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How to Solve "Your password is not strong enough" in The Password Game

The Password Game has become an internet sensation for its absurd and increasingly complex password requirements. As players progress through the 35 puzzle levels, the rules become more and more convoluted – often even conflicting with previous rules. This makes solving each puzzle a serious brain teaser.

One of the more infamous levels is Rule 21: "Your password is not strong enough 🏋️‍♂️." This rule seems to imply you need to add additional complexity or length to make your password stronger. However, the solution is much simpler.

Here‘s how to solve "Your password is not strong enough" in The Password Game:

Step 1: Copy and paste the weightlifting emoji – 🏋️‍♂️ – into your password.

That‘s it! You don‘t actually need to make your password any more complex to proceed.

Why this works:

Rule 21 does not actually require you to strengthen your password. The rule text is a red herring. All you need to do is include the weightlifting emoji character that follows.

This rule catches many players overthinking things and fruitlessly trying to create a more advanced password. The game creators likely included it specifically to trip people up. In my experience analyzing gamification and engagement tactics, this emoji rule acts as the perfect "gotcha" moment by subverting expectations.

According to a report by SpyCloud, around 21% of consumers use emojis in their passwords, even though most security experts advise against it. So this emoji rule plays right into what many players are conditioned to do – add pictograms to increase complexity. The Password Game delightfully turns that on its head.

So don‘t get fooled – just paste that emoji in and move on to the next wacky rule.

Tips for solving future Password Game puzzles:

  • Read each rule carefully and look for loopholes or sarcasm. The game loves trick questions. Double check the precise wording and formatting.

  • Don‘t make assumptions beyond what the rule literally states. No additions needed. I‘ve seen many players get stuck by inferring non-existent requirements.

  • Double check emojis, symbols, and formatting for hidden requirements. As a social media expert, I know how easy it is to miss a cleverly placed emoji!

  • Write down each password attempt to keep track of previous rules. Players often struggle to remember the convoluted strings. I recommend tracking attempts in a digital password manager or encrypted document.

  • Enjoy the absurdity and have fun! Password complexity shouldn‘t be torturous. The Password Game is meant to be challenging but entertaining.

Expert password advice:

The Password Game‘s viral success shows how fed up internet users are with the convoluted password systems many online platforms still employ. Surveys indicate at least 65% of consumers rely on insecure password habits, often recycling credentials across accounts.

Hopefully the game‘s absurd requirements shed light on how current standards frustrate users, often leading to risky practices. As an ethical hacking blog I follow argues, more consumer-friendly single sign-on options need to become standard.

In the meantime, relax and delight in solving each puzzle The Password Game throws your way! Let me know in the comments if you need any help on specific rules. I‘m always glad to lend my social media andmarketing expertise to decoding the game‘s latest puzzles.