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Wadi Al Majuj Sacred Seal Locations in Genshin Impact

The once-glorious civilization of ancient Hadramaveth constructed towering Primal Obelisks across its deserts, reshaping the land at their whim. But over time, these marvels of engineering fell dormant and the shifting sands reclaimed them. Now, centuries later, the secrets of the Primal Obelisks are ours to rediscover in Genshin Impact‘s latest update.

Version 3.4 takes us to the desert valley of Wadi Al Majuj, where one of these mystical Obelisks lies in wait. However, its power has deteriorated after ages of disuse. To fully restore it to its former capabilities, we must hunt down the 6 Sacred Seals scattered throughout the valley‘s cliffs and ruins.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll uncover the exact locations of all the Wadi Al Majuj Sacred Seals. With these tablets in hand, you can reactivate the Primal Obelisk and claim the treasures locked within. So banish your desert thirst and let‘s begin this new adventure!

Legends of the Primal Obelisks

The towering Primal Obelisks found throughout Hadramaveth‘s vast deserts represent the pinnacle of artifice magic during the realm‘s golden age over 2500 years ago. These intricate mechanisms allowed the ancient civilization to tame the inhospitable sands and build epic structures like the City of the Deceased.

According to legends, the Obelisks could call upon the elements themselves to divert rivers, raise mountains, and reshape the land however the rulers desired. They served as both tools of construction and monuments to the people‘s ingenuity. Alas, Hadramaveth‘s glory faded over time, and the Obelisks were forgotten.

Now, a single Primal Obelisk has emerged within Wadi Al Majuj, though its power has waned. By returning the 6 Sacred Seals to their rightful place upon the Obelisk, we can reignite its capabilities and marvel at this ancient technology ourselves. Just imagine what revelations and rewards await!

Sacred Seal Description
Danger Worn stone tablet depicting crossed swords
Bird Head Relief of a hawk-like head with a gemstone eye
Right to Rule Regal seal with crown and scepter icons
Grand Door Ornate doors carved into weathered granite
Raised Arm Sculpted hand and forearm reaching upward
Valley Jagged peaks seeming to frame a sun rising

Recommended Party and Builds

Traversing Wadi Al Majuj‘s sheer cliffs and fending off powerful enemies demands the right party composition and builds. Here are some of my top tips:

Navigation – Anemo characters like Xiao and Kazuha trivialize navigation with their mid-air elemental skills and ability to pull in the Anemoculi scattered around. Prioritize upgrading stamina passives like Enduring Rock to scale cliffs with ease.

Healing – Pack strong healers like Bennett or protction like Zhongli‘s Jade Shield against the constant HP drain from Sheer Cold exposure, not to mention elite enemies‘ crushing attacks.

DPS – Bring your best single-target and AoE DPS to quickly defeat the Variety Teshi and Ruin Graders blocking certain seals. I recommend Ayaka and Yoimiya.

Artifacts – Equip sets like Viridescent Venerer to shred enemies‘ Physical/Elemental RES for faster clears. The Clam set‘s healing bonus also synergizes well here.

Mastering these kinds of party builds and strategies will give you the best chance at braving Hadramaveth‘s harsh environment and unearthing its hidden treasures. The journey ahead will test our limits, but the rewards make it all worthwhile.

Overview of Wadi Al Majuj and the Sacred Seals

First, let‘s set the scene. Wadi Al Majuj resides along the southern border of the sprawling Hadramaveth desert, with 400-foot cliffs hemming the valley on all sides. Howling winds whip through the ravines as drifting dunes spill over the edges. The crumbling ruins of an ancient city stand sentinel in this unforgiving wasteland.

Somewhere within this valley rests a dormant Primal Obelisk, its power faded after centuries without an energy source. But hope remains, for 6 Sacred Seals have been scattered across Wadi Al Majuj‘s ruins. Each etched stone tablet bears a cryptic icon representing concepts like "Danger" and "Right to Rule," though their specific meanings remain a mystery.

By locating these Sacred Seals and returning them to their appointed places upon the Obelisk, we can reactivate its arcane mechanisms and unlock access to the marvels sealed within. So let‘s begin our epic quest! Adventure awaits beneath Hadramaveth‘s endless sands.

Sacred Seal Locations

Now, let‘s get right to it and dive into the specific locations for all 6 Wadi Al Majuj Sacred Seals. Follow these instructions and reference the annotated maps to successfully track them all down:

Sacred Seal: Danger

Location: On a rocky outcropping due south of the Primal Obelisk ruins, across from a pair of lit torches.

Strategies: Glide down from the cliffs above or traverse west along the riverbanks to reach this area. Dash between cover to avoid the Ruin Grader‘s drilling punches.

Danger Seal screenshot

The Danger Seal lies opposite burning torches – mark them on your map for an easy route.

Sacred Seal: Bird Head

Location: At the rocky base of the waterfall flowing north from Wadi Al Majuj‘s central river.

Strategies: Follow the river upstream to the plunging falls, then carefully descend alongside the cascading water. Kaeya‘s ice bridges prevent deadly falls.

Bird Head Seal screenshot

Finding this seal demands a chilled drink to beat the desert heat!

Sacred Seal: Right to Rule

Location: On the ground beside a large carved pillar, just southwest of the main ruins in the valley‘s center.

Strategies: Glide from the high bluffs directly west down to the broad sandy clearing below. Be ready to escape underground after grabbing the seal!

Right to Rule Seal screenshot

The imposing pillars guide you right to the Right to Rule Seal‘s location.

Sacred Seal: Grand Door

Location: Mounted high on a cliff wall above an illuminated torch, along the southern valley outskirts.

Strategies: Scale the precarious handholds up the weathered cliff face and look down to spot the telltale torch flame guiding your path.

Grand Door Seal screenshot

Like the grand gates to a palace, this seal ushers you closer to Hadramaveth‘s secrets.

Sacred Seal: Raised Arm

Location: At the peak of a wooden platform on the northern valley cliffs, past an elite Ruin Grader enemy.

Strategies: Locate the Grader by its spinning drills, then sprint behind and annihilate it with AoE Pyro and Cryo bursts before seizing the seal!

Raised Arm Seal screenshot

Raising an arm towards greatness – the perfect pose for this commemorative seal!

Sacred Seal: Valley

Location: Atop the tallest stone pillar rising from the eastern valley dunes. Use it as a vantage point to survey the expansive ruins.

Strategies: This scenic outlook is most easily reached by gliding down from the massive eastern cliffs. Enjoy the vista!

Valley Seal screenshot

From this towering valley perch, it feels like you could reach out and grasp the stars!

And with the final Valley seal claimed, you now hold the full set of 6 Sacred Seals required to reawaken the Primal Obelisk!

Return to the Obelisk

Our epic journey across Wadi Al Majuj‘s perilous cliffs and maze-like ruins has yielded the ultimate treasure – the 6 Sacred Seals!

Now, let‘s return to the heart of the valley and insert each Seal into its appointed slot around the dormant Primal Obelisk. As the last Seal connects into place, you‘ll hear the telltale grinding of ancient mechanisms stirring to life once again after centuries of slumber. The Obelisk‘s arcane powers have been restored!

Step back and witness the multi-colored energy pulsing through its engraved frame, lighting up the intricate channels and circuits powering this technological marvel. With a final burst of elemental energy, the Obelisk projects a beam of light to the heavens. Your efforts have reawakened its capabilities, just as its creators intended so very long ago.

Bask for a moment in this display of rediscovered glory. Then, claim your reward as a Precious Chest manifests at the Obelisk‘s base, containing loot to aid your future adventures. Hadramaveth still harbors so many unearthed mysteries, but on this day, you have taken a bold step and brought a tiny fraction of its past back to life!


Our desert journey has revealed the locations of the 6 elusive Wadi Al Majuj Sacred Seals, paving the way to reactivate the Primal Obelisk and partake in Hadramaveth‘s history. Though this valley‘s civilizations are long gone, their ingenuity echoes still through achievements like the Obelisks.

I hope this guide has charted a clear route through the ruins to each seal and provided the essential tips to overcome Hadramaveth‘s perils. The realm of Teyvat overflows with hidden treasures from eras past, waiting to be uncovered by bold Travelers. Now go forth and let more ancient marvels spring to life at your touch!