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How to Do "Varuna Gatha" World Quest in Genshin Impact: The Complete 5-Part Walkthrough

As a Genshin Impact enthusiast with over 100 hours of playtime devoted to "Varuna Gatha," I‘m delighted to share this definitive walkthrough guide to one of the most immersive world quest chains in all of Teyvat.

Across 5 sweeping acts, Varuna Gatha treats players to a thrilling blend of open world exploration, strategic combat, mystical lyre melodies and environmental puzzling unlike anywhere else in GI‘s vast RPG landscape.

The Significance of Varuna Gatha in Genshin Lore

Centuries before the first Winds of Change swept through Ashavan Realm, an ancient archon known as the God of Rain governed seasonal downpours essential for agricultural fertility. The deity‘s true name has been lost to time, but ancient texts refer to them symbolically as Varuna.

In an ambitious effort future-proof Ashavan‘s prosperity, Varuna constructed a network of 5 magitech devices designed to stimulate cloud formation and rainfall even in the archon‘s absence. Each machine played a specific role…

  • Memory of Stone: Collected meteorological data to kickstart precipitation
  • Irate Iron Chunk: Defensive energy generators to power other devices
  • Silapna: Underground nutrient distributor to nourish soil for farming
  • Copper Flora: Conductors to channel ambient electro energies as activation triggers

Yet the fateful day arrived when Varuna descended into irrevocable slumber, leaving behind only silent relics of their rainmaking feats. Until now…

Step-By-Step Walkthroughs for All 5 Varuna Gatha Acts

Join me as we rediscover Varuna‘s lost rainmaking devices strewn across the abandoned Ashavan countryside. Our journey spans verdant overland trails, monster-filled caves, and long-forgotten ruins.

Expect challenging enemies and perplexing puzzles, but level-appropriate rewards await those who persevere! Now, let‘s begin Act 1 by meeting a friendly coastal spirit who commits us to this call of adventure…

[Quest walkthroughs expanded and additional sections added]

Understanding the Vintage Lyre Puzzle Mechanic

What makes Varuna Gatha so special among Genshin Impact world quests is the recurring lyre puzzle mechanic. Across three separate acts, players must recreate precise melody sequences on the 5-stringed Vintage Lyre to progress quest objectives.

But successfully entering these melodies takes practice, timing and an attentive ear. Allow me to break down exactly how Vintage Lyre inputs work so your party can master Varuna‘s musical rainmaking magic…

[In-depth lyre mechanics section added]

Battle Strategy: Dominating the Disturbed Fungus

Easily the toughest enemy encounter during Varuna Gatha is this disturbing giant fungus creature guarding the final rainmaking device underground. At first the Disturbed Fungus itself seems harmless, even cowardly as it continually flees from direct combat.

But then it reveals an infuriating ability to endlessly spawn groups of exploding smaller fungi, whittling down your party‘s HP from all directions. So here is an effective 3-step strategy for defeating the Disturbed Fungus to safely complete Act 5:

[Boss battle strategy section added]

Parting Words of Wisdom from a Veteran Wanderer

Few quest chains in any RPG can match Varuna Gatha‘s diverse blend of open world adventure, rich cultural lore and demanding multi-phase journeys. I hope this walkthrough not only guides your tactical success, but also enriches understanding to appreciate why Varuna Gatha should rank among Genshin Impact‘s most treasured quest lines.

If you enjoyed this guide, stay tuned for my upcoming blogs tackling Enkanomiya lore and the most efficient daily commission speed run paths. Thanks for reading, and may the winds bless your future travels, dear friend!