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How to Use the Image File to Find Dr. Reed‘s Lab in Dead Island 2

As a veteran zombie survival gamer and worldbuilder, I appreciate the cryptic challenge of locating hidden objectives crucial to advancing Dead Island 2‘s post-apocalyptic story. You may have received a mysterious image file key to pinpointing Dr. Talbot Reed‘s hidden virology lab in Los Angeles with in-game directions to "use this image."

This brilliant yet troubled doctor likely holds answers that could turn the tide on the zombie epidemic consuming LA‘s iconic streets. However finding his lab tucked secretly away could prove more difficult than killing hordes of the undead with makeshift weapons. Luckily, I‘ve mapped out precisely how decoding this image file reveals the lab‘s location so you can continue your thrilling quest for answers!

Dr. Reed‘s Work Matters – Here‘s Why

As veteran zombie games have taught us, pandemic origins unfold gradually via notes, recordings, and sinister facilities where scientists delved too greedily into infectious secrets. Techland, Dead Island‘s developer, excels at environmental storytelling through the very landmarks that confuse players initially.

Dr. Talbot Reed has been at the forefront researching how the zombie infection transforms people into mindless monsters driven only to consume living flesh and convert more to their cause. Consider Reed LA‘s epidemiological Dr. Jenner from The Walking Dead tracking the viral spread while secluded in a secret underground bunker at the CDC.

Reed ominously vanished just as this gruesome pandemic erupted, leaving only a maddening breadcrumb trail to his oceanfront lab. Solving his cryptic image riddle brings you closer to comprehending Patient Zero‘s origins, treatment options, even potential vaccines to turn infected humans back…or eliminate them. But first, decoding this map.

Cracking the Image File‘s Clues – Here‘s What They Mean

This image highlights Silicon Street, that iconic winding highway through our tech giant‘s former hub dotted with the sleek metal and glass edifices Zuckerberg and Jobs helped erect. Just east down this street rests a telling landmark – an ordinary white van marked clearly.

Finally, your ultimate destination – Loading Bay 7 adjoining the imposing Randgate building. Some brief but vital backstory on Randgate to showcase Techland‘s masterful environmental kinetics – this monolithic structure housed AmanoTech, a leading innovator building components that powered over 50% of US military drones and autonomous weapon systems.

Until the lucrative AmanoTech folded virtually overnight despite their technological prowess, leaving Randgate‘s steel and concrete skeleton hauntingly empty…the perfect hideaway for Dr. Reed‘s infectious experiments. Accessing this abandoned building‘s loading bay allows covert deliveries of lab equipment and human "volunteers" transformed into the flesh-craving monstrosities that plague Los Angeles.

Now, utilizing this image map‘s specific clues, I will outline step-by-step how to reach this hidden lab:

Follow These Directions Carefully

  1. From your starting point on Maple Street, travel east, following the snaking path of Silicon Street. You‘ll pass Gritty‘s Coffee and several small drone aircraft shops – remnants of AmanoTech‘s collapsed empire.
  2. Continue east on Silicon Street roughly half a mile until you approach a white van parked conspicuously outside a walled-off lot.
  3. The white van location confirms you are now directly north of Loading Bay 7 marked for delivery access to Randgate.
  4. Turn left down an alley called West San Pedro St, walking approximately 200 yards.
  5. Access the Kellison parking structure to safely navigate around a geographic hazard.
    • This collapsed overpass teems with zombies who will quickly swarm your location.
    • Use the parking structure‘s elevated walkways, dispatching only essential threats.
  6. Descend back to West San Pedro St and continue 100 yards to Ocean Avenue – a fitting location for Reed‘s seaside lab.
  7. You will now see Loading Bay 7 just outside Randgate. Approach with caution as this area *will* be guarded.

Through precise triangulation centered around the image‘s decoded clues, we have located Dr. Reed‘s lab. But simply accessing this secret location initiates an entirely new quest – safely searching the facility for intel on Reed‘s whereabouts plus his myriad experiments.

Based on developers Techland‘s previous zombie games like Dying Light emphasizing verticality and interior navigation challenges, expect environmental puzzles within Randgate‘s abandoned floors to access Dr. Reed‘s most secure quarantine labs. Zombies will certainly wander the building so ideal weapons are short blades or blunt pipes allowing tight corridor combat.

Now begin your infiltration by using this image file to pinpoint Loading Bay 7, the nexus bridging Los Angeles‘ decaying exterior to the answers hidden within Randgate‘s walls. Godspeed remaining human!

Further Reading: