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Who is Chris Bumstead (Cbum)? Age, Height, Weight

Chris Bumstead, affectionately known by fans as "Cbum," is a 27-year-old Canadian IFBB professional bodybuilder making huge waves in the fitness industry. With 3 consecutive Mr. Olympia wins under his belt, over 14 million Instagram followers, nearly 3 million YouTube subscribers, and several successful businesses, he has quickly become one of the most influential figures in bodybuilding today.

Early Life and Upbringing in Canada

Born on February 2nd, 1995 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Chris Bumstead discovered his passion for sports, weights, and fitness at a young age. He played hockey and multiple other team sports growing up, but felt most at home hitting the gym.

Bumstead credits his sister‘s boyfriend, IFBB pro bodybuilder Iain Valliere, for convicing him to start competing in bodybuilding as a teenager. Valliere took Chris under his wing, designing structured workout programs and nutrition plans personalized for his goals of packing on muscle and getting stage ready. The intense training regime required grit and dedication, but Chris loved every minute of it.

By the time he entered his freshman year of high school, he was absolutely hooked on lifting. He knew he wanted to take his newfound passion as far as he could.

Steady Progression Competing as a Junior Athlete

In 2014, at the age of 19, Bumstead entered his very first bodybuilding competition – the Ontario NPC Championships. In his junior division debut, he impressed judges and spectators by winning first place. This early win fueled his motivation even further.

Over the next two years, Chris continued training relentlessly under his coach Iain Valliere‘s guidance. He placed very well in nearly every junior competition he entered, catching the eyes of provincial and national federation officials.

All his hard work culminated when Chris earned his IFBB pro card in 2016 at just 21 years old – a truly monumental achievement in such a competitive sport at his young age. Most pros do not turn pro until their late 20s or early 30s at the earliest. But Chris was ahead of the curve and hungry to take on the top athletes in the world.

Breakthrough Success at 2017 Mr. Olympia Competition

In his rookie year as a newly minted IFBB pro, Bumstead entered the 2017 Mr. Olympia Weekend in Las Vegas – essentially the Super Bowl of professional bodybuilding. He competed in the Men‘s Classic Physique division against the best of the best.

While pundits did not expect a 22-year-old to pose much of a threat, Chris had other plans. With razor sharp conditioning, a flawless routine, and aesthetically pleasing muscularity, he captured 2nd place at the most prestigious competition in the world – a phenomenal debut by any metric.

This rocketed Chris into the stratosphere of fame and popularity within the bodybuilding community. Fan requests, sponsorship deals, and opportunities came flooding in. But he did not let this early taste of success get to his head – he proceeded to finish 2nd again in both 2018 and 2019, adding to his consistency but also fueling his motivation to stand on top of the 1st place podium.

Claiming the Title of Mr. Olympia

After four straight years earning runner-up honors, Bumstead regained, reloaded, and finally earned the coveted 1st place title at the 2020 Mr. Olympia competition. At just 25 years old, he was crowned champion of the world‘s most elite bodybuilding show – the ultimate dream for any pro.

But Chris did not stop there. He managed to successfully defend his title with back-to-back victories in 2021 and 2022 as well, cementing himself as the undisputed champion in the eyes of fans and judges alike.

To date, Bumstead has earned over $850,000 in contest prize money alone – plus millions more from sponsorships, appearances, and business ventures. He continues to set his sights on more record-breaking years ahead.

Structured Offseason Bulk Followed By Intense Contest Prep

During the offseason, Bumstead adheres to extremely rigid workout split routines and nutrition plans to support continued muscle growth and avoid overtraining. But as competitions grow near, he kicks his regimen into overdrive by pairing his heavy lifting with increased cardio activity and lowering his caloric intake drastically.

His cutting cycles generally entail dropping down below 8% body fat percentage – bordering the limits of sustainability – in order achieve every last ounce of shredded definition and separation in his muscularity. He has fully committed coaches and nutritionists helping him properly manage this taxing process.

The final weeks leading up to competitions require extreme mental toughness and physical discipline. Bumstead endures significant fatigue, hunger pains, dehydration, muscle soreness, and lowered energy levels while he dials in his ripped physique.

But he soldiers through the discomfort knowing that all his hard work will pay off hugely when he steps on stage in peak, jaw-dropping condition to impress the judges and wow the crowds. This lifestyle requires serious determination and resilience.

Thriving Personal Brands and Businesses

As Chris Bumstead‘s superstar status climbs within the bodybuilding world, he has leveraged his huge following and influence to build several successful business ventures:

Cbum Fitness Apparel

His athletic clothing brand which sells workout clothes, shorts, shirts, hats, and accessories tailored for weightlifting and intense training. Revenue topped $3 million in 2021.

RAW Nutrition Supplements

Bumstead Co-Founded RAW Nutrition, his science-backed supplement product line crafted specifically for bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts. His specialty formulas and ingredients help optimize performance, muscle building, recovery, and more. Estimated annual sales now over $5 million per year and rapidly rising.

YouTube & Instagram

On his self-titled YouTube channel with 2.8 million subscribers, Chris releases weekly vlogs giving fans an inside look into his training techniques, nutrition strategies, and personal life. His videos generate upwards of 30 million views per year in advertising revenue.

His Instagram account @cbum now has over 14 million followers as well – one of the largest social media followings among fitness influencers. He earns enormous income through online merchandise, sponsors, and partnerships.

Looking Ahead to the Future

Having just turned 27 years old in early 2022, Chris Bumstead is still in the early stages of his professional bodybuilding career with plenty of room left to grow. Given his relentless work ethic and champion mindset, the sky truly is the limit for Cbum as he enters his prime physical years.

In the immediate future, he will continue defending his Mr. O title for as long as he reigns supreme. And in the long run, he plans to keep building his personal brands, expanding his businesses across the globe, and inspiring the next generation of athletes to chase their lofty fitness goals.

Bumstead has the potential to become a household name beyond the hardcore bodybuilding circles. As the undisputed current face of the sport, he has already left a lasting mark at such a remarkably young age.