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Unlocking Voyager‘s Protective Hull: An Expert‘s Guide

As a veteran Tower of Fantasy player, I‘ve tested out my fair share of mounts. But few come close to Voyager in terms of well-rounded performance. With meticulous maneuvering and breakneck acceleration, this hoverbike cuts travel time in half while turning heads across Aida.

However, piecing together Voyager parts takes patience and perseverance. In this 2,000+ word guide, I‘ll share hard-earned insights into securing one of the most elusive components: the Voyager Hull.

Why Endure the Voyager Grind

Before we dive into the step-by-step acquisition process, let‘s highlight why you should care about tracking down this posh vehicle:

Unparalleled Speed & Maneuverability

Voyager floats on twin engines that literally leave grounded transports in the dust. By incorporating hover technology rather than wheels, it achieves blazing movement speeds upwards of 65 mph across all types of terrain.

This enables drastic reductions in transit time. Expect to shave 30% or more off distances compared to running. And unlike temperamental jetpacks, Voyager won‘t slam you into cliffs at the slightest steering mishap.

The bike boasts excellent traction and nimble handling as well. Drifting around wooded thickets or rocky shoals becomes effortless, allowing access to remote nooks containing precious loot.

Standout Aesthetics

Simply put, no other mount matches Voyager‘s sleek and streamlined design. It turns heads across maps with:

  • A polished metallic white frame and cobalt blue accents
  • Teal neon detailing across its hull, complementing the blue glow from its maneuvering jets
  • Matching teal ribbons that flutter behind the bike as you jet across the landscape

Voyager certainly fulfills the "style" component of substance and style.

Rarity Appeal

As one of the most difficult vehicles to obtain, Voyager confers bragging rights. Expect to turn heads across starting zones and evoke questions in world chat from those intrigued by your stylish ride.

The effort invested makes finally fusing together all Voyager parts extremely rewarding. Let‘s get into unlocking that valuable hull component now!

Step 1: Complete the Hyena Story Arc

The Hyena faction serves as the initial antagonists in Tower of Fantasy. By finishing their campagin arc, we open access to new areas harboring Voyager crafting materials.

Hyena NPCs have established hideouts across multiple Aida regions. Seek out squad leaders with special tags like "Lizard," "Jackal," and "Fox" to progress their storylines.

When confronting Hyena bosses, I recommend burst damage from either Charge or Discharge weapons. This quickly shreds their heal abilities, preventing battles from dragging out.

Once you take down the Hyena Chieftan himself, all main missions related to the gang will complete. This permits further exploration toward our Voyager goals.

Step 2: Forage for Soda Ingredients

Oddly enough, crafting a fizzy soft drink holds the keys to our next clues. We‘ll need to supply exactly:

  • ☑️ 15 Strawberries
  • ☑️ 15 Honey sources
  • ☑️ 15 Carbonated Waters

These components scatter abundantly across starting zones like Banges and Navia. I was able to source the full amounts in around 30 minutes of foraging.

Consider creating supply routes across fertile areas like Warren Snowfield, Godwin Estate, or Secundus Nature Reserve. Utilizing suitable survey characters like King, Crow, Echo etc. also helps rapidly tag resources on minimaps for later harvesting.

Additionally, many ingredients can be purchased cheaply from general goods vendors. I recommend keeping at least 1,000 gold on hand for missing materials.

Step 3: Mix and Gift the Soda to Morgley

Once your supply of crafting ingredients hits 15x quantity for all three, find any cooking station marked on your map. I prefer using Banges Shelter or Navia Canyon City pots due to their central locations.

Interact with the cooker to bring up the mixing interface. Confirm the recipe for Iced Strawberry Soda, then press craft. Repeat until you have 8-10 surplus sodas.

We need to gift one of these drinks to a particular Hyena named Morgley now taking refuge on Navia Island. Seek him out near the faction‘s coastal hideout to initiate a conversation and reward him the soda.

In return, Morgley surrenders Console Components – crucial crafting materials for the upcoming phases.

Step 4: Locate and Activate All Three Monitoring Towers

Gaining access to the Voyager Hull requires first rebooting three surveillance towers scattered across the Aida landscape. Here are their precise coordinates along with activation methods:

Tower 1: Raincaller Island

Location: -768.1, -574.5

Follow cliffsides around the south portion of Raincaller until you locate the initial monitoring tower. Approach the door to trigger a password prompt.

Input code 5972 to power up the first node.

Tower 2: BangesTech Rooftop

Location: -457.4, -340.7

This destroyed tower sits atop the BangesTech Building headquarters. Use jetpack boosts or Ferryl steps to ascend the tower‘s rear external scaffolding.

You‘ll discover the control interface smashed beyond functionality. Luckily, the Hyena device components now in our possession can restore operation.

Interact to trigger a repair minigame using components from your inventory. Fully restoring the tower reactivates the second monitoring node.

Tower 3: Small Stronghold

Location: -258.4, -537.9

Travel to the rocky clearing Southeast of Navia Bay marked by ruined megaliths. Pass through the stone monument to uncover a hidden stronghold.

No passwords or repair works needed – simply walk up and interact with the panel to switch on power to the final tower.

With all three early warning system nodes back online, we can trigger the Voyager pod locations.

Step 5: Secure Hull from Ecological Park Supply Depots

Now return toward the sea borders of Navia Province, along the bay harboring Apophis Island. Specific coordinates lie at -444.3, -589.2.

Look for a capsized structure protruding from the water labeled Ecological Park. This facility hides four unpowered supply caches.

Destroy the exterior defense drones and head inside. You‘ll discover all four pods require weapons fire to crack open their reinforced exterior panels.

I recommend employing the King clone or other mid-long range weapons to safely take down guard robots from a distance. Dash between cover positions as needed to heal.

Eventually you‘ll deplete the durability shielding each supply cache. Finish off the final armored bot then loot all four interior compartments.

The fourth opened pod finally relinquishes the long-awaited Voyager Hull component!

Also notable, a Damaged Colossus Arm Relic spawns from the same cache. Retrieving this relic will help unlock Voyager‘s final piece.

Step 6: Voyager Control Station Guide Preview

With the cherished Hull in our inventory, only one piece eludes us – the Voyager Control Station. This serves as the hoverbike‘s command module, integrating acceleration, braking and other critical functions.

Here‘s a sneak peek into my upcoming guide covering Control Station acquisition:

We‘ll need to repair the damaged Colossus Arm using resources from Warren Snowfield remnants. This permits entry into Apophis Island‘s frigid northern mountain ranges hiding our final Voyager component…

For now, celebrate securing that valuable Hull segment! This hyperglide vehicle shall ferry us in style soon enough.

Fusing All Parts to Unlock Voyager

The full tally of components for completing the Voyager hoverbike includes:

✅ Voyager Hull

✅ Voyager Thruster

✅ Voyager Engine

✅ Voyager Control Station

With all four pieces collected, simply head to any crafting station found across major outposts. Interact and select the "Mounts" tab to spot our Voyager blueprint.

Permanently fuse all segments to unlock this elite mount!

Parting Thoughts

Voyager undergoing shakedown runs across Warren peaks

And there you have it – one of the most comprehensive written guides to securing Voyager‘s Hull component. As a final reminder, acquiring this mount bestows:

✔️ 30% Faster traversal vs running

✔️ Greater manueverability over vehicles like the Chaser bike

✔️ Enviable style points from its sleek aesthetics

I hope these tips help you persist until all Voyager parts unite into a well-earned achievement! As usual, feel free to ping any questions in the comments section below.

For my next guide, we‘ll investigate clues surrounding the artificial ???Norman???s Island??? and its connections to Apophis rock formations. But until then – happy hunting!