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How to Fix “You can’t message this account unless they follow you” on Instagram

Seeing the error “You can’t message this account unless they follow you” when trying to direct message someone on Instagram can be confusing and frustrating. But don’t worry – in most cases, it’s an easy fix.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into why you get this message, how to resolve it from both the sender and recipient side, tips for connecting with non-followers, and some best practices around messaging on Instagram.

Why You Get This Error Message

Messaging works differently on Instagram compared to other social platforms. By default, anyone can send you an Instagram direct message (DM), even if they don’t follow you and you don’t follow them back. This open messaging system allows for more organic connections.

However, Instagram does give users the option to restrict who can message them:

Under “Privacy settings,” you can toggle “Receive Message Requests” on or off. If someone has disabled message requests, they won’t receive messages from non-followers.

When you try to message them, you’ll get the notification that they must follow you back first. Essentially, the recipient has their messaging settings locked down for privacy reasons or to reduce unwanted messages.

According to a 2022 study, over 30% of Instagram users disable message requests from people they don‘t follow, so it‘s a common occurrence. While this can be frustrating as a sender, there are ways to work around it respectfully.

How to Fix “You Can’t Message This Account Unless They Follow You”

To message someone who has message requests turned off, the recipient needs to change their settings and enable requests again. Here’s how:

Step 1: Allow Followers to Message You

  1. Go to your Instagram profile by tapping your profile picture
  2. Tap the 3-line menu icon and select “Settings”
  3. Choose “Privacy” > “Messages”
  4. Under “Your followers on Instagram”, switch “Receive Message Requests” on

Instagram Privacy Settings

This will now let your existing followers send you DMs. With message requests enabled, you‘ll get a notification when you receive a new request. I recommend turning on push notifications for "Messages" so you never miss one!

Step 2: Allow Anyone on Instagram to Message You

  1. From your profile, go back to “Settings”
  2. Tap “Privacy” > “Messages”
  3. Under “Others on Instagram”, switch “Receive Message Requests” on

Instagram Message Requests

With this enabled, even people who don‘t follow you can message you. Their messages will show up as requests that you can review and choose to approve or ignore.

That’s all it takes! Once the recipient has enabled messaging for followers and/or others, you’ll be able to send them a DM successfully.

How to Message Non-Followers on Instagram

If someone hasn’t yet changed their settings to accept messages from non-followers, there are a few options:

  • Wait patiently for them to adjust their settings. Don‘t barrage them with follow requests or messages. They likely have restrictions enabled for a reason. Check back in a week or two, and try messaging them again later.

  • Comment on their posts to get their attention. Write something like, “Great post! I tried to DM you but couldn’t – please enable messaging so we can chat!” This politely grabs their notice and they may update their settings.

  • Send them a message request if it‘s a public account. Go to their profile, tap the three dots, and select “Send Message.” They’ll receive your request and can choose to approve it.

  • Follow them. Once you’re a follower, you may be able to message them based on their exact privacy settings.

  • Interact with their Stories. Liking and commenting on their Stories establishes a connection and raises awareness of your interest in communicating further.

  • Build an organic relationship first. Messaging random accounts out of the blue is often ineffective. Take the time to engage with their content and build a real rapport.

The key is to be patient and avoid spamming others with unwanted messages or follow requests. Make use of Instagram‘s features to gradually create a relationship. With a few simple tweaks to their settings, you can open up communication channels and prevent that pesky “You can’t message this account” error for good!