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How to Fix Valorant Agent Voice Lines Not Working

Valorant‘s cast of agents each have unique personalities expressed through their in-game voice lines. Hearing Phoenix crack jokes or Killjoy‘s excited outbursts not only provides tactical audio cues, but brings life to every match. But sometimes bugs or configuration issues can cause voice lines to not play properly or at all. Don‘t worry – with a few troubleshooting steps you can get those beloved voices back!

As an avid Valorant player and audio technician, I‘ve had my fair share of voice line issues cut out mid-match. This can disrupt gameplay and immersion. Based on my experiences, here is an in-depth guide on potential fixes to restore your agent’s glorious voice overs.

Diagnosing the Issue

Before jumping into solutions, let‘s cover some common causes behind voice lines not working correctly in Valorant:

  • Outdated Audio Drivers: Like other hardware, audio drivers need updating for optimal performance. Outdated drivers are a leading cause of game audio glitches.

  • Corrupted/Missing Game Files: Damaged or missing audio files will prevent voice line sounds from playing properly.

  • Incorrect Language Settings: If game and system languages differ, it can cause conflicts.

  • Third-Party Audio Conflicts: Audio software like Discord adjusting mic settings could disrupt game sound.

  • Game Setting Bugs: Glitches affecting Valorant‘s audio systems can break voice line functionality.

  • Performance Issues: High CPU usage, low RAM, bad connections etc. could potentially disrupt audio.

I recommend monitoring your system during play to check for any of these issues. Pay attention to when exactly voice lines cut out – at the beginning or mid-match? Check task manager for CPU/memory problems. Try Single Player modes to isolate network factors. This info helps pinpoint the cause.

Solution 1 – Update Audio Drivers

Let‘s start with the most common fix – updating your audio drivers. Here are detailed steps:

  1. Open Windows search and type in "Device Manager". Open the app.

  2. Expand "Sound, video and game controllers". This lists all your audio devices.

  3. Right click on each device such as "Realtek Audio" and select "Update driver".

  4. Follow the update wizard prompts. Allow time for installation.

  5. Restart your PC when finished. Updates take full effect after a reboot.

  6. Launch Valorant and check if voice lines now work. Updated drivers often fix basic audio glitches.

If you are tech-savvy, you can also try manually downloading the latest audio drivers from your hardware manufacturer‘s website instead of Windows Update. But take care with manual installs.

Overall, this basic update should cover any driver-related issues leading to missing voice lines. But if problems persist, don‘t worry! We have a couple other fixes to try.

Solution 2 – Verify & Repair Game Files

Next up – a scan and repair of your Valorant game files. Corrupted or missing audio files can break voice lines. Here‘s how to verify and fix:

  1. Open the Riot Games client and click the gear icon for Settings.

  2. Select "Manage Installs" in the left sidebar.

  3. Click on "Valorant" in your installed games list.

  4. Choose "Repair" to run Valorant‘s file scan and repair utility.

  5. Wait for the process to finish. Repairing often fixes file issues.

  6. Relaunch Valorant and check for voice line functionality.

Riot also releases frequent patches and updates for Valorant. Be sure to verify files after major updates which could potentially corrupt data. If you are low on disk space, delete unused files as lack of space can also break games.

Repairing game files resolves the vast majority of file-related problems leading to no voice lines. But in rare cases, we may need to tinker with language settings as well.

Solution 3 – Change In-Game Language

If drivers and files check out okay, inconsistencies with game language settings could be the issue. Here‘s how to reset:

  1. In the Riot client, under Valorant‘s game settings, change Game Language to another language like Deutsche.

  2. Launch Valorant and let it process the language change, which may require a re-download of voice over packs.

  3. Return to Game Settings and switch Game Language back to your original preference such as English.

  4. Relaunch Valorant again. This forces a refresh of voice overs in the desired language.

Having your Riot client language differ from Valorant’s in-game language can cause conflicts. This process syncs things up and typically resolves any language-related issues.

Advanced Troubleshooting

If you still do not hear agent voice lines after trying the above, we can dig a bit deeper:

  • Check audio channels to ensure voice line volume isn‘t muted or set extremely low.

  • Tinker with audio options like Windows Sonic for different sound processing.

  • Monitor for third-party conflicts. Temporarily disable other audio apps like Discord to test.

  • Update graphics drivers along with audio. Outdated graphics drivers cause their own glitches.

  • Validate there is sufficient storage space. Low space can break games.

  • Edit GameUserSettings.ini to reset Voice lines and Announcer to default.

  • Provide feedback to Riot on audio issues for improving Valorant. Check official posts for workarounds.

The good news is Riot developers actively work on expanding features and fixing bugs like voice line problems. Providing reproductions of your specific issue to them directly or checking patch notes can reveal new solutions.

Preventing Future Voice Line Troubles

Here are some tips to avoid further voice line issues down the road:

  • Regularly update your audio drivers and Riot‘s Valorant through Windows Update or manufacturer websites.

  • Periodically verify your game files via the Riot client to avoid corrupted data.

  • Ensure game language settings match your operating system and Riot client languages.

  • Monitor for third-party software conflicts and performance issues that could disrupt sound.

  • Validate you have sufficient storage space for Valorant‘s frequently expanding audio files.

  • Provide feedback to Riot on any voice line bugs you encounter so they can improve the game.

Following these best practices will ensure your chosen agent‘s voice lines ring out loud and clear for match after match. Whether it‘s Killjoy rambling about her gear or Reyna taunting enemies, their voices provide enormous value.

In Closing

With a few targeted troubleshooting steps, you can resolve voice line issues to get your favorite agents shouting callouts and quips once again. Start with the basics like updating drivers and verifying files. For rarer cases, dig into advanced settings and provide feedback to Riot. The life these voices bring to Valorant make it well worth the effort. Here‘s to many more thrilling matches with our vocal agents leading the charge!