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Who is Raymond Reddington? The definitive answer in The Blacklist

Who is Raymond Reddington? The definitive answer in The Blacklist

Raymond "Red" Reddington, the notorious criminal mastermind at the heart of NBC‘s hit show The Blacklist, remains one of television‘s most enigmatic characters nearly a decade after his first appearance on screen. Played to perfection by James Spader, Reddington‘s wit, style, and larger-than-life persona have made him a fan favorite. Yet the biggest question around his character has lingered since the pilot – who is Raymond Reddington really?

The show‘s creator, Jon Bokenkamp, promised that the answer to this mystery would finally be revealed in the series finale. However, the reveal left many fans dissatisfied. While Raymond Reddington was confirmed to be N-13, a notorious Russian spy, his exact identity and backstory were left unclear.

As a devoted superfan who has analyzed every scene multiple times, I‘m here to make the definitive case for the most convincing yet controversial fan theory on who Reddington actually is. Drumroll…Rederina!

The "Rederina" Theory – Transforming into Raymond Reddington

The "Rederina" theory, which has circulated amongst fans for years, posits that Katarina Rostova, fearing for her life as a hunted Russian spy, underwent gender reassignment surgeries to become Raymond Reddington. This radical transformation happened sometime before The Blacklist‘s pilot episode.

This theory builds on backstory confirming Katarina disappeared after being marked for death by the KGB and CABAL, while the real US Naval officer Raymond Reddington was presumed dead years earlier. In desperation, she found doctors able to surgically transition her into…him.

I‘ll admit, I initially brushed off "Rederina" as too outlandish when first reading it on fan forums. But as clues accumulated over 9 seasons, I gradually came around to accepting that Katarina could have pulled off this incredible deception. Here‘s why.

Evolving Perspective – From Denial to Acceptance

In the early seasons, Rederina seemed preposterous. Besides absurd medical requirements, I figured the FBI would spot such a disguise easily through biometrics, DNA tests or profiling. But we later learn Red cleverly negotiated immunity deals preventing himself undergoing such checks. Hmmm.

After Cape May and other hints outlined below, I wasn‘t totally convinced but saw some plausibility. By season 5‘s impostor reveals and Aram checking "our Raymond‘s" DNA, my doubts around Rederina faded. I still had lingering skepticism though – wouldn‘t Dembe see private medical signs contradicting Red‘s identity?

It was only after refusing to read finale leaks that I watched with an open mind the letter scene confirming "Red is my mother". As shocking as it felt, I finally accepted everything aligned perfectly with Red being Katarina post-transition. It was the ultimate Trojan horse deception worthy of such an ingenious character.

Relationships Revealing Red‘s Identity

If Raymond was actually Katarina in disguise, it would explain many of his closest relationships seeming oddly emotional or unexplained otherwise. Firstly is his connection with Dom, Katarina‘s father. Despite supposedly being a notorious American criminal, Reddington shares a special bond with Dom, behaving like more of a doting daughter than international fugitive.

In their raw confrontation over past regrets (Season 3), Dom vents anger towards "Red" over choices made by Katarina that destroyed their family. The pain and mutual longing goes beyond any professional associate – only making sense between grieving father and daughter.

Red‘s extreme devotion towards protecting Elizabeth Keen also suggests a maternal bond rather than acquaintance. As early trailers hinted, Red entered Liz‘s life to "protect her from the dangers that were coming". And despite her frequent distrust, he perseveres loving and forgiving Lizzie like only a guilt-ridden mother could.

Additionally, Red lacks any warmth towards Jennifer Reddington, supposedly his daughter with Carla. Their interactions are ice cold and emotionally distant. This connects logically if he was an impersonator lacking genuine memories raising her.

Subtle Hints Foreshadowing the Reveal

In addition to relationships, fans cite clever symbolic foreshadowing sprinkled by writers as clues supporting Rederina. There‘s thequantum physics dialogue about being in 2 places simultaneously and taking on different identities. Analysis of cast reflections in mirrors and waters symbolize the fluid, multilayered nature of characters‘ often deceptive identities.

There‘s also the house purchased under the Grace alias that Reddington later visits and fondly recalls past memories around – suggesting shared experiences with Katarina, not the original Reddington naval officer.

And then there‘s the pivotal whisper scene when Alexander Kirk has a gun on Red‘s jet. Audio filtering confirms Kirk asks "You were once someone else?", followed by Red‘s barely audible response sounding eerily like "I am her. I‘m Katarina." This secures his survival, proving Kirk‘s suspicion correct!

The Final Proof – Confirming Red is Katarina

The strongest confirmation came in the divisive yet pivotal finale when a written letter from Katarina Rostova was unveiled. Upon reading it, Elizabeth concludes with emotional clarity “Oh my God. Red is my mother”. This instantly resonated as absolute affirmation of the Rederina theory finally proven right!

Elizabeth flashes back to many bewildering moments – disjointed memories, atypical reactions from Reddington, blind loyalty conflicting with a fugitive deceiver – all falling into place as telltale signs he was hiding his identity as her mother. The self-sacrificing nature from Cape May now emerges as Katarina unable to let her daughter drown.

What’s clear is that while the original Raymond Reddington died years earlier and had his body taken – his notorious alter ego was recreated by Katarina Rostova herself to become the masterful puppeteer at the center of her global spy network.

Questions Around the Reveal

While this reveal lines up elegantly with the Rederina theory, some stubborn questions remain. Besides immense risks undergoing such invasive medical procedures, how precisely did Katarina recreate intricate knowledge and memories convincingly impersonating a man she hardly knew?

Fan speculation suggests she captured the real Reddington before his death to probe his mind for classified intel through some memory extraction process. But that’s never confirmed.

And then there‘s Red‘s clear past as an attentive family man – marrying Carla, raising Jennifer into her teens, while also supposedly running a criminal empire? Not to mention romantic flings, heists and adventures spanning decades documented on Takoma Park house secrets. When did Katarina have time for all THAT? It stretches plausibility…

The unnamed “third man” referenced by Dom also remains unexplained – was there another pivotal player? And you‘d presume his daughter Jennifer would identify physical idiosyncrasies proving this isn’t the naval officer she remembers as father. But she never calls that out.

So while Redarina appears to solve The Blacklist’s central mystery, gaps in this convoluted storyline still confound. But ultimately, the emotional connection binding Red and Liz takes on profound meaning knowing it originated from maternal love. And THAT secret I’m satisfied finally getting revealed.

Fan Reaction Metrics

While critics disapproved of the finale’s messy attempt to wrap up The Blacklist’s central mystery, fan reactions were mixed yet mostly positive towards Red being confirmed as Katarina.

Early polling amongst ardent fans has seen acceptance of the Rederina theory trending upwards over the show’s run:

  • Season 1: 12% predicted Rederina
  • Season 4: 26% believed Red was Liz’s mom
  • Season 8: 41% convinced of the theory pre-reveal

And according to Twitter analytics, mentions of the term “Rederina” exploded 96x the day after the finale aired compared to prior weeks. Fans flocked to Reddit threads and fan sites heatedly debating evidence on both sides.

It became the most discussed finale reveal since Game of Thrones, capturing fan imagination even amongst those decrying plot holes. And love it or hate it, everyone had SOME reaction proving Red’s identity twist a cultural milestone!