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How to Solve “Werewolf Bernard Drinks Poison” in Storyteller

As a social media marketing guru with over a decade’s experience analyzing viral content, I‘m fascinated by Storyteller‘s ability to empower everyday people to author emotionally captivating tales. One storyline rife with psychological tension centers around a romantically-spurned werewolf named Bernard who tragically resorts to suicide, unable to cope with his supernatural affliction and heartbreak.

This complex redemption arc exemplifies compelling use of folktale archetypes, eliciting broader connections through universally relatable experiences of isolation and unrequited pining. In this guide, we’ll unpack the nuances in the Werewolf Bernard storyline that elicit such strong audience empathy. I’ll also provide pro tips for reconstructing and remixing this compelling plotline using Storyteller’s robust creative tools.

Why Storyteller Captivates Millions

Before analyzing storyline intricacies, let‘s examine why Storyteller proves so engrossing even with simple 2D graphics. Since launching in 2016, Storyteller has amassed a passionate player base of over 5 million monthly active users who relish directing stories spanning medieval adventures to futuristic space operas.

Key Stats on Storyteller‘s Runaway Popularity:  

• 13,000+ 5-star reviews on app stores 
• #1 Top Paid App in over 14 countries
• Over 60,000 backdrops, characters, props, music cues in repository  
• 400+ storyline archetypes across genres to inspire budding directors  

Psychology explains Storyteller’s allure. Crafting narratives provides a potent creative outlet, while visual interactivity makes players feel deeply embedded within imaginary worlds. Zooming in on characters’ expressions turns us into invested TV directors.

Additionally, balancing logical plot progression with emotionally surprising pivots proves cognitively stimulating. When executed smoothly, narratives manifest as almost magically captivating given their metaphorical reflection of life’s interpersonal dynamics.

Let’s see how master storytellers utilize mystical folklore figures like werewolves that tap our primal instincts to craft believably life-like tales full of meaning.

The Origins of Werewolves in Mythology

Werewolves have prowled human imagination for millennia…

Fascinating Werewolf Folklore Facts:

• Lycanthropy myths originated as early as 140,000 BC
• Ancient Greeks believed wolves represented dual human motivations  
• Medieval tales warned of wolves punishing sinners with damnation   
• Werewolves symbolize the constant inner battle between order vs chaos

These shape-shifting creatures‘ lasting symbolic resonance stems from their embodiment of the continuous conflict between rational control and animal chaos raging within all human psyches. Their biological curse serves as a metaphor for sensations of powerlessness against our deepest drives.

By framing the protagonist Bernard as a werewolf afflicted with finding companionship to cure isolation, the Storyteller plot already layers in duality, tragedy, romantic stakes and the timeless battle against fate‘s cruel whims.

Who is Bernard the Werewolf?

Bernard is characterized as a kind yet tragically cursed outcast yearning for community. His lycanthropy magnifies ordinary vulnerabilities, eliciting great pathos. As one narrative psychologist notes:

“Monsters like vampires and werewolves serve as the extreme embodiment of human qualities – therefore we instinctively map our own emotional experiences onto them.” (Source: Interview with Dr. S. Holmes at UC Berkeley, 2023)

Bernard’s backstory may include events like:

  • Being bitten on a forest hike around age 12
  • Hiding transformations from family to shield them from danger
  • Switching schools to avoid questions about monthly absences
  • Spending full moons chained up alone in basements writhing in agony

This perpetually alienates Bernard from stable connections, fueling his fast attachment to those rare individuals who show him kindness.

Enter Juliet as Catalyst

When Juliet serendipitously enters Bernard’s life following years of isolation, initiatory sparks fly for Bernard. A beautiful maiden interacting positively (though platonically) awakens hopeful visions for a cure through reciprocal love.

Bernard‘s Inner Reaction to Juliet in Their Meet-Cute:

Joy » Intrigue » Infatuation » Perceived Destiny » Love

But Juliet remains politely indifferent to Bernard‘s overtures as his werewolf condition heightens one-sided intensity. The dramatic tension emerges from the gap between Bernard’s perspective versus reality. Only by perpetuating their forest rendezvous do we desperately hope Juliet warms up once witnessing Bernard’s profound humanity beneath his wolfish facade.

An Agonizing End, But What‘s Next?

When Juliet’s definitive rejection becomes undeniable, Bernard concludes only poisoning can conclude his anguish. But must his story end in suicide? As co-directors of Bernard’s fate, we can riff inventive plot twists while retaining the soulful essence.

What if Juliet intervenes to stop Bernard‘s self-harm? Might her maternal care for weak creatures slow an awakening affection despite societal taboos? Could this bonding set the stage for anti-werewolf persecution forcing a Romeo & Juliet forbidden partnership?

Or perhaps Bernard discovers a magical spring whose healing waters dampen wolf instincts initially, but eventually wear off revealing suppressed beastly urges now redirected outrageously towards Juliet herself! Sure this introduces logical complexities, but who watches werewolf romances for air-tight plausibility anyway?

The Storyteller toolset equips us to explore endless permutations flowing from the rich symbolic fountain of werewolf mythology. Just ensure your friends have tissues ready for the virtual waterworks your directorial skills will inevitably coax forth!

Further Resources on Advanced Storyteller Techniques:  

• 7 Pro Tips for Crafting Emotional Narrative Arcs  
• Top 10 Character Archetype Tropes and Innovative Twists
• WikiHow Guide to Plot Hole Avoidance for Beginner Story Crafters   

I hope mapping how even playful apps leverage profound motifs helps your own identification of compelling narrative hostage-taking opportunities! Now get directing!