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Your Complete Guide to Dominating Instagram TV (IGTV) in 2024

Hey there! Have you heard about IGTV but aren‘t quite sure what it‘s really about or how to make it work for your brand? If so, you‘ve come to the right place my friend!

In this 2700+ word guide, I‘ll be sharing everything you need to know about IGTV in 2024 – what it is, how you can use it for your business, tips for creating quality content, and so much more.

By the end, you’ll have clarity, ideas and a full plan to get started with IGTV this year! Shall we dive in?

Chapter 1: What Exactly is IGTV? A Quick Intro

Let‘s start by getting clear on what this buzzy new Instagram TV actually is.

Launched in June 2018, IGTV is Instagram‘s app for vertical videos up to 60 minutes long. This allows creators to go beyond the previous 1 minute limit in the main Instagram feed.

Some of IGTV’s core capabilities at a glance:

  • Long form vertical videos (1 min to 1 hour)
  • Standalone app experience + integrated with Instagram
  • Creator-focused features like multi-video uploads etc.
  • Dedicated profile channels for branding
  • Ability to run advertisements and make money

In a nutshell – it brings the high engagement and interactivity of Instagram into longer-form streaming video.

IGTV taps into the rapid shift towards internet users preferring video as their content medium of choice.

Let me throw some stats at you:

  • 500 million people watch videos online everyday
  • Videos will comprise 82% of Internet traffic by 2022 (Source)
  • 78% of people watch online videos every week and 55% watch every day (Source)

As you can see, IGTV arrived at just the right time to ride the accelerating wave of online video adoption.

Instagram saw the writing on the wall – adapt or fall behind!

Now that you know why IGTV came to exist, let‘s look at how it differs from existing Instagram video offerings.

Chapter 2: IGTV vs Regular Instagram Video Features

Before IGTV launched, Instagram only offered 1 minute feed videos and Live broadcasting.

Stories came after initial video, offering 15 second video snippets in slideshow format.

IGTV fills a big gap for longer-form uploads without shrinking quality or going landscape.

Here‘s a handy comparison:

Feature Standard Instagram Video Instagram Stories IGTV
Length 1 minute 15 secs max 1 min to 60 mins
Format Square or Landscape Vertical Vertical
Capabilities Feed uploads Ephemeral stories Standalone app + Feed/Profile embeds

As is clear from the table, IGTV solved video limitations while retaining the engaging vertical format.

This opened up a whole new avenue for creators to explore longer storytelling possibilities without worrying about cramming value into 60 seconds.

Excited yet? Next let’s pit IGTV against the elephant in the room – YouTube!

Chapter 3: s IGTV Really an "Instagram Killer"?

Ever since IGTV launched, it has inevitably drawn comparisons with the OG video platform – YouTube.

But does this mean IGTV will disrupt or kill YouTube? Let‘s compare the two across a few factors:

Video Length

YouTube allows all users to upload videos up to 15 minutes. This is similar to IGTV‘s limit unless creators have 10k+ followers.

Top creators get 60 minutes which brings greater parity. But YouTube still has the edge for maximum duration.

Content Variety

YouTube has an endless smogasbord of content niches – from music charts to makeup tutorials to niche gaming and beyond.

IGTV however attracts a narrower band of personality-led content complementary to that creator‘s Instagram brand and aesthetic.

So while YouTube captures a wider spectrum, IGTV fosters loyal community-building.

Audience Type

YouTube‘s recommendation algorithm surfaces billions of random videos resulting in multi-niche accidental viewing every day.

Whereas on IGTV, the likelihood of users reaching your content is much higher if they already follow you on Instagram. So the audience skew is decidedly more loyal and less random.

Revenue Potential

YouTube offers superior monetization through ads, Super Chat & Stickers, Channel Memberships, Merchandise Shops and even YouTube Premium revenues.

IGTV is still rolling out its ads program but the scope of money-making avenues trails YouTube‘s maturity.

So rather than outright competition, YouTube and IGTV foster video storytelling for contrasting niches and contexts.

As IGTV develops over 2023 and beyond however, exciting shifts in dynamics can occur. But YouTube enjoys loyalty that no competitor has successfully disrupted yet.

Now that it‘s clearer how IGTV fits compared to other video offerings, let’s get into tips for growth!

Chapter 4: Proven Tactics to Grow Your IGTV Channel

Having awesome IGTV content is pointless without the right promotion to drive an audience.

Let me share 5 tactics that work every time to expand viewership:

1. Optimize for Search

Did you know IGTV has search functionality allowing users to find videos based on keywords?

So the first step is using relevant keywords and phrases in titles, descriptions and even on-video text to get discovered by viewers looking for such content.

2. Post Previews to Your Feed

Every new IGTV video can have a 60 second preview auto-posted to your Instagram feed.

This preview remains permanently so be strategic about what segment you showcase to entice viewers to open the full video on your IGTV profile.

3. Share Previews via Instagram Stories

In addition to feed previews, you can share a 15 second IGTV video preview through Stories that lasts 24 hours.

Add swipe up links or location/hashtag stickers that redirect viewers to watch the entire video on your IGTV channel.

4. Promote an IGTV Exclusive

Offer an exclusive series, blooper reel or special segment exclusively on IGTV rather than all channels.

Hook viewers through FOMO and give them incentive to follow your IGTV profile for insider-only content they won’t find elsewhere.

5. Cross-Promote Across All Channels

Share links for your newest IGTV video on other channels – YouTube community posts, website banners or newsletters.

Expand beyond just Instagram fans to ensure maximum awareness for each new video drop!

See how easy gaining share of voice on IGTV can be just by repurposing existing efforts? No complex production needed!

Let your creative juices flow next as you plan content formats to enchant fans on IGTV.

Chapter 5: 7 Content Ideas That Crush It on IGTV

Unlike YouTube, IGTV has a more niche, personality-forward skew. Craft videos that resonate with what your IGTV fans expect and find valuable.

Here 7 are formats perfect for IGTV:

1. The Highly Skimmable How-to

Whether makeup techniques, cooking recipes or coding tricks – how-to videos are foolproof. Combine step-by-steps with transitions and text overlay for easily digestible tutorials.

2. Trust-Building Behind-The-Scenes

Give your fans exclusive backstage access into your shoots, kitchens, studios or headquarters based on your niche! Let them into spaces usually reserved for yourself. Nothing builds trusted authority faster.

3. Raw & Relatable Vlogs

Vlogs are authentic storytelling goldmines. Share opinions, chronicle events, take fans along for your workouts – it engages fans when it‘s unfiltered and real!

4. Interactive Shoppable Videos

Demo products while tagging or linking to featured items for followers to instantly shop relevant products as they watch along. It‘s seamless inspiration to checkout!

5. Appointment Viewing with Livestreams

Hype your real-time interviews, Q&As or virtual summits across other channels and broadcast exclusively on IGTV Live! Give fans FOMO inducing incentive to tune in.

6. Bingeable Series

Serialized formats keep audiences hooked for the next episode. Create your own MasterClass or docuseries on topics you dominate. The continuity entices viewers to stay subscribed.

7. Aspirational Sneak Peaks

Preview upcoming song drops, book launches, new products or rebrand reveals on IGTV first to super-fans first. Let them feel like VIPs with exclusive access. Scarcity sells!

As you can see, options abound for killer IGTV content!

Next let‘s analyze real-life examples from brands rocking IGTV already.

Chapter 6: How Top Brands are Crushing IGTV

The best teacher is observing what actually works!

Let‘s check out a few stellar examples of big brands using IGTV ingeniously right now:

Sephora – The Beauty Authority (@sephora)

The cosmetics giant has its own dedicated IGTV channel showcasing:

  • Mini-docs spotlighting inspiring female founders

  • Shoppable make up and skincare tutorials

  • Backstage takes during NYFW

This videos showcase authority while building an #inclusive community of beauty lovers – thereby driving loyalty beyond transactions through relationships!

Tasty by Buzzfeed – Foodie Heaven (@buzzfeedtasty)

The internet‘s favorite recipe paradise serves up a delicious buffet of snackable cooking videos through IGTV.

Their videos focus on easy-to-replicate recipes with simple transitions and text captions added seamlessly in post-production.

The visual style and brevity makes their recipe videos instantly shareable – thereby driving huge visibility on social!

The New York Times – News Reimagined (@nytimes)

The venerable publication uses IGTV to offer viewers "stories behind the story" insights that don‘t make headlines but explore angles deeper.

By adopting an informal vlog-style narration for journalists, they make even complex geo-political topics relatable and engaging!

As you can see, brands big and small have bought into IGTV in a big way already. Their success can inform your own too!

Now that you have inspiration and ideas, let‘s get into actually setting up your own IGTV channel!

Chapter 7: A Step-By-Step Guide to Launch Your IGTV Channel

Alright, time to get your hands dirty and set up your own IGTV presence! Just follow these 5 simples steps:

Step 1: Download the Standalone IGTV App

Head to the iOS App Store or Android Play Store to download the IGTV app first. This is where you can access and manage video uploads.

Optional pro-tip: Upload your first few videos using a desktop since it‘s easier to import, edit metadata and manage uploads.

Step 2: Connect Your Channels

Once you register, connect your Instagram account when prompted. This links both apps allowing easy cross-sharing.

Step 3: Create Your First Video

Dive into creating and uploading your kick-off video for IGTV!

Use your phone to record natively or create using your favorite video editor before uploading through the app.

Step 4: Schedule Feed & Story Previews

The IGTV upload screen lets you schedule a 60 second preview for auto-posting on Instagram plus 15 second snippet on Stories.

Use this to drive visibility to new videos as soon as they go live!

Step 5: Rinse and Repeat

Lather, rinse, repeat steps 3 to 5! Experiment with formats, optimize based on response and set a sustainable schedule for churning out amazing IGTV content!

See how easy it is to get started? Now for the part that matters most – making money!

Chapter 8: Unlocking Revenue with IGTV in 2024

Creators need – and deserve – to generate income for their efforts on IGTV.

The great news is that Instagram has introduced multiple monetization avenues here:

IGTV Advertisements

Similar to YouTube, IGTV now runs 6 to 15 second non-skip video ads between videos above a certain viewership threshold.

For starters, ads share 55% revenue with creators. So based on volume and views, ads can become a lucrative source of passive income.

This revenue share split is also expected to tilt more favorably towards creators over time.

In addition, sponsored content deals are still very much an option for monetization.

Beyond Ads

Other options creators should leverage within IGTV content include:

  • Affiliate links to featured products
  • Promo codes and special discounts
  • Driving product launches and online course sales
  • Raising service-based business credibility
  • Hosting paid Q&As or fan events

Coupling these creative income streams with a solid IGTV following opens diverse revenue possibilities!

Chapter 9: Key Takeaways & Next Steps

We‘ve covered a lot of ground here! Let‘s recap key tips to retain:

🔸 IGTV hosts vertical long videos up to 60 minutes for loyal Instagram followers

🔸 Use it to drive deeper engagement through exclusive content

🔸 Produce regular videos using formats that resonate best with current fans

🔸 Promote across other channels plus via IGTV‘s ownpreview features

🔸 Monetize through ads, affiliates, collabs, shoppable posts and beyond!

As next steps, commit to an IGTV launch data, set a content mix that enchants your fans and stick to a production schedule.

The more you experiment, the better you get at making IGTV work for your brand.

So tell me – what video ideas are swirling in your head already? Are you convinced on why IGTV should be part of your plans for 2024?

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!