allowing you to loot the Bag of Secrets.

Tips for the Your Weight in Gold Puzzle

Here are some tips to make completing this elaborate hidden puzzle smoother:

  • Clear the cavern before starting the puzzle to avoid fighting mobs during it. Buried Wealth hits hard!

  • Use raid markers on the Dig spots and plates to make them easier to locate again. It‘s easy to get turned around underground.

  • If you fail to activate a plate in time, you can respawn Buried Wealth by digging at that spot again.

  • You don‘t have to activate the plates all at once, but doing so makes the door open faster. Coordinate the order!

  • Burrow runs out its 30 second duration quickly, so re-speak to Myrrit periodically to refresh it.

  • Plate activation is on a short lockout. If you fail, wait at least 60 seconds before reattempting.

  • If you die, resurrect quickly to keep plates activated. They reset after 20 seconds.

With these tips in mind, you should have no trouble excavating through the Your Weight in Gold puzzle. It‘s definitely one of the more creative and rewarding hidden secrets added in Dragonflight.

Why Complete This Puzzle?

Solving complex puzzles like this requires dedication, but what rewards make it worth the effort? Here are some of the great loot you‘ll gain:

Ouroboros Tablet – This rare artifact starts the multi-part Chain of Domination quest chain eventually awarding the Price of Power meta-achievement. Finishing it earns you the Dominance‘s Reach mount!

Crucible Gear Set – Completing the chain rewards pieces of the Crucible transmog armor set including bracers, belt, boots, and more. Perfect for filling out your wardrobe.

Legionfall Reputation – Each quest in the chain gives 250 reputation with the esteemed Legionfall faction. At Exalted, you can purchase special tabards.

Pile of Gold – The piles dropped on the plates amount to 4000g total earned from this puzzle! A nice little bonus.

Satisfaction – Few things feel more satisfying than finally solving a long complex puzzle after much effort. The sense of accomplishment is worth it!

The time invested to dig up the secrets of the Weight in Gold puzzle is well worth it considering the epic loot and rewards you‘ll unearth. It‘s a fun solo challenge or group project.

Final Tips for Dragonflight Puzzles and Secrets

The Your Weight in Gold puzzle is just one of over a dozen hidden secrets and challenges scattered across the Dragon Isles for explorers to discover. Here are some final tips for unraveling these intricate puzzles:

  • Read quest text and dialogue closely for subtle clues on how to proceed or where to look next. The answers are often hinted at in the descriptions.

  • Explore every nook and cranny, especially off the main path. Searching those hard to reach places can reveal hidden switches, treasure chests, and items integral to puzzles.

  • Pay close attention to your environment and surroundings. Things like symbols, rock formations, plants, celestial alignments, and more can provide clues.

  • Try manipulating the environment. Light braziers, ring bells, place items on pedestals, anything can trigger a reaction.

  • Don‘t be afraid to think outside the box. The puzzles intentionally require lateral thinking and unconventional approaches.

  • Enlist help from friends or form a party! More bodies and minds working together can greatly speed up solving convoluted puzzles.

  • Check online fan communities for hints if you get stuck. But avoid full solutions to get the full sense of discovery!

  • Most importantly, have fun and be patient! These puzzles intentionally take time and effort to decipher. The payoff is immensely satisfying.

Put your thinking cap on, be observant of details, and have a spirit of adventure when exploring the Dragon Isles. The mysterious puzzles await! Let me know if you need any other WoW Dragonflight guides or have questions about unlocking secrets. I‘m happy to help fellow explorers unravel all of the expansion‘s mysteries. Just dig in!