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How to Upload Videos to TikTok From Your Gallery (3 Steps)

Uploading videos from your gallery to TikTok is a great way to repurpose existing content and expand your reach on the platform. However, proper editing and optimization is crucial for non-native videos to thrive.

In this comprehensive 2,500 word guide, I‘ll provide an in-depth look at uploading and adapting videos from your gallery for TikTok, with expert tips to maximize performance.

Overview of Uploading Non-Native Videos to TikTok

TikTok is built around creating and sharing short, entertaining videos natively within the app. The built-in tools allow easy filming, editing, and enhancement using effects, text, sounds, etc.

However, you may sometimes want to upload a video from your gallery, such as:

  • Funny or viral videos to reuse and remix
  • Existing social media content to repurpose
  • Highlight reels from Instagram
  • Snippets from YouTube videos
  • Personal videos shot on your phone

Uploading videos from your gallery to TikTok is simple:

  1. Tap the plus (+) icon and select Upload.
  2. Choose the video(s) you want to upload from your gallery.
  3. Use TikTok editing tools to adapt the video.
  4. Add a compelling caption and hashtags.
  5. Post the final video.

However, there are some downsides to uploading externally created videos vs filming natively on TikTok:

Lower Audience Engagement

Videos not specifically tailored for TikTok tend to have lower view counts, likes, comments, and shares compared to native videos using trending sounds, effects, etc.

TikTok‘s algorithm favors content created for the platform, so non-optimized imported videos may not get pushed out to new viewers.

Lack of Native Effects

TikTok‘s creative tools like filters, text overlays, transitions, and distorted lenses can only be added after uploading. Videos miss out on the app‘s signature look and feel.

Difficulty Trending

Videos unrelated to current TikTok memes, dances, challenges, or music trends are unlikely to take off organically on the For You feed.

Strategies for Adapting Non-Native Videos

However, you can optimize and adapt videos from your gallery to feel like authentic TikTok content using the right strategies.

Step-by-Step Guide to Uploading and Editing Videos from Your Gallery

Follow these steps for uploading videos from your device gallery and adapting them into engaging TikTok content:

1. Select the Right Video Source Material

  • Viral potential: Look for funny, meme-worthy, or highly shareable moments that are likely to resonate with the TikTok community.

  • Cultural relevance: Capitalize on trending personalities, current events, or pop culture references.

  • Vertical orientation: Crop horizontal videos to work in TikTok‘s 9:16 vertical format.

  • 15 seconds or less: Shorter content tends to perform better, as TikTok viewers have ultra-short attention spans.

  • HD quality: Higher resolution and properly lit videos will look better once uploaded.

2. Trim and Resize Within App

Use TikTok‘s built-in editing tools to resize or trim down your video after uploading:

  • Trim to highlights: Cut longer videos down to the most engaging 15 seconds or less.

  • Crop creatively: Zoom and reframe shots for more visual interest.

3. Enhance Video with Effects

Apply effects to creatively enhance and adapt the video:

  • Filters: Give a cool, vintage or aesthetic look.

  • Text & overlays: Add meme captions, headlines or visual effects.

  • Green screen: Insert yourself into a different background scene.

  • Transitions: Creative scene changes like Zoom, Spin, or Stretch.

  • Lens distortions: Funhouse mirror effects like Stretch, Dolly Zoom or Wobble.

4. Add Trending Music or Sounds

Music is key for videos to go viral on TikTok. Look up the top trending sounds in the Discover section and add to your video. Some options:

  • Popular songs: Use clips from the latest chart-topping hits.

  • Viral dance music: Songs associated with TikTok dance challenges.

  • Memes/dialogue: Funny recycled movie or TV clips turned into memes.

  • Hashtag challenges: Tracks linked to hashtag-driven challenges.

5. Fine-Tune With Final Edits

  • Trim start/end: Cut any excess from the beginning or end.

  • Adjust speed: Speed up or slow down clips for dramatic effect.

6. Add Compelling Captions

  • Hook viewers: Ask a question, highlight an interesting fact, or tease content in the video.

  • Include key hashtags: Add relevant challenges, sounds, or community hashtags.

  • Emojis & personality: Show your style and amp up engagement.

7. Set Privacy and Post

  • Public: Make video visible to all TikTok users for maximum reach.

  • Friends only: Limit visibility if video contains personal content.

Once your uploaded video feels tailored for TikTok, post it and start engaging with viewers!

Expert Tips to Boost Performance of Uploaded Videos

Beyond creative editing, there are some additional strategies I recommend to boost engagement:

Tailor Content to Major TikTok Trends

Study what‘s trending under the Discover tab and align video topics with:

  • Popular dance challenges
  • Viral meme formats
  • Top songs and sounds
  • Hashtag challenges

This significantly raises chances of appearing on the For You page.

Promote Videos to Existing Followers

Leverage your current audience by:

  • Sharing video links in your bio
  • Posting video previews on other social accounts
  • Asking followers to duet, stitch, or send to friends

More views and engagement early on gives a boost to the algorithm.

Use Hashtags Strategically

Include a mix of general and niche hashtags so your video surfaces for a wide range of searches. Avoid excessive hashtag spam.

Run Paid TikTok Ads

Consider putting a small budget behind video ads. This can rapidly expand your reach beyond just current followers.

Interact with Viewers

Reply to comments, answer questions, and thank users for sharing. This drives up engagement metrics.

Analyze Performance

Check analytics to see which videos perform best. This can inform future content strategy.

Key Benefits of Expanding Beyond Native TikTok Videos

While filming directly in the TikTok app maximizes creative potential, users who only rely on native content miss out on key benefits of repurposing videos from other sources:

Saves Production Time

Uploading pre-existing videos eliminates time spent shooting new footage from scratch. This allows rapidly creating more content to test and optimize.

Provides Fresh Inspiration

Looking beyond TikTok for video inspiration avoids creative stagnation. Viral trends across the internet provide new material to put your own spin on.

Maximizes Existing Assets

Repurposing videos already created for Instagram, YouTube, personal memories, etc. lets you maximize value from assets already on hand.

Analyze Wider Trends

Looking at viral trends across platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube clues you into rising memes and video ideas before they hit TikTok. You can ride the wave early.

Establishes Thought Leadership

Sharing professional or educational snippets from previous projects establishes expertise in your niche and provides audience value beyond just entertainment.

Key Takeaways for Uploading Non-Native Videos to TikTok:

  • Uploading videos from device gallery to TikTok is easy but requires editing for best performance.

  • Tailor content, music, effects, and captions to align with current TikTok trends and culture.

  • Promote creatively enhanced videos to existing followers across social channels.

  • Use hashtags, paid advertising, and viewer interaction to maximize reach.

  • Balance native videos with remixed content from other sources for wider inspiration.

The core of TikTok is creative, entertaining short videos. By remixing and optimizing non-native videos for the platform, you can expand your content options while still providing viewers with that core TikTok experience.

Integrate these best practices into your upload strategy to unlock the full potential value of your existing visual content assets!