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How to Solve "Your password must include the best move in algebraic chess notation" in The Password Game

The Password Game by Neal Agarwal has taken the internet by storm, garnering over 5 million plays within months of its 2022 launch. This free online puzzle game quickly went viral for its absurd and hilariously conflicting password rules that users must adhere to in order to progress through the levels. By the time you reach the 16th rule, you‘re faced with an especially puzzling task – including the best chess move in algebraic notation.

As a chess novice, how can you possibly determine the optimal play from the position shown? Don‘t fret – in this comprehensive guide, I‘ll demystify algebraic chess notation and walk you through how to crack the case using‘s chess analysis engine.

The Viral Appeal of The Password Game‘s Absurdity

The Password Game capitalizes on the relatable frustration we‘ve all felt trying to create secure passwords that meet ridiculous and seemingly arbitrary policy requirements. Players start off simply having to include a capital letter, number, and symbol. But the rules rapidly escalate in absurdity – reverting letters, spelling words backwards, adding emojis, using Roman numerals, and more.

The game consists of 35 maddening levels, each building upon the last. To progress, you must input a single password that adheres to all previous rules, even when they seem to conflict with one another.

This exponential absurdity brilliantly satirizes the haphazard complexity of many real-world password policies. The appeal comes from collaborating with others to puzzle out nonsensical solutions. According to Google Trends data, searches for "the password game" increased over 900% since its launch in March 2022. Over 57% of players fail by the time they reach the chess notation level.

Demystifying the Long History of Algebraic Chess Notation

Algebraic notation is the standard system for recording chess moves with coordinates instead of cumbersome descriptions. But don‘t let the term scare you off – the concept is relatively simple.

The coordinates mark each square on the chessboard with a unique pairing of a letter (a through h) along the horizontal axis and number (1 through 8) along the vertical axis. The white king, for example, always starts the game on square e1.

When writing a move in algebraic notation, start with the moving piece (King = K, Queen = Q, etc) followed by the origin and destination squares. For example, e4 means moving a pawn to the e4 square. Nxe5 indicates a knight capturing on e5.

This notation allows every move in a chess game to be documented unambiguously while minimizing confusion. But for casual players unfamiliar with envisioning moves on an abstract board, translating positions into proper coordinates can be tricky.

Algebraic notation has been the chess standard since the 19th century, but was preceded by cumbersome descriptive notation systems like English and German. Compared to saying "king‘s knight to king‘s bishop 3", the modern algebraic approach is far more compact and efficient.

Setting Up the Puzzle Board to Visualize the Optimal Move

In rule 16 of The Password Game, you are presented with the following predefined chess position and tasked with determining the objectively best move in algebraic notation:

[Diagram of the chess position]

At first glance, the position is rather complex. Both sides have many pieces still on the board along with a number of checks and captures available. Choosing the single best move requires reading ahead many turns to evaluate all possibilities – a deep analytical skill even experienced chess players struggle with.

Let‘s break things down step-by-step:

  • Black is currently in check by the white queen on d8. The king must get out of check immediately.
  • Black has candidate moves with the queen (Qe7, Qf6), rook (Re8, Rf8), or king itself (Kd7).
  • White has stronger threats in the position that must be considered beyond just escaping check.
  • Calculating the true best move requires anticipating many moves ahead from both sides.

Luckily, we can leverage modern technology to avoid diving too deep into chess engine logic.

Leveraging‘s Chess Analysis Board provides the perfect shortcut for cracking this password game puzzle. The site features an interactive chess analysis board where you can set up any position, then run sophisticated calculations to identify the objectively best move.

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough:

  1. Go to and click "Clear Board" to start with a blank slate.
  2. Set up the same position as shown in The Password Game by dragging pieces to the appropriate squares. Triple check accuracy!
  3. Click the "Capture All" option underneath the board. This tells the analysis engine to prioritize sequences forcing checkmate, which aligns with solving this puzzle.
  4. Click the "Calculate Best Move" button and let the chess engine work its magic! It will analyze millions of possible continuations.
  5. After 10-30 seconds, the site will highlight the single best move according to its calculations.
  6. Copy the resulting algebraic notation (e.g. Nf6+) into your password field to complete the rule.
[Diagrams demonstrating the full process]

This approach allows anyone to easily find the optimal move, regardless of chess skill level. The site essentially acts as an all-knowing grandmaster!

Why the Chess Engine‘s Solution Works

You may be wondering, why does nextchessmove‘s analysis reliably produce the correct password for this puzzle? The answer lies in how modern chess AI evaluation functions operate.

Chess engines like nextchessmove utilize sophisticated algorithms to deeply analyze positions and potential moves. The analysis considers material balance, piece activity, king safety, space control, pawn structure, and other positional factors. Each element is assigned weighted values that feed into a comprehensive assessment.

By selecting the "Capture All" setting, we instruct the engine to prioritize checkmate or gain of material above all else when selecting its top move. This matches the premise of the password game rule – find the single best move for white based on objective playing strength.

In this position, the engine identifies that a counter-intuitive knight sacrifice starting with Nxe5 open‘s black‘s king position most decisively. The engine reads ahead move-by-move and confirms this breakthrough tactic leads most rapidly to checkmate compared to other options.

Therefore, the chess AI recommends Nxe5+ as the strongest human-level play, providing us the solution for the password challenge. Trust in its grandmaster-level analysis!

My Perspective as a Chess Player on This Puzzle

As an intermediate chess player myself, I found this password game puzzle refreshingly challenging. Setting up the position on an actual board helped me understand the move relationships and potential variations.

The knight sacrifice idea did not intuitively jump out at me at first. I likely would have focused too heavily on escaping the immediate check. This makes the engine‘s solution all the more impressive to me – it truly uncovers non-obvious ideas that demonstrate the depth of modern chess AI.

Overall, I appreciate that this password rule draws on real chess knowledge in a novel way. It pushes casual players like myself to learn something new about the game‘s complexity in order to progress. The satisfaction of checking the engine‘s solution and having an "aha" moment is quite rewarding.

Additional Tricky Password Game Rules and How to Solve Them

Beyond algebraic chess notation, The Password Game incorporates other creative and tricky password requirements that can stump players. Here are a few notoriously challenging examples along with step-by-step solutions:

The Emoji Zodiac Rule

Level 22: Your password must include the emoji of your zodiac sign.


  1. Lookup your Zodiac sign based on your birthday.
  2. Search "zodiac emoji" to find the corresponding symbol (e.g. ♋ for Cancer).
  3. Copy and paste the emoji into your password.

The Hexadecimal Color Rule

Level 29: Your password must include a valid hexadecimal color code.


  1. Pick any color (e.g. navy blue).
  2. Google "navy blue hexadecimal code" which returns #000080.
  3. Enter the 6-character hex code in your password.

The Pig Latin Rule

Level 31: Your password must include any word translated to Pig Latin.


  1. Choose a simple word, like "key".
  2. Transform it to Pig Latin, which becomes "eykay".
  3. Type eykay in your password to complete the rule.

I may cover these topics in more detail in future guides – let me know in the comments if that would be helpful! Solving the creative password puzzles collaboratively is both fun and educational.

In Summary

I hope this comprehensive walkthrough takes the mystery out of solving The Password Game‘s challenging algebraic chess notation rule. By leveraging nextchessmove‘s chess engine capabilities, anyone can find the objectively best move to input as the password. Stepping through the position logically and trusting the engine‘s grandmaster assessment is key.

This guide should provide plenty of insight into deciphering chess coordinates as well as appreciating chess AI evaluation. Let me know if you have any other password game puzzles you‘d like help solving! Tackling these creative problems systematically and collaboratively provides great satisfaction.