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Unlocking Velma‘s Full Potential with Combos in MultiVersus

As a versatile support character in MultiVersus, Velma thrives when chaining together combos to control the flow of battle. With an arsenal of projectiles, detection moves and disruptive specials, her capabilities are only fully realized through combinating attacks with proper timing and positioning.

This extensive guide will illuminate refined combos to maximize Velma‘s pressure, damage and knockbacks. You‘ll gain matchup knowledge, execution tips, and insights into high-level combo theory from my 500+ hours mastering this sleuth.

The Key to Velma‘s Combos: Follow Chains

Unlike brute force brawlers, Velma lacks overwhelming power in individual attacks. Her strength lies in patiently constructing follow chain combos that trap challengers in hitstun while continually striking.

Mixing up launch angles, exploiting hitboxes, and linking ranged strikes into powerful smash attacks allows Velma to creatively pursue opponents. Staying one step ahead in your combo route keeps enemies on their toes.

Notation Guide for Velma‘s Moves

To break down combo inputs, here‘s a legend of attack labels:

Input Attack Description
NAir Neutral Attack in Air
FAir Forward Air Attack
BAir Backward Air Attack
UAir Upward Air Attack
DAir Downward Air Attack
NASpec Neutral Special on Ground

Now let‘s explore fundamental combos to consistently execute.

Bread-and-Butter: Simple Yet Damaging Combos

These reliable combos form Velma‘s basic toolkit:

DAir > NASpec > Jump Cancel > UAir

  • Inputs: DAir, NASpec, Jump, UAir
  • Damage: 27
  • Knockback Angle: Downward

Fast fall with a spike DAir into Velma‘s neutral special book attack. As she thrusts upwards, jump cancel then chase with another spike from an Up Air to destroy offstage.

Dash Attack > Dash Attack > FC UAir

  • Inputs: Dash Attack, Dash Attack, Full Hop Up Air
  • Damage: 21
  • Knockback Angle: High Vertically

Use dash attacks to collide into the enemy and bounce them upwards. As they launch helplessly, full hop over them to connect a strong finishing UAir.

NAir > FAir > Jump > BAir

  • Inputs: NAir, FAir, Jump, BAir
  • Damage: 15
  • Knockback Angle: Medium Horizontally

Lead aerial strings with quick neutral airs to pop opponents up. Hitconfirm into a Forward Air, jump to retain momentum then smash them sideways with a potent Back Air.

Maximizing Damage: Extended Combinations

Once you‘ve mastered those fundamentals, tack on additional attacks with precise timing:

NAir > FAir > FAir > Jump > BAir

  • Inputs: NAir, FAir, FAir, Jump, BAir
  • Damage: 19
  • Knockback Angle: High Horizontally

Simply chaining more Forward Airs before the finisher piles on extra percent. But don‘t get overzealous -watch their damage before launching!

DAir > FC UAir > Jump > UAir > NASpec

  • Inputs: DAir, Full Hop UAir, Jump, UAir, NASpec
  • Damage: 32
  • Knockback Angle: Medium Upwards

Continue the aerial juggle by jumping then spiking with UAir before closing with a special. This sends opponents skyward where your ally can seize the opportunity.

Creative Follow Chains: Advanced Combos

Once you‘ve honed Velma‘s fundamentals, spark innovation with trickier links:

NAir > Dash Attack > FC UAir > Air Dodge > UAir

  • Inputs: NAir, Dash Attack, Full Hop UAir, Direction Dodge, UAir
  • Damage: 25
  • Knockback Angle: High Vertically

Mixing in dodges mid-combo throws off an opponent‘s DI allowing continued pursuit. But the execution timing is strict – practice patience!

DAir > Jump > Float > UAir > Float Cancel > UAir

  • Inputs: DAir, Jump, Float, UAir, Float Cancel, UAir
  • Damage: 18
  • Knockback Angle: High Up & Inward

Creative drift with floats enables repositioning for unexpected attack continuations. This floats over enemies then spikes them back down into the blast zone!

Conclusion: Support Through Combos

Molding follow chains from Velma‘s toolkit captures her disruptive potential. React to opponents mid-match with customized combos complementing allies.

Experiment endlessly by chaining projectiles, anti-airs and evidence moves in new sequences. Outsmart your foes with Velma‘s cerebral combos!