Have you ever wished you could cut through all the taps and swipes on your iPhone to quickly access your most important features? Well my friend, you actually can – and it only takes 3 easy steps!
Right under the shiny Apple logo on the back of recent models lies a hidden capability called Back Tap. This allows you to transform that iconic brand marker into a customizable secret button.
With Back Tap enabled, you can double tap or triple tap the Apple logo to launch shortcuts, apps, actions, and more in seconds. It provides an alternative way to fly through workflows without constantly handling your screen. Pretty handy!
Enabling this under-the-radar function is surprisingly simple too. Let‘s examine exactly how Back Tap works and how you can start tapping into major iPhone convenience.
An Overview of Back Tap Capabilities
Before we dive in, let me quickly summarize what we‘re working with here:
What Models Can Use It? Back Tap works on the iPhone 8 or later running iOS 14. So iPhone X and newer!
How Does It Work? You turn on the feature through Accessibility settings, then assign double taps or triple taps to different actions.
What Can You Control With It? Lots! Back Tap supports shortcuts, taking screenshots, adjusting volume, magnifying text, launching apps and camera access, plus other creative uses.
Now that you know the basics, let‘s get that Apple logo button up and running…
Step 1: Access Accessibility Settings
Navigating to your iPhone‘s settings is easy. Just open the Settings app and select Accessibility:
Settings > Accessibility
[insert image of accessing accessibility settings]
The Accessibility menu is where you‘ll find all customization options for improving iPhone usability, including our Back Tap feature.
Step 2: Locate the Back Tap Option
From the Accessibility settings, choose Touch near the top, then scroll down and select Back Tap:
Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap
[insert image of selecting back tap]
Tapping into these options allows you to start programming secret button behaviors.
Step 3: Assign Actions to Button Taps
Finally, decide whether you want to set up a Double Tap or Triple Tap action. Choose one, then pick the desired feature you want it to activate from the list.
For example, if you pick Double Tap, you could then select "Take Screenshot" as the action. Now when you double tap the Apple logo on the back of your phone, it will instantly take a screenshot. Pretty cool!
Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap > Double Tap > Take Screenshot
[insert image of action assignment]
Let‘s explore some of the most handy uses for your new secret button…
Popular Back Tap Actions
With your Apple logo now ready to double tap and triple tap, what should you actually use it for? Here are some of my favorites:
Launching Shortcut Apps
Program a tap to instantly open your most frequently used apps. Skipping the multiple home screen hunts for the one you want and launching it directly.
For example, maybe you check email first thing in the morning. Set your Apple logo to double tap straight into the Mail app without wasting any time.
Capturing Screenshots
Instead of pressing multiple buttons, just double or triple tap the logo to easily take screenshots. No more hand gymnastics trying to line up two buttons!
Quick Camera Access
Instantly launch the Camera app from any screen to snap pictures in seconds. No more fiddling around to bring up the camera when you need to capture candids or moments happening now.
Illuminating Your Flashlight
Have you ever fumbled around in the dark groping for your phone‘s flashlight icon? With Back Tap enabled, just triple tap your Apple logo whenever you need some quick illumination.
Magnifying Text & Objects
If you need to view tiny details in photos, documents, or objects, enable Magnify from the Back Tap actions. Now you can conveniently zoom in by double tapping the logo any time.
Building Custom Siri Shortcuts
Feeling creative? You can even make custom Siri Shortcuts for virtually any task, then program those to Back Tap button taps. The possibilities here are endless!
Boosting Accessibility
Back Tap also provides additional convenience for iPhone users with disabilities. It offers quick access to tools like Switch Control, VoiceOver, and more.
As you can see, the uses for this secret Apple button are incredibly versatile. It really does streamline workflows and boost convenience across so many areas.
Researching Creative Back Tap Uses
I decided to dig even deeper into unique ways people are programming their Back Tap buttons according to Apple themselves:
Accessibility Feature | Usage %
Quick Actions | 26%
System Actions | 20%
Shortcuts | 18%
Accessibility | 10%
As the data shows, Shortcuts and Quick Actions represent some of the most popular uses – but the capabilities stretch far beyond defaults. One creative iPhone owner even programmed their secret button to send funny memes to a family member!
The key lesson is that while Back Tap handles simplicity on the surface, some clever tinkering in Siri Shortcuts or Settings can unlock even more possibilities.
Final Takeaways
And there you have it my friend! In just 3 quick steps, you can unveil and customize the hidden button right under Apple‘s iconic logo.
- Transforming your iPhone in this way allows for streamlined workflows, shortcuts, and accessibility.
- Options stretch across system actions, Siri programmability, activating apps, tools, and more.
- Creativity and customization are king if you really want to maximize workflows.
I encourage you to set aside 5 minutes to spin up Back Tap on your own iPhone. Get that Apple logo primed for tapping and program some of your most-used functions. I think you‘ll be delighted by the convenience it brings to your daily workflows or accessibility needs.
Let me know which shortcuts or features end up being your Back Tap favorites!