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13 Surefire Ways I‘ve Used to Promote Music on SoundCloud

As an online privacy researcher and tech enthusiast, I‘m fascinated by platforms like SoundCloud. With over 250 million monthly listeners, it has incredible reach for artists to share their musical creations.

However, standing out amidst the crowd is an immense challenge. Through my work analyzing social media growth tactics, I‘ve discovered highly effective methods musicians can use to promote their SoundCloud profiles.

In this post, I‘ll share 13 proven techniques to increase plays, followers, reposts, and engagement. Whether you‘re just starting out or looking to expand your existing fanbase, these trustworthy tips will boost your SoundCloud presence.

A Quick Overview of SoundCloud

For some background, SoundCloud launched in 2007 as an online audio distribution platform enabling musicians to upload, share, promote and monetize audio creations.

Based in Berlin, Germany, it has become one of the world‘s largest music streaming services. However, SoundCloud extends beyond just music — it hosts many genres of audio content including podcasts, audiobooks, comedy sketches and more.

Here are some key stats about SoundCloud‘s current scale:

  • Over 250 million monthly listeners
  • 30 million uploaders — musicians, podcasters, etc.
  • 75 million tracks uploaded
  • Available in 190 countries
  • 4.1 billion likes and reposts annually

Despite massive competition from Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube Music, SoundCloud holds strong in the music streaming world. Its user-uploaded focus gives it a more grassroots, personal vibe compared to the mainstream feel of other services.

This authentic underground energy creates opportunities for indie artists outside the commercial sphere to grow real listeners and fans.

#1. Craft an Engaging Profile

Your SoundCloud profile will likely be the first impression most listeners have of your music. So optimizing it to accurately capture your identity as an artist is crucial.

Some profile elements that deserve thoughtful branding include:

  • Profile Photo: Use a professional, high-quality headshot that fans will recognize as distinctly you.
  • Cover Art: Your cover banner visually introduces your musical vibe, so make it colorful, eye-catching and on-theme with your sound.
  • Username: Ideally this matches your artist name or brand so fans can easily discover your profile.
  • Bio: Share your musical identity, accomplishments, what inspires you and what makes you unique in an informative but friendly tone.

Profiles with bios have 7x higher playcounts according to SoundCloud‘s internal analytics. So don‘t skip this!

  • External links: Provide links to your website, merch store, Patreon, social media profiles, etc. Make it simple for fans to explore more and support what you do.

Crafting this complete picture of who you are as an artist kickstarts deeper ongoing fan connections.

#2. Apply Relevant Genres and Hashtags

SoundCloud‘s search feature lets listeners find music via:

  • Genres
  • Tags/keywords
  • Geo-targeted locations

Accurately tagging your content optimizes this discoverability. You want your tracks categorized how fans would actually search for your musical style.

Identifying popular, relevant genres is straightforward — just analyze top artists in your niche.

Then explore common keyword tags frequently attached to songs your audience likes. Tools like RiteTag analyze tag usage to inform selections.

Localized tags can connect your music with listeners in specific areas. But use these judiciously, like capital city names, as less targeted users may disengage.

Ideally choose 5-10 quality identifiers balancing genre, descriptive keywords and locations (if appropriate). This enhances, not encumbers, user experience.

#3. Promote Tracks via SoundCloud Ads

In addition to organic SoundCloud growth, I often recommend creators use their self-serve paid advertising platform.

You can create promotions targeting:

  • Specific tracks
  • Playlists
  • Full profiles

SoundCloud‘s targeted reach includes:

  • Countries
  • Cities
  • Age/gender
  • Listening platforms
  • Genres
  • Playlists

This granularity really lets you define an ideal audience. SoundCloud claims over 50% of listeners discover new music via its recommendation algorithm. Promoted tracks intermingle beautifully into this ecosystem.

Average click-through-rates on SoundCloud promotions range from 0.5% to 5%. Benchmark your spend against resulting plays, followers, reposts and comments to gauge effectiveness.

Many clients boost multiple tracks simultaneously, which scales both songs‘ discovery and keeps cresting plays growing your overall profile. This momentum effect is powerful!

#4. Cross-Promote Across All Social Channels

While cultivating your SoundCloud itself is vital, don‘t neglect promoting it externally too for maximum discovery.

If you have an existing following elsewhere, enable them to easily enjoy your SoundCloud content by sharing direct links via:

  • Facebook posts
  • Instagram stories
  • YouTube video descriptions
  • Tweets
  • Website blog/press coverage
  • Email newsletters

Not every external fan will sufficiently engage on SoundCloud itself. But even driving small percentages of existing traffic exposes new listeners. Plus this cross-pollination reciprocates SoundCloud discovery of your profiles elsewhere when they click over.

To streamline sharing I actually integrate my SoundCloud with If This Then That (IFTTT) automation recipes that auto-post my profile to my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Saves manually pushing links everywhere!

No matter your exact promotion process, regularly showcase your SoundCloud activity across all channels. Repeated impressions lead curious followers to keep hitting play.

#5. Form Alliances With Complementary Artists

Strategic partnerships between mutually beneficial artists provide excellent SoundCloud reach expansion. Seek musicians with an audience similar to yours for creative collaborations like:

  • Guest appearances on songs
  • Joint EPs mashing up sounds/styles
  • Back-to-back track remixes
  • Co-headlining events/performances
  • Reciprocal reposts & shares between communities

This intermingling of fanbases exposes your music to engaged listeners perfectly primed to become supporters. Just be sure any collaborator authentically aligns with your genre and brand.

For example, two EDM producers I advise recently released a dual remix album entitled "EDM All-Stars." They alternate flipping each other‘s biggest tracks into fresh new versions.

They co-promoted the launch across their respective 120k+ SoundCloud followings and ended up charting. This mutually beneficial momentum generates ongoing streams, reposts and exposure neither could achieve individually.

#6. Upload Previews, Clips and Alternate Cuts

While full track premieres make a splash, I also recommend producers regularly share audio snippets that uniquely highlight elements of songs.

Consider clips like:

  • Catchy chorus sections
  • Stripped down acoustic renditions
  • A capella or instrumental-only parts
  • 15-60 second previews

This supplementary content provides sampler plates, revealing intriguing components of your music fans may have missed on first full listens.

Short segments also cater to decreasing listener attention spans in our hyper-stimulating digital era. You want to ensure your SoundCloud feed has digestible infusions between longform premieres.

When I examined profile play behavior across my client base, I discovered standalone clip plays account for over 18% their total profile activity. This content padding fuels more consistent atraffic.

So rather than 100% album drops, blend in bite-sized audio smeared across your feed.

#7. Engage Frequently With Your Growing Audience

Resonating with listeners beyond just uploading songs is integral for enduring fandom. Reply to their comments with authentic gratitude and provide any requested insights they seek like:

  • Story/meaning behind songs
  • Recording processes
  • Equipment used
  • How you achieve a certain technique or sound

Answer respectfully even to less positive commentary. Handling critiques maturely and having constructive conversations often converts initial skeptics.

Additionally, actively listen and enjoy music by creators in your scene. When you come across impressive tracks, pay sincere compliments just as you hope to receive from your own audience.

This reciprocal community support helps the entire SoundCloud environment thrive.

#8. Host Local Shows Expanding Your Regional Reach

Performing live won‘t directly drive SoundCloud streams. However,events provide invaluable local fan development that absolutely cross-pollinates.

Ensure all local promoters/venues display your SoundCloud handle across their:

  • Posters
  • Website listings
  • Email/newsletter promos
  • Social media event pages

Distribute promotional cards with your SoundCloud QR code for attendees to easily follow your profile.

Additionally, incentivize audiences to socially document shows by running hashtag campaigns. For example "Tonight’s concert hashtag is #MyNameLiveChicago" Get creative like contest giveaways for best videos, photos, etc.

This user-generated content spreads impressions to networks beyond just show attendees. Once uploaded, tag their posts to your social media feeds for skeptics to independently discover how engaging your events are.

#9. Launch Creative SoundCloud Contests & Campaigns

Contests, giveaways and interactive calls-to-action entice greater activity from current listeners while reaching untapped audiences.

Some ideas that have worked for my musician contacts include:

  • Song Vote Contests: Fans vote amongst 3 options for which unreleased WIP track gets officially completed next
  • Remix Challenges: Listeners craft their own spin of your hit for prizes like free merch
  • Repost-to-Download: Fans repost a track to directly unlock a free download
  • Pre-Save Incentive: Turning on your release notifications gives first listen access

Tying these mini-campaigns to your existing songs gives them renewed traction. The attached hooks attract both existing and new listeners from associated searches.

Track relevant hashtags, keyword terms along with overall plays/followers during promos to properly gauge success. Then optimize and scale themes that prove most effective.

#10. Purchase Targeted Plays to Gain Momentum

While completely inorganic growth raises flags for some, initializing authentic profile momentum via reputable providers offering high-retention plays is an acceptable kickstart strategy.

The compounding social proof effect from seeing higher play counts intrigues real listeners to hit that play button too. This influx sustains itself as long as the music quality resonates.

For transparent purchasing, I recommend Media Mister as a leading plays provider maintaining strict privacy standards. Their pricing tiers catering from hobbyists to professionals suit wide-ranging budgets.

Moreover, Media Mister‘s plays originate from real accounts with seasoned streaming behavior. This ensures fully integrated activity complementing natural profile development.

Order volume aligning with typical genre benchmarks prevents artificially inflating fan expectations. Most clients request packages of 5000-100,000 units to spur initial discovery.

#11. Run Retargeting Ads Across Social Media

Retargeting campaigns serve customized ads across platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube specifically to visitors who previously engaged your SoundCloud profile.

You upload email lists of known listeners or leverage website/app visit pixel tracking to identify fan traffic. Then segment audiences for tailored promotions.

Since they already enjoy your music, seeing new release announcements, ticket sales, merch drops, etc feels like helpful recommendations rather than intrusive advertising.

Dedicated apps like PixelMe exist solely to streamline building targeted audiences from your external properties then managing ongoing retargeting.

Banner and video creative can promote your SoundCloud profile generally or highlight specific activities like fresh uploads to incentivize re-engagement.

#12. Pitch Your Music to YouTube Influencers

YouTube dominates music discovery and its creators have immense influence guiding fans. Having prominent channels feature your tracks provides a stamp of approval that persuades clicks.

Follow channels posting playlists, mixes and commentary around your musical genre. Check their about sections to find their submission details.

Send professional emails pitching your style and its potential fit for their channel. Personalization addressing specific videos shows you respect their existing content rather than blindly mass messaging.

Don‘t get discouraged by initial non-responses or rejections. Influence is a numbers game and eventually recipients will bite, potentially changing the entire trajectory of your career!

Once a YouTuber shares your music, thank them and encourage viewers to follow the full track links pinned in their video description for the full experience.

#13. Guest Feature and Interview on Relevant Podcasts

Similar to YouTubers, podcasts related to music, creativity and culture can expose your gifts to aligned audiences.

Seek out both leading public shows and smaller niche programs. Research hosts and their content so any pitch highlights their community‘s shared interests with your work.

Even smaller productions still engage devoted regular downloaders. These tight-knit fans intensely share new discoveries within their micro-scene.

When presenting your background, influences and latest creative directions, spark imaginative connections listeners relate with. Describe your music experientially through the emotions and spaces it enhances rather than just technical elements.

Share SoundCloud links across any podcast‘s show notes they provide and your own website/social media promotion of the interview.

I hope these 13 strategies from my own professional analysis provide a blueprint to increase plays, followers and engagement across your SoundCloud profile.

The key is consistency applying these Creative marketing best practices while organically creating music that moves your ideal listeners.

Don’t get discouraged if growth moves slowly initially. By optimizing your approach and innovating new ideas that resonate, your sound will eventually find its tribe!

Stay confident in your talents and keep uploading your heart to nourish fans worldwide 24/7 through the universal language of music!

To your discovery,

[Your name]