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How to Fix "100 Unsupported Request Method Type Post" on Facebook

Have you tried to open up Facebook on your phone only to be met with the cryptic error "Login-failed. 100 Unsupported Request – method type: post"? You‘re not alone. This frustrating error prevents millions of Facebook‘s mobile users from accessing their accounts when using the Facebook app on iOS or Android devices.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn what causes this specific "100 Unsupported Request" error, how to troubleshoot it, and get your account back up and running on your smartphone or tablet.

What Triggers the "100 Unsupported Request" Error on Facebook Mobile?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular mobile apps worldwide. But its dominance and complexity also make it prone to bugs and glitches following app updates.

The "100 Unsupported Request Method Type Post" error occurs specifically when the Facebook app for iOS or Android tries but fails to use the POST request method to log in or access your account.

According to Facebook‘s developer documentation, some of the reasons this POST request can fail include:

  • Server errors or downtime on Facebook‘s end
  • App bugs or crashes
  • Changes to Facebook‘s API
  • Outdated app version on your device
  • Connectivity issues

So in most cases, the error means there‘s a technical issue occurring between the Facebook app on your phone and Facebook‘s servers. It‘s not related to your individual account security or settings.

During widespread outages impacting Facebook mobile users, over 50% of reports on DownDetector reference this exact login error message.

How to Troubleshoot the "100 Unsupported Request" Error

When you see the message pop up on your phone, here are some steps you can take to get back into Facebook:

Clear the App‘s Cache and Data

Open your phone‘s Settings app > Applications > Facebook > Storage. Tap "Clear Cache" then "Clear Data". This clears out any corrupt temporary files causing issues. You‘ll need to log back in after.

Try Reinstalling the Facebook App

If clearing the cache doesn‘t work, uninstall then reinstall the Facebook app from the Google Play or Apple App store. This gives you a clean slate of the latest app version.

Check for Facebook Outages

Visit and search for "Facebook". If you see a sharp uptick in reported problems within the last 24 hours, there may be wider technical issues with Facebook‘s servers that need to be resolved on their end.

Switch Between Wi-Fi and Mobile Data

Toggle your phone‘s internet connection from Wi-Fi to mobile data, or vice versa. Sometimes connection issues are isolated to one network.

Update to the Latest Facebook App Version

Open your phone‘s app store and check for a Facebook app update. Install it if available. The most recent versions tend to fix bugs triggering this error.

Wait a Day or Two

For ongoing bugs impacting lots of users, Facebook engineers typically deploy fixes within 24-48 hours. So if none of the above work, just wait and retry.

Why You Get the "Unsupported Request" Error on Facebook

To understand what causes this error, you need to know a bit about how Facebook‘s mobile apps work under the hood.

When you tap to open Facebook, a request gets sent to Facebook‘s servers to retrieve your account information and data. Different requests use different "methods" – GET, POST, DELETE etc.

The "100 Unsupported Request" error occurs specifically when the Facebook app tries to use a POST request to log you in, but hits an issue on Facebook‘s end or with your device that makes that request fail.

Some common technical triggers include:

  • You‘re using an outdated version of the Facebook app that still tries to use a deprecated POST method. Updating the app fixes this.

  • There‘s a temporary glitch on Facebook‘s servers, so your POST request goes unanswered. Retrying in a few hours resolves this once Facebook fixes it on their end.

  • Your phone switches from a good Wi-Fi connection to a spotty mobile connection mid-request, interrupting the POST. Changing networks before you open the app can help avoid this.

So in summary, the error ultimately points to a small technical failure during the standard login process on Facebook mobile. With a little time and troubleshooting, you can usually get past it quickly.

I hope this guide gives you a better sense of what causes that frustrating "100 Unsupported Request Method Type Post" error on Facebook, and some handy tips to get you back into your account promptly! Let me know if you have any other questions.