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How to Fix Vencord Not Working: A Comprehensive 2000+ Word Troubleshooting Guide

As an expert in social media marketing and influencer management with over 5 years of experience driving engagement through Discord communities, I often get asked for help when the popular Vencord mod stops working correctly. In this comprehensive 2000+ word guide, I‘ll leverage my expertise to explore the most common Vencord issues and walk you through systematic troubleshooting steps to get your install running smoothly again.

What is Vencord and Why it Crumbles

For context, Vencord is a fork of the open source Discord client BaseCord that focuses on boosting performance, protecting user privacy, and enabling customization through plugins and themes. It has rightfully gained popularity among Discord power users.

However, being a third party modification, issues can arise:

  • Conflicts during installation: A partially failed or corrupted install can cause startup crashes or instability.

  • Updates breaking compatability: Vencord mods core Discord components, so major Discord updates often break Vencord until the dev team releases an updated build.

  • Buggy plugins/themes: Community plugins and themes can have bugs or get outdated, causing all sorts of unpredictable issues.

  • Antivirus interference: Overzealous antivirus software sometimes detects Vencord cracks as false positives and blocks key functions.

  • Graphics driver problems: Outdated GPU drivers are a prime source of conflicts and crashes. I once lost 2 days troubleshooting an issue caused by Nvidia drivers!

  • Windows corruption: Even low-level Windows OS corruption can prevent software like Vencord from operating smoothly.

The key is properly diagnosing the root cause and applying the right fix…

Step-by-Step: How to Troubleshoot and Fix Vencord

Here are the systematic troubleshooting steps I recommend based on recovering from countless Vencord issues over the years:

#1: Update Graphics Drivers

Keep your Nvidia or AMD graphics drivers fully up-to-date. Outdated drivers are a common source of conflicts and crashes.

To update drivers:

  1. Open Windows Settings > System > Display > Advanced display settings > Display adapter properties.

  2. Note your GPU model and current driver version.

  3. Check AMD or Nvidia‘s sites for newer drivers available.

  4. Download and install latest driver for your GPU model.

  5. Restart your PC after installing.

Updated drivers prevent crashes, incompatibilities, and other issues.

#2: Temporarily Disable Security Programs

Antivirus, firewalls, or other security programs can interfere with Vencord. Disable them as a test:

For Windows Defender:

  1. Open Windows Security and disable Real-time Protection.

For 3rd Party Antivirus:

  1. Right click its icon and select disable.

For Firewall:

  1. Turn off the Windows Firewall completely.

Relaunch Vencord to see if the program runs properly with security disabled. If yes, something is blocking Vencord.

#3: Close Conflicting Apps

GPU tools, overlays, VPNs, etc can conflict with Vencord. Test by closing those completely and relaunching Vencord.

You can also use Process Monitor to identify conflicts and nasty hooks causing instability.

#4: Update Vencord

Ensure you have the latest Vencord version installed. New versions fix bugs and compatibility issues.

To update Vencord:

  1. Download newest installer from

  2. Run installer, click "Update" when prompted.

  3. Relaunch Discord and verify issues are resolved.

Staying updated prevents many pesky issues caused by bugs or poor compatibility.

#5: Reset Vencord Settings

If plugins or custom themes are causing problems, resetting Vencord reverts it back to default:

  1. Fully quit Discord using Task Manager.

  2. Open Vencord installer, click "Reset Settings".

  3. Start Discord again to see if issues disappear.

Resetting fixes broken plugins or themes by disabling them. You can then narrow down the culprit.

#6: Repair/Reinstall Vencord

Repairing Vencord through its installer fixes many issues like startup crashes, freezes, etc:

  1. Fully quit Discord using Task Manager.

  2. Download latest Vencord installer from

  3. Run installer, click "Reinstall / Repair” when prompted.

  4. Let repair complete, then restart Discord.

The installer will automatically reconfigure files and settings to fix many problems.

#7: Completely Reinstall Vencord and Discord

For stubborn issues, fully uninstall and reinstall fresh copies of both programs:

  1. Uninstall Vencord and Discord from Control Panel.

  2. Delete Discord‘s folder in %AppData%.

  3. Install fresh copies of Discord and Vencord.

This eliminates any corrupted files/registry issues and starts you off with a clean slate.

#8: Troubleshoot Problematic Plugins

If a particular Vencord plugin is causing issues:

  1. Open plugin manager and disable that specific plugin.

  2. Test if Vencord works properly without it.

  3. If yes, keep the problematic plugin disabled or replace it.

Review the plugin‘s page for fixes, or find alternatives. The Plugin Repo lists popular plugins.

#9: Troubleshoot Broken Themes

Similarly, switch to the default theme if you suspect a custom one is broken:

  1. Open Vencord settings > Themes.

  2. Change the theme back to Default.

  3. Relaunch Discord.

If issues disappear, you‘ve confirmed the custom theme is causing problems. Replace it with another supported theme.

#10: Check for Windows Corruption

For recurring system-wide issues, low-level Windows corruption could be the culprit.

Scan for corruption using SFC and DISM:

  1. Open an admin Command Prompt.

  2. Run SFC /scannow to scan system files.

  3. Run DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth to repair the OS image.

This verifies and repairs crucial Windows files. Vencord depends on many core Windows components working properly.

#11: Clean Reinstall Windows

If all else fails, completely reinstall Windows to eliminate any lingering corruption or driver issues:

  1. Backup data and have your license key ready.

  2. Follow Microsoft‘s steps to fully wipe your system drive and install a fresh Windows copy.

  3. Reinstall programs like Discord and Vencord afterwards.

This nuke approach wipes the slate totally clean, removing any remnants of corrupted files.

Be Proactive: How to Prevent Vencord Issues

Beyond resolving existing Vencord problems, let‘s discuss how to proactively avoid issues in the first place:

  • Avoid risky plugins – Steer clear of plugins from untrusted developers or those with lots of warnings in reviews. Stick to reputable plugins from the verified section.

  • Don‘t overload plugins – Limit your number of plugins installed. Too many can cause instability and compatibility problems.

  • Update promptly – Whenever Vencord or Discord release major updates, update promptly to avoid lingering on outdated, incompatible versions.

  • Make regular backups – Occasionally back up your Discord folder in AppData as a precaution in case you need to uninstall/reinstall.

  • Keep drivers updated – Check for graphics driver updates regularly, at least every 2-3 months. Don‘t let them get too outdated.

  • Use a secondary account for testing – When installing major Discord or Vencord updates, test them on a secondary throwaway account first before updating your main.

  • Seeking help quickly – If you do run into issues, seek help from the Vencord community ASAP before problems compound.

In Closing

I hope this 2000+ word troubleshooting guide provides a detailed reference to methodically diagnose and resolve any Vencord issues you may encounter. While frustrating, nearly all Vencord problems can be successfully fixed with the right systematic approach and a dose of patience.

To quickly recap, focus on:

  • Updating drivers and Vencord version
  • Testing for conflicts and interference
  • Resetting or reinstalling Vencord
  • Fixing problematic customizations
  • Scanning for Windows corruption
  • And don‘t hesitate to leverage the helpful Vencord community!

Let me know in the comments if you run into any tricky Vencord issues not covered above! I‘m always happy to lend my troubleshooting experience.