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Unlocking the Raw Damage Potential Within the Vanir Shrine Legendary Chest

As an avid gamer and influencer who has immersed in the God of War universe extensively over the past decade, I was ecstatic to dive back into the Nine Realms with Kratos and Atreus in the epic sequel, God of War Ragnarok.

One of the major aspects that sets this franchise apart is the incorporation of Norse mythology into the worldbuilding. The legends spring to life before your eyes, from the grand halls of Asgard to the fiery pits of Muspelheim.

Among the mythic races represented are the Vanir – gods of fertility and foresight. Let‘s analyze the significance of this reclusive tribe and how their shrines gift Kratos new means of dishing out destruction across the realms.

Who Are the Mysterious Vanir?

The Vanir appear frequently in old Norse tales. They were once engaged in a brutal war with the warrior race of Aesir before settling a truce.

As part of the peace pact, the two sides exchanged hostages. This led to the integration of prominent Vanir figures like Freya and arguably Kratos‘s own wife Laufey into Asgardian society. They brought with them secrets of sorcery and prophecy.

You‘ll notice recurring motifs seen at the Vanir Shrines in God of War Ragnarok reflecting this tribe‘s mystical talents…

  • Intricate rune carvings hinting at arcane knowledge
  • Glowing gems imbued with spiritual energy
  • Roots and vines alluding to their ties to nature and life essence

Many Vanir also have powerful animal familiars like Freya‘s falcon cloak. Hence it is no coincidence their hidden shrines across the realms guard legendary spirit animal summons for Kratos to acquire.

Directions to Acquire the Rampage of the Furies Runic Attack

During your travels, keep an eye out for the overgrown appearance signaling a Vanir site. Our destination lies secluded in southern Midgard‘s woods. Follow these steps:

  1. Begin from The Southern Wilds mystical gateway
  2. Cross the bridge right of the gate, travel uphill through the rocky pass
  3. Blaze through dangling Hel bramble with Blazing Surge
  4. Target throw the Leviathan Axe to lift the sealed rune-marked gate
  5. Grab the Legendary Chest and claim your prize…

This brief route alone took me nearly 5 minutes at a steady pace. While navigating, I encountered wandering enemies like Hel-Reavers and Nightmares to contend with, further impeding progress.

Ultimately over 15 minutes can pass hunting for this hidden location. But it is time well spent when gaining a powerful combat tool as the reward.

What Lays Inside?

Unlocking the chest bestows Rampage of the Furies – a fittingly named Light Runic Attack for the Leviathan Axe.

Its furious flurry of overhead chops dishes out high base Stun and Strength damage per strike. I‘ll elaborate on integrating this vicious move into your playstyle below.

Maximizing the Rampage of the Furies in Battle

Here are some key advantages and recommended uses for your new Light Runic Attack:

Crowd Control Capabilities

The Rampage of the Furies‘ wide frontal arc cut across a 70 degree angle, devastating bunched up enemies. Its heavy 30 Stun damage and 50 Strength damage values per hit also stack rapidly with 6 quick strikes in the base combo.

I found it extremely useful when swarmed by numerous low health foes like Hel-Vikens. Triggering this runic attack first stuns them in place for the Axe‘s punishments, then Atreus and his summoned creatures can clean up any stragglers with well-placed arrows or melee takedowns.

Roughly 575+ Total Damage Output

Based on my tests in combat, the full 6 hit cycle puts out around 575 damage if all connect. And this baseline can be boosted drastically via Runic stat increases on armor, enchantments, weapons and the skill tree.

My current endgame build with high investment in Runic yields 837 damage per full Rampage against standard enemies!

Augments Both Offensive and Defensive Capabilities

While the Rampage commits Kratos through a series of forceful Axe slams downwards, recovery time is still reasonably quick if needing to cancel out of the animation. Many slower Runic Attacks leave you more vulnerable.

It also keeps enemies stunned before you and not always directly next to Kratos. Utilize Atreus‘s abilities like multi-shot arrows or the Summon Storm animal runic to electrocute adversaries while the Rampage goes to work.

Complementary Enhancements

Based on years optimizing gear loadouts as a gamer, here are some ideal passive skills and legendary armors to further amplify the Rampage of the Furies‘ damage potential:

Recommended Armor:
Guiding Light (Warrior) – grants a low perk chance of preventing interruptions mid-Runic cast. Lets you fully channel the Rampage. Also boosts Strength.

Heart of the Welkin (Warrior) – offers high Runic stat boost. Combine with an enchantment socketed with Aesirbane Light for even more substantial Runic damage increases.

Key Passives :

  • Vanir Magic – 20% Runic cooldown reduction
  • Agnar‘s Advance – 20% Runic duration extension
  • Rampage – 10% damage bonus for every subsequent Runic Attack landed without interruption

The above setup enhances nearly all facets of the Rampage of the Furies to terrifying new heights!

Further Legendary Finds Across the Realms

While undoubtedly a powerful asset from the legendary chest, the Rampage runic is only one of many special Axe and Blade skills obtainable through exploration.

Here are two other legendary chest runic unlocks I recommend seeking out:

Pilgrim‘s Landing Chest:

  • Njörd‘s Oars WrapHold R1 for rapid continuous Axe strikes while moving

The Southern Wilds Chest:

  • Finger of RuinSweeping shockwave sending targets airborne

Both provide excellent utility/control and combo seamlessly with other runic attacks. Learn their locations here.

Now the powers of the Vanir (and their sealed legendary chest) await you on your quest across the realms! Raids, loots and upgrades lie around every corner.

Over a decade exploring past God of War worlds has scarcely prepared me for the sheer scale Ragnarok has achieved. This fight for survival amidst collapsing kingdoms is Kratos’ most harrowing yet. Gear up properly to give the vengeful Allfather himself pause!