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How to "Wait for your Captured SAM Site to Shoot Down an Airplane" in Warzone 2 DMZ

As a [Call of Duty news] veteran with over 200 hours destroying Al Mazrah threats, I‘ve honed SAM site capture strategies for maximizing aircraft takedowns. Here is the definitive guide to seizing control of these anti-air batteries and reaping the exclusive rewards.

An Expert‘s Overview: SAM Site Dominance Tactics

SAM sites are scarce but powerful tools scattered across Al Mazrah. My squad and I have charted ideal sites across the map through extensive trial and error.

With coordinated squad play, we achieve over 80% success rates in capturing and retaining sites long enough to unleash their missile barrages on multiple aircraft.

The key is designating defensive roles, accommodating the 15-20 second capture time, and tactically holding sites against waves of enemies alerted to your presence.

Time this right, and the payoff is immense. Below I detail how to execute this effectively.

Step-By-Step Guide: Site Capture to Aircraft Takedown

Follow these steps for SAM site supremacy:

1. Pinpoint an Ideal SAM Site

Ideally look for SAM sites in coastal areas with clear overhead flight paths. My top recommendations are:

  • Sarrif Bay: Open sightlines to target cargo planes incoming from the airport. Use roof access for defensive positioning.
  • Mawizeh Marsh: Setback gives reaction time to spot flanking enemies across the marsh.
  • Al Sharim Pass: Chokepoint limits attack angles, but beware of snipers on the hilltops.

2. Engage Capture Sequence

Approach the SAM site console and initiate the capture progress bar. This takes 15-20 seconds baseline.

Assign squadmates to posts up to 100 meters out to callout incoming hostiles. Designate fields of fire and no-go zones.

3. Defend Against Inevitable Counterattacks

Once a SAM is captured, all DMZ players receive an alert indicating its new status. Expect attack from multiple angles.

Fight to keep the site under your control for 3-5 minutes. This is sufficient time for the automated targeting system to lock onto and destroy multiple aircraft.

Pro tip: Bring armor satchel bundles to construct protective barriers on rooftops or chokepoints near the site.

4. Reap the Rewards of Aircraft Takedowns

After several minutes, the SAM will track and fire barrages at overhead helicopters, cargo planes, and other aircraft.

When destroyed, each will drop a special white-colored Supply Drop brimming with XP boosts, Killstreaks, rare Weapon Blueprints, and attachment unlocks.

Tap your Use button (not reload!) near drops for 10 seconds to secure the spoils of SAM site victory.

Additional Expert Tips from Experience

Further advice from the frontlines:

  • SAM site capture contributes to Faction Missions for bonuses
  • Prioritize aircraft drops over standard loot caches
  • Use High Alert to detect stealthier flanking attacks
  • Stick within 40 meters of the site or risk losing capture status
  • SAM locks onto heat signatures so some killstreaks may be resistant

With these advanced strategies, your Al Mazrah infiltration will thrive on controlling the skies from SAM domination. Let missiles rain and reap rewards through mastering SAM sites across the DMZ!