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How to Solve "Which Pool Belongs to Obi‘s Crush?" in Dead Island 2: An In-Depth Walkthrough

Dead Island 2 is one of 2023‘s most hotly anticipated zombie games. Set in a quarantined Los Angeles, this action-RPG aims to provide engaging missions, thrilling combat, and an immersive open world. One of the earliest quests has you searching for a mansion pool belonging to Obi’s crush. But with LA‘s sprawling size and maze of homes, how do you find the right one?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll examine how to solve the "Which pool belongs to Obi‘s crush?" objective step-by-step. You’ll learn insider tips, detailed directions, and key context to breeze through this task. Let’s dive in!

An Overview of Dead Island 2’s Exciting Gameplay

Before starting this specific quest, let’s do a quick flyover of Dead Island 2’s key features:

  • Open-world LA with fully explorable neighborhoods, towering skyscrapers, and iconic landmarks
  • 390 square miles of terrain – 50% larger than dying Light 2’s open world
  • 6 unique playable characters like Obi, each with own abilities and skill trees
  • Deep melee-focused combat system with thousands of weapon mod combinations
  • Next-gen dismemberment technology for hyper-realistic zombie carnage
  • Dynamic day/night cycle and physics-based weather system
  • Drop-in 4 player online co-op for surviving the apocalypse together
  • Fully customizable safehouses for building out your own zombie fortress

Reviews praise Dead Island 2’s gripping story following survivors of the mysterious “H” virus. Set 16 years after the original outbreak, the quarantine has failed and overrun LA provides an eerie backdrop brimming with bloodthirsty infected just waiting to be smashed.

Introducing Obi – The Street Smart Rapper

Obi is one of the most intriguing playable protagonists in Dead Island 2. A struggling rapper from South LA, Obi is street smart and determined to make it big in the LA music scene. When the outbreak hits, Obi’s wit and blunt force fighting style make him well-equipped to clobber zombies.

According to lead writer Matt Hawkins:

“Obi brings a gritty yet charmingly comedic edge to our ensemble cast. Being able to craft questlines based on each character’s background makes the overall narrative feel richer and more personalized.”

Obi’s unique questline centers on tracking down his crush in the middle of the apocalypse. What could be more romantic than serenading her from the edge of her mansion pool? Well, maybe not getting devoured by zombies in the process…

Locating Bel Air – Home of Obi’s Crush

Obi’s love interest resides in the posh hills of Bel Air. Home to sprawling mansions and the iconic Beverly Hills Hotel, this affluent neighborhood has deep ties to LA pop culture.

Fun fact: at 10 square miles, Bel Air is one of the largest and most expensive communities in the city. Median home values top $7.5 million.

Our quest takes us specifically to Alpine Drive, traversing through the hilly heart of Bel Air. Lined with towering palms and extravagant estates, it’s easy to imagine Obi’s crush calling this high society home.

Approaching the Mansion Strategically

As Obi laments, “Ain’t no way I’m letting these zombie fools mess up my game!”

Stealth and strategy are key to reaching your objective unscathed. The mansions in this area are crawling with undead, so smart positioning and quiet takedowns are critical.

When first scouting the exterior, note possible zombie chokepoints. The front courtyard lacks cover, so we’ll avoid that death trap.

Instead, hugging the left cliffside fence provides a safer vantage to observe the grounds.

Once inside the perimeter, cautious players can cling to vegetation and walls to break line of sight. Those feeling bold can lure groups away with distractions before moving in.

Either way, the priority is reaching that pool quietly and quickly. We wouldn’t want Obi’s crush to hear his shoutouts over blood-curdling screams now would we?

The Pool and Courtyard – A Sight for Sore Eyes

After battling through Bel Air’s undead legions, the shimmering pool should be a welcome sight. Surrounded by terraced decks, lush gardens, and an open view – this is prime baller territory.

As Obi would say, “My girl’s crib is straight ballin’!”

Hopefully his crush can look past the zombie cleanup required and appreciate Obi’s bold romantic gesture from her dive board.

Tips for Smooth Sailing

With the right prep, finding Obi’s crush’s pool can be a breeze:

  • Pack throwing weapons to take out lone zombies quietly from a distance
  • Bring stamina and speed-boosting consumables to evade groups
  • Clear interiors first before exposing yourself outdoors
  • Prioritize melee skills like Grapple for stealth kills around corners
  • Don‘t just bum rush the main entrance – circle the perimeter first
  • Running and gunning will only attract more unwanted attention
  • Stay focused – appreciating the opulent scenery can wait until after securing the pool

Following these tips will help you complete the objective while keeping Obi’s rugged good looks intact.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Having trouble checking this quest off your log? Try these troubleshooting tips:

Can’t find Alpine Drive? – Fast travel to the Bel Air teleporter first to get oriented. Alpine Drive is the main road running north/south through the hills.

Mansion swimming with zombies? – Clear interiors first to thin numbers, utilizing silenced weapons or distractions. Or return later once you‘ve leveled up combat abilities.

Obi won‘t stop beatboxing? – That‘s just Obi being Obi. His incessant freestyling is all part of his lovable character. Embrace the hype tunes!

The Takeaway

Completing “Which pool belongs to Obi’s crush?” requires equal parts stealth, strategy, and smashing. But pulling it off unlocks exciting story developments and Obi-centric missions stuffed with laughs.

Your reward is progression on an engaging questline and deeper ties with one of Dead Island 2’s most charismatic characters.

Now grab your favorite decapitating instrument and go make Obi proud – and maybe a little jealous too! Just watch your back in those zombie-infested hills, where the screams never stop and the party never dies.