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How to Fix “You are being rate limited” on Discord

Joining your favorite Discord servers and chatting with friends can be a blast. That is, until you see the dreaded “You are being rate limited” message pop up suddenly, preventing you from sending messages or accessing parts of Discord.

Getting rate limited can be bewildering and frustrating. Why is Discord blocking you for no reason, and how long will it last?

Don’t worry – I’ll explain what’s going on and guide you through quickly fixing rate limiting issues so you can get back to your uninterrupted Discord fun. By the end, you’ll be a rate limiting expert!

What Triggers "You are Being Rate Limited" on Discord?

Before diving into solutions, it helps to understand what causes Discord to rate limit users in the first place.

The “you are being rate limited” notification is triggered when Discord’s systems detect you are performing certain actions excessively and in quick succession.

Some examples of activity that may lead to rate limiting include:

  • Sending a high volume of messages in a short window
  • Posting the same message repeatedly
  • Adding a lot of reactions to messages in a matter of seconds
  • @mentioning too frequently, especially with @everyone/@here
  • Making an excessive number of friend requests
  • Uploading a ton of images at the same time

Essentially, any usage deemed as abuse or spam risks being picked up by Discord’s automated protections and restricted by the rate limiter.

Why Does Discord Rate Limit Users?

Rate limiting serves an important purpose – to prevent server overloading and disruption of the platform.

Discord processes an incredible 4 billion messages per week sent by its 140 million monthly active users. Keeping pace at that scale requires carefully safeguarding API limits and managing traffic spikes.

By rate limiting accounts demonstrating suspicious behavior, Discord ensures reliable performance and access for everyone. No user should be allowed to detract from the experience through overload spamming or automation.

Think of it like waiting in line at a busy store. The rate limits make sure no one hogs all the clerk attention or cuts in front repeatedly. Some patience now means better service for all!

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Discord Rate Limiting

Now that you know what causes those annoying rate limiting messages, let’s get into the solutions to make them disappear and restore your Discord access.

Wait 15 Minutes

The most straightforward fix is simply waiting out the rate limit timer. According to Discord’s support site, initial rate limiting periods typically last 10 to 15 minutes.

I know, it’s boring to sit and stare at Discord without being able to chat or interact. But avoiding further potentially rule-breaking actions is wise during this cooldown time. Discord is just trying to calm things down and ensure the next action isn’t disruptive.

Think of the rate limit break as a walk around the block or opportunity to grab a snack. Set a timer on your phone and try accessing Discord again once 15 minutes has passed. For most users, the rate message goes away after the first time limit.

Switch to an Alternate Discord Account

If you have another Discord account, try logging into that one instead to bypass the rate limit.

Rate limiting in Discord is applied on the account level, not based on your IP address or device. Therefore, swapping to an alt account often resolves rate limiting, with no waiting required.

Just be sure to not repeat whatever behavior triggered the rate limit to begin with from that other account. Discord monitors all of your accounts as a single user, so further issues could prompt expanded rate limiting.

This workaround is especially handy for streamers or avid Discord users with multiple accounts. Switching keeps you chatting without downtime.

Reset Your IP Address

As mentioned, Discord’s rate limiting system is account-based. But resetting your device’s public IP address can sometimes help bypass a rate limit.

On mobile data, turn on Airplane mode for a minute or restart your phone to get assigned a new IP. If on WiFi, disconnect and reconnect the internet or reset your router.

Using a VPN or proxy service like NordVPN also changes your public IP, which can trick Discord into thinking you’re a new user and lifting the rate limit prematurely.

This method doesn’t work 100% of the time, but it’s worth trying when faced with an urgent rate limit. Just reconnect and test if you can access Discord normally.

Use Discord in a Web Browser

Here’s another clever workaround – use the Discord website in a browser instead of the desktop or mobile app.

Open an incognito/private browsing window and navigate to Log into your account there. The web version may not recognize your rate limited status from the app.

Similarly, try accessing Discord from a different web browser like Firefox if Chrome blocked you. Browsers maintain separate app data that could override the restrictions.

Leveraging the browser-based Discord interface essentially gives you a clean slate and new path to avoid rate limits. The more options, the better!

Contact Discord Support

If you’ve tried waiting, switching accounts/devices, changing IPs, and using web browsers with no success, it’s time to reach out to Discord’s support team.

Visit Discord’s support site and select “Report a Problem” then “Something Else”. Thoroughly explain your rate limiting situation and troubleshooting attempts.

Discord staff can manually review your account and recent activity logs to determine if additional restrictions are warranted or can be lifted. Be patient and polite in your request!

In my experience managing social media for clients, most platforms are receptive to user requests if communicated professionally. Make your case and see if they can help unblock you faster.

Prevent Future Rate Limiting

Once your Discord access has been restored, it’s wise to take steps to avoid getting rate limited again in the future:

  • Avoid spamming: No repeatedly posting the same message, randomly @ mentioning, or reacting to every single message. Discord will flag excessive actions.

  • Pace yourself: Take breaks between batches of messages or uploads. Don‘t try to chat or share non-stop. Give Discord‘s systems time to breathe.

  • Review API guidelines: If you are developing a Discord bot or integration, ensure your implementation aligns with Discord‘s published standards.

  • Use common sense: Ask yourself if an action could be considered disruptive spam or abuse before doing it. Some activities like mass friend requests are always risky.

  • Contact support: Don‘t hesitate to reach out to Discord again if you feel another rate limit was inaccurate or lasts too long. But be sure to avoid further potentially rule-breaking actions.

Staying mindful of how your behavior impacts others is the key to avoiding further run-ins with the rate limiter!

How Long Do Discord Rate Limits Last?

Discord rate limits don’t adhere to a single standard duration. Some common timeframes include:

  • 10-15 minutes: The most common initial period for casually excessive actions like messaging too quickly.

  • 1 hour: If your activity triggered an extreme number of Discord API calls, the limit may remain for a full hour before lifting automatically.

  • 12 hours: In very rare cases, continually straining the API through a bot or automation tool could prompt a 12-hour limit. This gives Discord infrastructure an extended break.

  • Indefinite: If Discord has flagged your account for severe misuse like self-botting or spamming servers, the rate limit may have no set end time. You‘ll need to contact Discord support and promise improved behavior to regain access.

The takeaway is that taking steps to avoid straining Discord’s systems keeps limits short. Intentional API misuse risks escalating restrictions, sometimes account suspensions if issues continue. Play nice!

Fix Discord Rate Limiting: Recap and Key Takeaways

Dealing with rate limiting in Discord can be annoying, but a little patience and clever troubleshooting gets you back up and running in no time.

To recap how to fix “You are being rate limited” errors:

  • Wait it out for 10-15 minutes in most cases for the limit to lift automatically. No need to panic!

  • Use alternate accounts or reset your IP as shortcuts to get a clean slate if waiting is not ideal.

  • Access Discord through a browser instead of the app to bypass app-level restrictions.

  • Avoid spam and overuse of the API. Discord rate limits protect the platform and community.

  • Contact support for extended limits or if you feel wrongly restricted. The team can investigate.

With the right approach, Discord rate limits are just a minor blip in your otherwise smooth enjoyment of the many Discord servers and friends that make the platform awesome. Happy chatting!