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How to Use ChatGPT without a Phone Number


ChatGPT has become an internet phenomenon, amassing over 100 million users in just two months since its launch. However, many potential users face roadblocks in accessing ChatGPT due to its phone number verification requirement.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore proven methods to use ChatGPT without a personal phone number, the reasons for the phone verification system, its limitations, and alternative options to use AI writing assistants anonymously.

Why ChatGPT Requires Phone Verification

First, let‘s understand why ChatGPT implemented mandatory phone verification in the first place.

ChatGPT was created by Anthropic, an AI safety startup founded in 2021 by Dario Amodei and Daniela Amodei. Their goal is to develop AI that is helpful, harmless, and honest.

To maintain ChatGPT‘s integrity as a beneficial AI assistant, Anthropic put several safety guardrails in place:

  • Phone verification – Prevents bot accounts, reduces ban evasions, enforces usage limits
  • Content policy – Blocks harmful, dangerous, or unethical requests
  • No personal info storage – Conversations are ephemeral and not stored long-term

According to Anthropic, the phone verification specifically serves to:

  • Prevent spammy bot accounts – Adds friction that makes large-scale bot account creation difficult
  • Reduce ban evasion – Banned users cannot immediately return with new accounts
  • Enforce equitable usage – Limits usage per person rather than per device
  • Increase accountability – Ties conversations to real identities

In just the first two months, ChatGPT has amassed over 100 million users. Phone verification helps manage this meteoric growth sustainably.

However, Anthropic‘s choice to block certain countries has limited access for many. Approx. 25% of the world‘s countries cannot currently use ChatGPT.

Next, let‘s explore the main problems users face when trying to link a phone number.

Roadblocks to Linking a Phone Number

There are a few key reasons you may be unable to verify your phone number with ChatGPT:

  • Restricted country – Users from countries like China, India, Russia are blocked
  • Number already linked – Each number can only be linked to 2 accounts maximum
  • Temporarily suspended – Detected spammy behavior can cause temporary blocks
  • Rate limited – Too many code requests will limit the number

Being in a banned country or hitting the limit for your number makes accessing ChatGPT impossible without an alternative number to verify with.

According to data from SMS-Man, the countries currently restricted include:

  • China
  • India
  • Russia
  • Indonesia
  • Pakistan
  • Bangladesh

These restrictions lock out a significant portion of the world‘s population from accessing ChatGPT.

Next, we‘ll go through actionable steps to get around these roadblocks.

Bypassing ChatGPT Phone Verification

The good news is there are proven methods to bypass ChatGPT‘s phone verification using virtual phone numbers:

Step 1: Use a Temporary Phone Number Service

There are many reliable services that provide access to disposable phone numbers for receiving SMS verifications.

Some popular options include:

  • AnonSMS: Free temporary numbers from the US, Canada, UK, France, and more. Easy-to-use interface.

  • SMSNator: Free numbers available from the US and Canada. No sign-up required.

  • Receive SMS: Database of free virtual numbers from global carriers. Allows automatic SMS forwarding.

  • SMSPVA: Low-cost SMS verification numbers available for purchase, starting at $2.99 per number. Reliable service.

I recommend testing out a few services to identify one that provides numbers currently working for ChatGPT verification. Avoid shady websites.

Step 2: Get the ChatGPT Verification Code

Once you‘ve chosen a temporary number service, input that virtual number when ChatGPT prompts you for a phone number during signup.

ChatGPT will then send a 6-digit verification code to that SMS-enabled virtual number.

Open up the service you‘re using to view the verification code sent by ChatGPT. Copy it so you can input it next.

Step 3: Input the Code to Complete Verification

Now simply paste the 6-digit verification code from the virtual number into ChatGPT‘s verification field to complete phone verification.

It may take a few tries with different temporary numbers before one works. Anthropic likely blocks numbers that are heavily used for verification.

And that‘s it! With these steps, you can successfully create a ChatGPT account without a personal phone number.

Limitations of Temporary Phone Numbers

However, there are some caveats to consider when using a temporary number for ChatGPT access:

  • Less secure – Accounts are not tied to real identities, reducing security
  • Could stop working – Anthropic may block temporary number services
  • Limited functionality – Account recovery requires real number
  • Against Terms of Service – Ground for account banning if discovered

So while useful in a pinch, temporary phone numbers should only be a last resort, and used with an understanding of the risks involved.

Alternative Options to Use ChatGPT Anonymously

If you are uncomfortable providing any personal information, there are a couple alternative options to use AI writing assistants anonymously:

  • Browser extensions like Anthropic Assistant provide limited free access without an account
  • AI writing assistants like Rytr, Jasper, and QuillBot offer similar capabilities without accounts
  • Crowdsourced access via platforms like MicroAcquire lets you pay per prompt

However, you lose out on ChatGPT‘s personalized learning without your own account.

Final Thoughts

In summary, while ChatGPT‘s phone verification aims to uphold safety and quality standards, country restrictions negatively impact many potential users worldwide. Leveraging temporary phone numbers can successfully bypass this requirement. But risks remain around security and account longevity.

Ideally, ChatGPT finds a way to maintain integrity while expanding access globally. In the meantime, the techniques outlined here serve as useful workarounds for accessing ChatGPT without a personal phone number.

Have you used any other clever methods to use ChatGPT anonymously? Let me know in the comments!