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The Complete Guide: How to Check When a Discord Account Was Made

Understanding when a Discord user created their account provides useful context and security insights. As incidents of bots, fake profiles and account theft rise, verification of account age and longevity becomes crucial.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share specialized knowledge from my experience as a social media marketing expert to breakdown exactly how to check when Discord accounts were made.

Why Determining Account Age Matters

Before jumping into the step-by-step process, let me expand on key reasons why checking a Discord account‘s creation date can prevent issues:

Catching Fake Profiles & Bots

Over 15% of Discord accounts are now estimated to be bots or fake profiles, rather than real human users according to The platform‘s open API makes it easy to automate registration of malicious accounts.

Worryingly, 65 million fake users were identified by Discord in 2019 alone. This demonstrates the scale of the bot threat. Account creation dates provide early clues to spot and block these bots.

Identifying Compromised or Sold Accounts

In addition to bots, legitimate accounts are also frequently hacked, compromised or sold between users. This account switching can be used for spreading spam, scams or malware.

Sometimes there are signs of transition like shifts in messaging tone, profile changes or connection loss. But checking creation dates establishes usage history and flags suspicious activity.

Tracking Account Recycling

Related to both the above issues is account recycling – where previously banned or deleted accounts are simply recreated with the same username. Determining real account age limits this spoofing risk within servers.

Overall there are clear incentives for malicious actors to mask identity through fake, purchased or recycled Discord profiles. But rather than playing catchup later, uncovering creation dates proactively keeps communities secure.

Next I‘ll explain the process to check when any Discord account was made through developer settings and lookup tools.

Step-by-Step Guide to Check Discord Account Age

The key steps for identifying a Discord account‘s creation date are:

Enable Developer Mode

[insert graphic showing developer mode switch]

First, enable the advanced Developer Mode in Discord‘s settings to access special commands:

  1. Open User Settings Menu
  2. Go to "Advanced"
  3. Toggle "Developer Mode" on

This unlocks context options for extracting technical account details.

Retrieve the User ID

Once developer perks are active, any user‘s unique ID can be pulled by right clicking their profile image:

[graphic showing copy ID process]
  1. On a server or direct chat, right click profile picture
  2. Select "Copy ID" from the menu

This copies the account‘s distinct ID number for lookup outside Discord. Tip: Make sure this retrieves User ID, not server-specific variations.

Check Creation Date on DiscordLookup

With the User ID captured, creation origins can be traced via API sites like DiscordLookup:

[graphic showing discordlookup timestamps]

  1. Visit DiscordLookup
  2. Paste User ID into search
  3. See "Created Account on" for age details

For example, accounts made on July 29, 2022 will display as "Created Account on 07/29/2022". This confirms the exact registration timing.

Cross-Reference Other Networks

For further verification, check whether social media profiles have consistently matched usernames and profile pictures active around the same period. The more data points indicating prolonged usage by a genuine user, the more certain the account validity becomes.

So in summary, Developer Mode extraction combined with DiscordLookup tracing provides reliable visibility into the lifecycle of any account. Now let‘s explore how to interpret that account creation insight.

Evaluating Account Origins

With visibility into the registered age of a Discord account, how can context be derived from that background data?

As a leading social media marketing expert, my core advice is:

Use creation dates responsibly as one input for trust and safety, not definitive labels good or bad actors.

In practice however, certain guidelines apply around assessing risks from extremely young or recycled accounts:

  • Under 30 Days – Extra vigilance recommended with handling new accounts to limit bot threats
  • Under 1 Year – Higher priority identity verification suggested if in roles of responsibility
  • Matching Ages – Consistent longevity across platforms indicates genuine user behind account

DiscordLookup also has automated detection capabilities if accounts were deleted and re-registered with new IDs. This is a common tactic banned members utilize, worthy of further scrutiny.

As illustrated there are heuristic warning signs based on account history patterns. But ultimately balanced judgment aligning multiple signals creates optimal online security.

Myths & Misconceptions

Before concluding, let me dispel some common myths circulating around checking account creation dates:

Myth: It‘s impossible to find the exact date a Discord account was made

False – Through the Developer ID retrieval process and DiscordLookup tracing, registered timestamps can be surfaced, during account investigation procedures.

Myth: Deleted accounts remove all traces of age history forever

False – Records still exist internally documenting originating timelines of past accounts, helping identify pattern risks if re-registered.

Myth: Account age alone defines trustworthiness

False – Origination is merely one input, not a definitive label of intentions. Holistic context is crucial for community safety decisions.

I hope debunking those assumptions also provides helpful clarity!

Key Lessons as a Discord Expert

To wrap up this comprehensive guide, here are my chief lessons as an experienced social media marketing expert around tracking Discord account ages:

  • Visibility into account history isfoundational to security – Creator dates provide critical context beyond face value interactions

  • Responsible, ethical usage of lookup tools and judgment frameworks provides proportionate protection

  • Cross-referencing is key to eliminate false positives and build consensus

  • Discord age matters most when alignments to other activities are systematically mapped

I‘m hopeful these best practices not just support the investigation of current risks, but also prevent future harm by raising the accountability for all user identities.

If you have any other questions on tracing Discord accounts or general platform security, don‘t hesitate to reach out!