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How to Use the Farrwick to Link the Circuit and Activate the Left Machine Door in Genshin Impact

The breathtaking open world of Teyvat continues to expand with Mihoyo‘s regular updates to Genshin Impact. Version 3.6 ushers in an entirely new desert region in Sumeru for players to explore along with new characters, domains, quests and more. This guide will walk you step-by-step through one of 3.6‘s trickiest puzzles – using the Farrwick gadget to open the left machine door in the challenging Molten Iron Fortress domain.

As an avid Genshin Impact player and expert with over 2500 hours invested, puzzles like these are my favorite part of the game. There‘s no greater feeling than that ‘eureka‘ moment when the solution clicks after careful examination and experimentation. While some players may be stumped by the Farrwick circuit puzzle, fear not – just follow my guide and you‘ll have that door open in no time.

Overview of Sumeru and the Molten Iron Fortress

Before jumping into the step-by-step guide, let‘s quickly recap what‘s new in Genshin Impact 3.6 and provide some context on the Molten Iron Fortress area where this puzzle takes place.

Version 3.6, dubbed "A Parade of Providence", introduced the massive new desert region of Sumeru. This harsh, arid area is split into two main parts:

  • Sumeru Desert – This is the starting point and houses the new city of Gandharva Ville. It features standard wilderness, desert fauna and ruins.

  • The Scarlet King‘s Realm – A deadly desert wilderness protected by fierce sandstorms and the menacing Scarlet King. Home to shrines and secrets.

In addition to open world areas, the update brought several new domains for players to challenge. One of these is the Molten Iron Fortress, located on the northern cliffs of the Sumeru Desert.

This abandoned foundry is filled with derelict forge equipment and deactivated Forgekeepers/Furnaceguards. Navigating the fortress requires players to unlock heavy machine doors by completing circuit puzzles.

This ties into the new Farrwick gadget, which can connect circuits to direct electrical currents when placed correctly. Understanding Farrwick mechanics is mandatory for progression.

Now let‘s dive right into how to use the Farrwick on the specific left door puzzle in the Molten Iron Fortress domain.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough – Opening the Left Door

Follow these steps precisely to use the Farrwick gadget and open the heavy sealed door on the left side of the main foundry chamber:

Step 1 – Pick Up the Farrwick

Upon entering the primary foundry room, you‘ll notice two large locked doors on either side, as well as two Farrwicks on the ground.

Head to the Farrwick on the right side near the wall and interact to add it to your gadget inventory. You‘ll need this to complete the circuit.

Pick up the Farrwick

The Farrwick in Genshin Impact acts as a conductor that can link electrical circuits when positioned correctly.

Step 2 – Place Farrwick on the Generator

Still on the right side, find the frozen generator near the front right corner, just to the right of the waypoint.

Approach the generator and you will get a prompt to install the Farrwick. Press the button to place the Farrwick on top of the generator.

Place the Farrwick on the frozen generator

Installing the Farrwick here connects the generator to the next part of the circuit.

Step 3 – Turn the Mixer Once

Now walk over to the large Mixer machine along the rear wall of the foundry. Interact with it to turn the Mixer one full revolution clockwise.

Turn the Mixer once

After one complete turn, the mixer will be aligned to channel the current from the Farrwick-linked generator.

Step 4 – Turn the Mixer Twice More

Finally, rotate the Mixer wheel two additional full revolutions clockwise, for a total of three turns.

Turn the Mixer twice more

Turning the Mixer three times completes the circuit and activates the unlocked door!

Step 5 – Watch the Left Door Open

If your circuit is completed properly, you‘ll see a short cutscene where the left heavy machine door slides open automatically!

The left door opens!

This grants access deeper into the Molten Iron Fortress domain. Now you can proceed through the open doorway.

And that covers the full process of utilizing the Farrwick gadget to open the left door!

Recap of the Farrwick Circuit Steps

Let‘s quickly recap the key steps:

  1. Pick up the Farrwick
  2. Install Farrwick on the frozen generator
  3. Turn the Mixer once
  4. Turn the Mixer twice more
  5. Witness the left door open!

Understanding how Farrwicks work to direct electrical currents is integral to navigating Sumeru‘s many ruins and machinery. Excellent work mastering this puzzle!

Genshin Impact Puzzle Solving Tips and Tricks

While we‘ve cracked the Farrwick door puzzle, there are dozens more awaiting you in the lands of Teyvat. Here are my top universal tips for tackling the many challenges:

  • Thoroughly examine – Inspect every inch and try every interaction. Experimentation is key!
  • Look for clues – Developers often hint at solutions via diagrams, notes, patterns and symbols.
  • Come back later – Step away if stumped; a fresh perspective helps tremendously.
  • Co-op assistance – Partner up to have an extra set of eyes and abilities.
  • Research guides – No shame in looking up hints when truly stuck!

Additional things to consider:

  • Elemental crystals, colors and patterns suggest order of activation.
  • Fully rotate, raise or lower objects to trigger changes.
  • Elements like Geo, Pyro, Cryo can alter the environment when applied properly.
  • Time actions precisely by coordinating team members.
  • Use elemental sight to uncover hidden components.
  • Change weather conditions if needed.
  • Light up dark areas by igniting torches with Pyro.
  • Search high and low – solutions can be hidden anywhere.
  • Revisit puzzles later when your roster improves.
  • Read all available tips, instructions and lore closely.

If you master these tips while honing your observation skill, no puzzle will stay unsolved for long!

Parting Words

That concludes my complete guide on utilizing the Farrwick gadget to open the left heavy machine door within Genshin Impact‘s Molten Iron Fortress domain. The intricate puzzles of Teyvat are an amazing challenge – solving them provides immense satisfaction.

I hope these detailed steps, images, tips and tricks help you overcome this difficult electrical circuit puzzle. Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m happy to lend my 2500+ hours of Genshin Impact expertise to help fellow adventurers in any way I can.

The journey throughout Sumeru‘s sweeping deserts, mysterious ruins and challenging domains has only just begun. Keep this guide handy as you unravel the many mysteries the region has in store. Enjoy the journey!