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Fixing Instagram‘s "Your Account Was Compromised" Message

Have you ever received an alarming notification from Instagram stating "It looks like you shared your password with a service to help you get more likes or followers"? As an industry expert on social media privacy and security, I‘ve helped countless users faced with this "Your Account Was Compromised" message understand what it means and how to properly address it.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you step-by-step through why Instagram sends this warning, how to fix it, and best practices to keep your account safe going forward.

Why Instagram Sends the "Compromised Account" Warning

In recent years, Instagram has cracked down on any behavior deemed inauthentic or that violates Terms of Service (TOS). This includes using third-party automation services and bots that promise fake likes, comments, followers and engagement.

As I‘ve written about extensively, these shady businesses have exploded in popularity by exploiting people‘s desires for vanity metrics like follower counts. However, they put accounts at great risk.

Here are key statistics all Instagram users should know:

  • 300,000: Fake accounts deleted daily from Facebook/Instagram (Source)
  • $650 million: Estimated losses from social media scams in 2022 (Source)
  • 15 million: Number of compromised Facebook accounts for sale on hacking forums (Source)

This landscape means Instagram must be extremely vigilant against bots and hacking activity. Any sudden spike in followers, likes or comments can trigger automated detection tools. Even if you never personally used these services, associating with the wrong accounts gets you flagged.

Instagram‘s goal here is admirable if heavy handed – fostering an authentic, secure environment free of harassment and fraud. Compromised accounts can enable serious cybercrimes like financial fraud or identity theft down the road.

So how do you fix the problem?

Resolving Instagram‘s "Account Compromised" Message

If you receive an account compromised notice, first take a deep breath. The good news is this issue is fixable by taking a few simple actions. Here‘s my expert 4-step process:

Step 1: Reset Your Password

Reset your Instagram password immediately. This removes any unauthorized third-party automation apps linked to your account.

To change your password:

  1. Tap Forgot password on the Instagram login screen
  2. Enter your username or connected email
  3. Click the password reset link sent to your email
  4. Create a new, unique password

Choose a complex password you don‘t use on other sites. Enabling two-factor authentication provides another layer of account security as well.

Step 2: Remove Connected Third-Party Apps

Next, audit and remove any suspicious or unfamiliar third-party apps connected in your Instagram account settings:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the menu icon
  2. Choose Settings > Security > Apps and Websites
  3. Revoke access permissions on unused apps

Deleting shady automation and engagement services is wise. Think twice before reconnecting them later – doing so often triggers the warning message again.

Step 3: Lay Low on Activity

Sometimes increased activity itself flags Instagram‘s systems, even without third-party apps. For example, liking thousands of posts an hour, following/unfollowing hundreds of accounts a day or using particular hashtags rapidly.

I advise users facing an account compromised notice to cool engagement for a few days until the spam radar clears. Focus solely on meaningful interactions with real accounts you want to connect with. Quality over quantity prevents problems.

Step 4: Link Your Facebook Account

As Instagram is owned by Meta, linking your Facebook account can verify your identity with a second credential.

To link:

  1. Go to Settings > Accounts Center
  2. Tap "Set Up Account Center" and enter Facebook login
  3. Select "Yes" to confirm

This signals Instagram you‘re a real person not a bot, resolving some compromised account errors.

Long-Term: Grow Your Instagram Organically

While the above steps fix immediate account compromised issues, there‘s no long-term growth shortcut around authentic, organic engagement. As an industry thought leader on social media ethics and security, I cannot advise otherwise in good faith.

Prioritize creativity, community and collaboration – this wins loyal followers who care about your brand, not vanity metrics. Consider working with a social media manager to assist with engagement strategies centered on your niche.

Here are my top organic growth tips:

Post Consistently: Establish a regular content schedule optimized for your audience and stick to it.

Engage Thoughtfully: Comment on relevant posts from those you want to connect with. Avoid mass spamming activity.

Analyze Performance: Use Instagram Insights to determine what content resonates then make more of it!

Promote Smartly: Leverage owned channels and run occasional ads to widen reach.

Track Growth Over Time: Define success by the quality of followers and engagement, not vanity metrics.

Sustainable Instagram growth demands time and strategic effort. But the lasting benefits for your personal brand are invaluable.

Emerging Social Media Cyberthreats to Watch

While automation services pose the most common Instagram account compromise threat currently, new social media cyberrisks emerge constantly. As a cybersecurity professional, I monitor these trends closely to best advise clients.

Phishing remains rampant across social platforms like Instagram. This is when hackers send convincingly real emails or DMs asking users to click dangerous links or reveal login credentials. Stay vigilant for subtle red flags.

Social media fraud tatics are also growing more sophisticated, with real profiles, posts and followers built up over months before shifting to scamming. Most aim to divert "followers" off platform to fake crypto or investment schemes.

And compromised accounts themselves have value on black markets, with pricing tiered based on metrics like followers and engagement rate. Criminals utilize taken over profiles for spreading malware, ad fraud and other illegal activity.

The cyberthreat landscape will only continue evolving. By following security best practices, urging vigilance around red flags and encouraging media literacy, we make the ecosystem safer amid this reality.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this guide brought you up to speed on why Instagram delivers "your account was compromised" warnings and how to properly fix them. While unsettling, this notice can serve as a teaching moment for improving social media security and growth habits going forward.

The key takeaways I want you remembering are:

  • Reset passwords frequently and enable two-factor authentication
  • Routinely audit connected apps under settings
  • Focus on authentic engagement and connection building
  • Link Instagram to Facebook for added identity verification
  • Grow your account strategically based on organic marketing principles

By avoiding shady automation tactics in favor of creativity-fueled growth, you builds an Instagram presence that resonates far deeper with human audiences. That is true influence – and success.

Have any other questions on resolving your compromised account? Let‘s discuss in the comments!