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What is Fishtank Live? A Deep Dive into Sam Hyde‘s New Reality Show Experiment

Internet provocateur Sam Hyde has built a notorious reputation through his politically incorrect comedy, hoaxes, and controversies. His latest foray – a 24/7 livestreamed reality show called Fishtank Live – is stoking impassioned debate online. Here‘s an in-depth look at what Fishtank Live entails and why it‘s causing so much discussion.

The Origins and Background of Sam Hyde

To understand Fishtank Live, it‘s important to know the context around its creator, Sam Hyde.

Hyde first gained notoriety in the late 2000s through his edgy sketch comedy group, Million Dollar Extreme (MDE). MDE produced content for Adult Swim in 2016 with a show called World Peace, which featured controversial and absurdist humor.

However, World Peace was cancelled after one season, which Hyde blamed on his openly supportive views of Donald Trump‘s 2016 election. This began his feud with media and tech companies which he perceived as stifling right-wing creators.

Hyde shifted to more aggressively "trolling" the establishment through various hoaxes and deceptive pranks aimed at mocking liberal values. Some of his most infamous schemes include:

  • Fake mass shootings: Hyde falsely claimed responsibility for various mass shootings by hijacking news photos of unrelated gunmen.

  • Kickstarter scheme: In 2017 Hyde launched a Kickstarter TV project where he ridiculed and sabotaged real crowdfunding campaigns.

  • "2070 Paradigm Shift" TED Talk hoax: Hyde delivered a satirical TEDx Talk promoting far-right values which went viral as if it was real.

These deceptions and other abusive behavior led to Hyde being banned from YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and most major platforms. But he continues rallying an anti-establishment following through underground channels.

Introducing Fishtank Live

In April 2023, Hyde announced his newest venture – Fishtank Live. He marketed it as a Big Brother-style 24/7 livestreamed reality show set in a psychedelic house filled with cameras.

Hyde stated he received over 5,000 audition tapes and selected 7 millennials to live together under constant surveillance. They would interact with each other and the show‘s audience, providing unpredictable viral content.

Fishtank Live represents Hyde‘s latest attempt at using the internet to spread his signature provocative media experiments, now with a reality TV twist.

Inside the Fishtank House Setting

The centerpiece of Fishtank Live is the actual Fishtank House located in Los Angeles. The brightly decorated 3-story, 5-bedroom house is rigged with cameras providing live surveillance footage streamed online.

Cameras capture every corner of the home, including bedrooms, bathrooms, the kitchen, living room, and work-out room. The backyard has a pool, hot tub, and garden area where cast members congregate.

At night, the footage switches to night vision and infrared cameras so the livestream continues even while the cast sleeps. The psychedelic decor includes vibrant murals, sculptures, and abstract art installations.

"The colorful and chaotic Fishtank House environment seems strategically designed to evoke drama and madness amongst its inhabitants," commented interior designer Lakisha Henry.

The fishbowl-style openness of the nonstop surveillance is central to the show‘s appeal, revealing the cast‘s unfiltered, natural behavior.

Meet The Cast of Fishtank Live

Fishtank Live brings together 8 millennials of diverse backgrounds, dubbed the "Fishes". They were selected by Hyde from thousands of audition tapes to live in the Fishtank House while being streamed live full-time.

The cast members include:


  • 23 years old
  • From Vancouver, Canada
  • Bubbly gamer who enjoys journaling
  • Streams herself playing various video games


  • Aspiring singer/songwriter
  • Passionate about music, skating, travel
  • Performs original songs on the show
  • Hoping for exposure to help music career


  • Musician and artist from Oklahoma
  • Creates raw emotional music/art based on life experiences
  • 19 years old and already has 2 kids
  • Looking to support her family through show


  • 21 years old from Oregon
  • Shy, introverted, nerdy personality
  • Loves anime, cosplay, movies, books
  • Hopes to break out of her shell on the show


  • 25 years old from Miami, Florida
  • Easygoing, agreeable, very friendly
  • Works as a bartender
  • Wants fame and fun from Fishtank Live


  • 28 years old from Texas
  • Entrepreneur involved in various ventures
  • Part-time model and actor
  • Looking for business opportunities from show


  • Delivery driver from Auburn, Washington
  • Goofy prankster-type personality
  • Creates funny short videos on social media
  • Wants to grow online following through show


  • From San Francisco, half Filipino and half Irish
  • Aspiring influencer with Instagram following
  • Posts comedy and lifestyle content
  • Hopes show will expand his brand

This mix of personalities seems engineered to create drama, tension, fights, showmances, and unpredictable viral content.

"The cast has a diverse range of ages, backgrounds, and motivations which will likely generate the outlandish behavior that reality TV thrives on," said reality TV blogger Mark Simmons.

Reality TV and Livestreaming Context

Fishtank Live merges the appeal of reality TV with the engagement of livestreaming.

Reality shows like Big Brother have proven enormously popular for their real-life entertainment value. The rise of livestreaming has enabled even more intimate access into people‘s candid lives.

Platforms like Twitch, YouTube Live, and TikTok Live host popular streams ranging from gaming to vlogging to talk shows. The real-time interactivity allows viewers to directly interact with streamers.

"Fishtank Live takes the voyeuristic intimacy of always-on livestreaming and combines it with the wacky social experiments of reality TV. The result is a perfect storm for going viral, ideally suited to today‘s online culture," said new media expert Dr. Alicia Yang.

This hybrid format provides constant unpredictability – anything can happen when real people‘s lives are on display live for the world to watch.

Inside the Fishtank Live Stream

The 24/7 Fishtank Live stream can be accessed at or via the Fishtank Live app. The endless footage is also edited into highlight clips uploaded to YouTube.

Viewers can spy on the cast through the house‘s network of cameras and audio, following their conversations and activities. The live chat feature allows viewers to discuss and react to the drama.

From cooking breakfast in the morning to working out in the afternoon to partying at night, the unfiltered surveillance captures the housemates‘ real interactions and behaviors. When the lights go off, infrared night vision continues the voyeuristic streaming.

Fishtank Live also features sporadic guest appearances by Sam Hyde, checking in on the antics and stirring up controversy. He occasionally intervenes with surprise challenges or pranks on the unsuspecting cast.

"It‘s like a human zoo exhibit meets The Truman Show experiment, playing with our perceptions of what‘s real. The volatile combination seems designed to manufacture viral content," commented entertainment blogger Lisa Chen.

The Gamified Interactivity of Fishtank Live

A major appeal of Fishtank Live is how it gamifies viewer participation through interactive features. Fans can actively impact the show by:

  • Viewer Pranks – Pay to prank housemates with stunts like cold water. Over $5,000 has been paid in first week.

  • Challenges – Pay to make cast do embarrassing challenges on camera. Early challenges included dancing in underwear and drinking mystery liquids.

  • Gifted Items – Send food, toys, costumes, etc to the house. So far over 30 gifted items, including a $500 alcohol package.

  • Vote Powers – Pay to vote on challenges or vote cast members into elimination. Over 8,500 votes cast in first 5 days.

  • Tiered Subscription – Monthly subscription for access to exclusive footage and camera angles. Already over 1,000 paying subscribers.

"The gamified experience taps into the human urge for control and influence. It incentivizes viewers to spend money to steer the ‘characters‘ however they desire for entertainment," said Dr. Lindsey Osborne, psychologist.

This participatory appeal makes the show more engaging and heightens unpredictability when anyone can disrupt the house dynamics at any moment. It also monetizes the audience‘s desires for power over others‘ realities.

The Controversies and Ethical Concerns Around Fishtank Live

Given the nature of the show and Sam Hyde‘s reputation, Fishtank Live has kicked up several ethical debates since launching. Critics have denounced various aspects as unethical and potentially dangerous:

  • Privacy violations – Nonconsensual surveillance of private spaces and activities like sleeping, showering, sex. Promotes "creeper" culture.

  • Psychological manipulation – Cast may be pressured into problematic situations due to dependence on audience approval and income.

  • Physical/emotional harm – Danger of bullying, abuse, trauma from humiliating challenges and pranks. Promotes exploitation.

  • Consent concerns – Questionable whether cast fully understood the reality of nonstop exposure in agreement contract.

  • Minors – Possibility of minors accessing adult content without age verification.

  • Hate speech – Loose content moderation could allow racism/sexism to arise like in Hyde‘s past work.

  • Platform policy violations – Issues like nudity and harassment could violate platform terms and ruin careers.

Supporters believe the cast gave full legal consent and viewers merely engage in playful entertainment. But many industry experts argue Fishtank Live recklessly ignores ethical lines.

"There are so many alarming warning signs around coercion and harm. Not enough protections are in place for the cast‘s mental health and well-being," said Dr. Kelvin Cho, psychologist.

"Even if the cast consented, there‘s still an implicit power dynamic at play with theConfessions of a Fashion Blogger creator. The potential for long-term exploitation and trauma is very real here," added digital ethics researcher Jade Sinclair.

The show provokes critical debate around privacy, autonomy, and the moral responsibilities of platforms, creators, and audiences. More voices are urging re-examination of the ethics surrounding profit-driven online entertainment.

The Future of Fishtank Live

Shortly after launch, Fishtank Live suffered downtime due to hosting costs and potential platform policy violations. Sam Hyde insists the show will return after switching providers and adjusting to guidelines.

It remains to be seen how long Fishtank Live can actually stay afloat given the inherent controversies and barriers. But Hyde is determined to keep his social experiment running as long as possible to push boundaries and retain his anti-establishment following.

For now, the chaotic reality show continues – representing both the creative possibilities and ethical pitfalls when the internet‘s reach enters new uncharted territory. Fishtank Live provides a thought-provoking case study illuminating deeper issues around human nature, free will, empathy, and morality in the digital age.

The great philosopher Plato once wrote, "the price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." As emerging technologies empower new ways to influence others, conscientious vigilance around ethical conduct has perhaps never been more vital.