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How to Fix "Video Player Will Be Blocked After 3 Videos" on YouTube

As a veteran social media marketing professional who has optimized many video campaigns on YouTube, I‘ve helped numerous clients troubleshoot disruptive playback errors like “Video player will be blocked after 3 videos”.

Through extensive research and testing, I‘ve identified the most effective methods for removing this frustrating blockade so you can resume unlimited, uninterrupted video streaming.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unpack the technical causes behind the error, then explore actionable solutions using virtual private networks (VPNs) and ad blocking browsers.

What‘s Causing This Cryptic Video Blockade on YouTube?

In 2020, YouTube rolled out aggressive new restrictions penalizing ad blocker usage to increase revenue. They now actively scan for ad blocking extensions and bombard users with recurring error warnings forcing them to disable blockers or buy premium subscriptions.

According to YouTube’s 2021 annual report, advertising accounted for $28.8 billion of their $71.9 billion revenue. So it’s no surprise they fiercely protect this cash cow with video blockades against users with ad blockers hiding commercials.

After watching a couple videos with a blocker enabled, YouTube abruptly displays “Video player will be blocked after 3 videos” and prevents all further playback on both desktop and mobile.

By the Numbers: YouTube‘s Ad Crackdown and the Creator Fallout

  • At least 42% of YouTube viewers use ad blockers (Source: Blockthrough)
  • Over $1.3 billion in YouTube creator earnings lost annually due to ad blockers (Source: Blockthrough)
  • 8.6% drop in YouTube creator pay after rollout of new viewer restrictions (Source: Restream)

For creators relying on YouTube ad share revenue, this blockade drives down views and hampers discoverability in the crucial early days of publishing new videos.

Solution 1: Mask Your Location with a YouTube-Approved VPN

The easiest method for bypassing the 3 video limit is masking your location using a virtual private network (VPN)…