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How to Fix "We Weren‘t Able to Install the App (0x80070057)" in Minecraft

Have you ever tried installing Minecraft, only to be greeted by the frustrating error message "We weren‘t able to install the app (0x80070057)"? Don‘t worry, you‘re not alone. This common installation issue afflicts even the most passionate Minecraft players.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through what causes this error, as well as two reliable methods to get Minecraft up and running on your Windows machine. You‘ll be assembling pixelated pickaxes and constructing virtual villages again in no time!

Why Does This Error Occur?

The 0x80070057 error most frequently appears when attempting to install Minecraft on Windows 10 or Windows 11 via the Microsoft Store.

It often indicates one of two underlying issues:

1. You are not currently signed into the Xbox app or Microsoft Store. Minecraft requires you to be logged into these apps with a valid Microsoft account before installation can begin. The Xbox app in particular acts as a backbone for playing Minecraft on Windows.

2. There is insufficient disk space on your PC. Downloading and installing Minecraft requires at least a few GB of free storage space. If your system is too cramped, the process may fail.

Now let‘s explore solutions for both scenarios, starting with the simpler account sign-in fix.

Method 1: Sign in to the Xbox App and Microsoft Store

If you neglected to sign into the Xbox app and Microsoft Store prior to installing Minecraft, doing so now should resolve the issue.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

Open and Sign into the Xbox App

  1. Use Windows search to locate and open the Xbox app.
  2. Click on your profile icon in the top navigation bar.
  3. Select "Sign in" and enter your Microsoft account credentials. Make sure this is the same account used on the Microsoft Store.
  4. Once signed in, minimize the Xbox app but leave it running in the background.

Repeat with the Microsoft Store

  1. Open the Microsoft Store application.
  2. Click on your profile icon in the top navigation bar.
  3. Choose "Sign in" and use the same Microsoft account as your Xbox profile.
  4. When complete, minimize this window as well to keep the app open.

With both apps authorized under one unified account, you‘re ready to attempt installing Minecraft again!

Try Minecraft Download Again

  1. Navigate to Minecraft‘s official download page at
  2. Click the "Download for Windows 10/11" button and run the resulting .exe file.
  3. Assuming sufficient disk space, Minecraft should now install smoothly without error 0x80070057!

If it still doesn‘t work, don‘t lose hope—the next method tackles storage limitations as an alternative cause.

Method 2: Download the Windows 7/8 Version

If storage space is your limiting factor, installing the Windows 7/8 Minecraft launcher instead avoids issues tied specifically to Windows 10/11.

Follow these steps for the older version:

  1. Visit Minecraft‘s download page (as in Method 1).
  2. This time, click the Download for Windows 7/8 button instead.
  3. Run the downloaded .exe file to install Minecraft without hassle!

The Windows 7/8 launcher omits certain Windows 10/11 protections that restrict installation based on disk usage and other environmental factors. While the game still requires storage space, this version is more lenient overall.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If neither approach has resolved error 0x80070057 yet, here are a few more tricks to try:

  • Double check for sufficient disk space. Use Windows Explorer or File Explorer to examine drive capacity. Confirm at least 2 GB free even if the system ostensibly had enough room before. Delete unnecessary files if needed.

  • Adjust app permissions. Use Windows Settings to ensure the Xbox app and Microsoft Store have proper allowances to install software and modify files on your PC.

  • Run Windows Update. An outdated operating system can interfere with app installations. Install the latest Windows patch to rule out this possibility.

In most cases, one of the above techniques should successfully vanquish error 0x80070057. But let‘s wrap up with some preventative measures as well…

How to Avoid This Error Going Forward

To preempt any future 0x80070057 scenarios once Minecraft is up and running:

  • Regularly install app updates for Minecraft, the Xbox platform, Microsoft Store, etc. Outdated software tends to malfunction.
  • Avoid overloading storage. While Minecraft itself requires minimal disk space, keeping at least 10% of your C: drive open prevents installation hiccups.
  • Back up worlds and settings via cloud or external media. This way you can conveniently reinstall Minecraft from scratch without losing gameplay progress.

I hope one of the above fixes successfully vanquished error 0x80070057 for you. Now get out there, defeat Ender Dragons, and build breathtaking blocky structures to your heart‘s content! Let us know if you encounter any other Minecraft issues. Happy mining!

Further Reading

How to Fix “Minecraft Launcher is Currently Not Available in Your Account”

How to Fix “Internal Exception Connection Reset” in Minecraft

75+ Good Minecraft Server Rules