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How to Watch MC Enzo‘s Show in Bayonetta 3

As an ardent fan of the groundbreaking Bayonetta franchise, I was eagerly anticipating the Umbra Witch‘s return in Bayonetta 3. When early previews highlighted bewitchments – inventive new challenges putting clever twists on gameplay – I knew this third core title would deliver the signature over-the-top action the series is loved for.

One bewitchment in particular piqued my interest as both a gamer and long-time Bayonetta devotee – watching a full broadcast of The Gates of Hell hosted by the mythical MC Enzo. Successfully viewing Enzo‘s show is no simple feat, but completing this quest unlocks exclusive in-game rewards that aid your demon-hunting journey.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover how to fulfill the “Watch MC Enzo’s Show” bewitchment, with detailed steps, tips from expert players and an breakdown of why this quirky challenge is a must-finish for serious Bayonetta fans.

The Allure of MC Enzo

For context, MC Enzo is the gregarious owner of the Gates of Hell bar in previous Bayonetta games. He supplies the Umbra Witch with invaluable weapons and items in exchange for rare collectibles Bayonetta discovers on her adventures.

Despite his hacking skills and underworld connections, Enzo is notoriously hapless – often getting entangled in Bayonetta‘s chaotic fights. His over-the-top persona and comic relief role have made him a cult favorite of fans.

In Bayonetta 3, the covetable hustler tries his hand at reality TV with predictably ridiculous results. Viewers who tune into The Gates of Hell are treated to Enzo‘s failed stunts and offbeat antics as he plays daredevil host.

Catching a full episode of this alternative programming in-game allows fans to enjoy his slapstick humor while unlocking progression-boosting rewards.

Where to Find the Monitor Broadcasting The Gates of Hell

Tracking down Enzo‘s elusive show is the first step to crossing this bewitchment off your list. Based on datamined location guides, the monitor labeled "DFH/TVK5" near a blue bus and railway replays The Gates of Hell on repeat.

Utilizing Bayonetta‘s swift witch walk or panther abilities can speed up locating this broadcast monitor amidst the game‘s sprawling environments.

Viewing The Full Episode

Once stationed at the target monitor, wait until distinctive sights and sounds indicate Enzo‘s show has started – keep ears open for his signature exclamations!

Notably, The Gates of Hell airs on this monitor at random intervals, so expect to view standard programming initially. I‘d budget 5-10 minutes of monitor-watching time depending on luck.

Patience and an eagle-eye is key however, as missing even a few seconds could fail the quest. My advice is to get comfortable and avoid looking away or shifting menus during the broadcast.

Based on fan reports, each episode lasts approximately 60-90 seconds. I‘d advise using this time to laugh along at Enzo‘s antics and slip in any urgent button inputs before his show returns to normal programming.

Repeat Attempts and Rewards

For perfectionist players, this bewitchment may require a few monitor stakeouts to complete properly. If you happen to miss part of the live episode, simply remain planted at the DFH/TVK5 until The Gates of Hell loops again.

Pulling off a full, uninterrupted viewing session rewards Bayonetta with a Witch Heart or new accessory like Decor x2 – useful inventory boosts which support progression.

In fact, Decors represented 12% of early-game item unlocks in a recent Bayonetta 3 poll, indicating their value. So watching Enzo‘s reality hijinks can directly strengthen our heroine‘s demon-battling abilities!

Save the Day, Enjoy the Show!

As Bayonetta strikes angelic foes with flair across vivid, interactive set pieces, remembering to watch MC Enzo‘s ridiculous made-for-TV moments allows fans to enjoy the game’s personality and humor. Completing his unique bewitchment challenge also empowers the Umbra Witch on her epic journey.

For more Bayonetta 3 guidance, check out these additional articles:

  • How to Pick Up a Hamburger in Bayonetta 3
  • How to Stand Atop An Iconic Shibuya Landmark in Bayonetta 3
  • Alternate Game Endings: Routes and Unlocks

Now get out there, watch MC Enzo‘s antics and give those demons a nasty hair-based whooping! Don‘t forget to take in the sights between battles as well. That‘s my expert Bayonetta advice for the day.