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21 Fun & Hilarious “Would You Rather” Templates for Instagram Stories

Would You Rather questions invite some epic debates—just one reason they’ve exploded in popularity on Instagram Stories lately.

We’ve all seen those viral posts asking things like:

Would you rather have tastebuds on your butt or have to loudly fart glitter? 😂

And I don’t know about you, but I have strong opinions on that topic that need to be heard!

It’s no wonder 64% of Instagram users say posting Stories makes them feel “more connected with my followers.” The interactive, visual nature allows you to give followers a hilarious peek into your personality.

So today, let’s explore the captivating world of Would You Rather on Instagram Stories…

Why “Would You Rather” Goes Viral

Before we dive into the templates, let’s break down why this simple game has become an Instagram obsession:

1. It reveals surprising truths about people

The outrageous scenarios force you to think fast and get honest. Followers discover quirks you’d usually hide. Like your willingness to have spaghetti hair forever if it meant unlimited breadsticks…I said what I said! 🤷‍♀️

2. The controversy creates engagement

Debating questions like “Would you rather battle one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?” drives banter in the comments. Who can resist arguing over the best choice?

Questions with shock value also boost visibility when people re-share their reactions in disbelief.

3. Story stickers encourage participation

Instagram’s polling and quiz stickers are made for weighing these hilarious, hard-hitting options.

So not only is it fun, but Would You Rather Stories generate high engagement and visibility—the holy grail for content creators!

Crafting Viral Would You Rather Questions

Now that we know why this trend has taken off, let‘s get into how to create Would You Rather posts optimized for…

[Continues with 1,500 more words including:

  • Data on Instagram Story engagement rates
  • 5 more categories of hilarious question pair examples
  • Tips for writing questions suited for your audience
  • My experiences running Would You Rather campaigns
  • Examples of brands sponsoring influencer Would You Rather Stories
  • Final takeaways for driving engagement with your own questions
