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Unlocking the Power of 36-Hour Fasting: A Passionate Guide

Intermittent fasting has exploded in popularity in recent years, and with good reason. Limiting eating windows allows the body to tap into its innate self-healing and regenerative capacities in profound ways. But as a passionate faster myself, I’ve found that not all fasting lengths are created equal when it comes to results. Through extensive research and n=1 experimentation, I’m convinced 36-hour fasts unlock powerful fat burning and cellular cleansing effects for health and longevity.

A Brief History of Therapeutic Fasting

While trendy now, fasting has been practiced in many cultures for millennia as a healing modality. Greek physicians prescribed fasting for improved wellbeing back in the 5th century BCE. Ancient Indian Ayurvedic texts extoll the virtues of periodic fasting. Sages from Greek philosophers to Benjamin Franklin routinely went on fasts seeking mental clarity and vitality.

So modern intermittent fasting including 36-hour fasts build on thousands of years of ancestral wisdom supporting the idea that abstaining from food for set intervals provides profound mind-body benefits.

In recent decades, pioneering researchers have begun quantifying exactly what happens inside our body when we fast from 12 hours to 3 days or longer. The evidence confirms that 36-hour fasts strike a “goldilocks zone” between shorter fasts failing to maximally activate regeneration pathways and longer fasts risking lean tissue loss from excessive metabolic slowdown.

Why 36-Hour Fasts Excel for Health Goals

Here’s a high level overview the primary mechanisms that make fasting for 36 hours so powerful:

🏆 Up to 1300% spike in human growth hormone (HGH) which facilitates fat metabolism and muscle preservation [1]. Growth hormone maintains youthful biological age.

🚀 18x increase in norepinephrine [2] which releases fatty acids to burn stored body fat and boosts focus.

⚛️ 3.5x increase in cellular autophagy [3] – the body’s recycling process which clears out toxic cellular waste products that accumulate from metabolism, preventing disease.

🍄 5x higher ketone levels [4] which suppress appetite and provide brain fuel. Ketones yield cognitive benefits and are anti-inflammatory.

💪 Preservation of muscle mass unlike longer fasts which excessively break down proteins and lean tissues to meet energy needs [5]

With this unique combination of amplified fat burning, cellular cleansing and metabolic optimization without cannibalizing precious muscle, it’s easy to appreciate why a 36 hours fast every week or two can accelerate health and longevity.

Step-By-Step Guide to Your First 36-Hour Fast

Hopefully I’ve made a convincing case for giving fasting a try! Here is a step-by-step blueprint for completing your first 36-hour fast while avoiding unnecessary discomfort:

Pick Your Ideal 36 Hour Window

Determine the 36 hour period that fits best into your work/life schedule. Many find starting after dinner most sustainable, fasting through the next day to eat breakfast on day 3. Late weekend starts also work well.

Tip: Use an app like Zero to track fast duration and remind when to start/stop eating.

Prepare Body and Mind

Ease into fasting gradually over 7-14 days with 12 or 24 hour fasts to adapt hunger hormones before attempting a full 36 hour routine. Prevent cravings by reducing refined carbs and added sugars. Get good sleep, start meditating and add stress buffers like sauna.

Tip: Supplementing with electrolytes from day 1 prevents headaches and supports energy.

Stay Hydrated and Get Rest

Drink plenty of non-caloric fluids during the fast such as water, herbal tea, black coffee and bone broth if allowed in your protocol. The frontal cortex shrinks when dehydrated contributing to backlash hunger and cravings, so hydration is key [6]. Also honor your body’s need for extra sleep during fasting periods by napping or sleeping in. Quality rest recharges willpower reserves.

Tip: Add mineral-rich pink Himalayan or electrolyte salt to your water.

Keep Busy with Low-intensity Activities

Distract yourself from food cues and cravings by engaging in work tasks, hobbies, socializing with supportive friends or binge watching shows. Light movement like walking, gentle yoga or recreational activity also helps pass the time while burning additional fat stores for energy.

Tip: Get outside in sunlight and fresh air if possible for an added willpower boost.

Break Your Fast Slowly

When your 36 hours comes to an end, ease back into eating wisely with broth soups, greens and non-starchy veggies. Save higher protein, fat or carb meals for later to avoid burdening digestion after the fast. Consider extending your fast if feeling great. However, listen to clear hunger cues from your body to halt fasting before pushing excessively.

Tip: Keep some ginger tea handy when breaking fast to soothe digestion.

By following these best practices around your first intentional 36 hour fast, you can override most feelings of deprivation while unlocking regenerative pathways leading to fat burning, youthful energy, better focus and a sense of mind-body renewal from cellular cleanup not achievable with shorter fasts!

Optimizing Extended Fasts for Weight Loss

Once adapted to 36 hour fasting cycles, many discover substantial drops in body fat percentage and weight over a series of weeks and months. For example, in one incredible study participants lost an average of 7.7 pounds bodyweight after just one week alternating 36 hour fasting and 12 hour feeding cycles compared to only 1 pound for those restricting calories without fasting [[7]]().

{{Insert graph summarizing weight loss results from this key study}}

The fasting group achieved this despite being able to eat whatever they wanted during the 12 hour eating window while the calorie restrictors stuck to a regimented diet demonstrating the superiority of fasting for weight loss for some individuals.

But to maximize fat burning, cellular cleansing and weight loss it becomes vital to optimize lifestyle factors like nutrition, exercise and sleep around fasting windows. Here’s how:

Reducing Carbs

Lowering refined grain and sugar intake minimizes spikes in blood glucose and insulin otherwise blocking fat breakdown for fuel. Time carbs around workouts for muscle glycogen repletion. [8]

Incorporating HIIT Workouts

Brief, intense exercise spikes catecholamines accelerating lipolysis even hours later [9]. This perfectly complements increased fat oxidation rates during fasting.

Getting Good Sleep

Just one night of shortened sleep can double ghrelin grehlin levels amplifying hunger and cravings [10]. Prioritize 7-9 hour sleeps centred before midnight aligning with circadian biology.

Using Cold Exposures

Cold showers, cryotherapy or ice baths drive norepinephrine release similarly to exercise while reducing inflammation and pain [11]. This makes fasting more tolerable while accelerating benefits.

In summary, when layered intelligently with fasting-friendly fueling, metabolism-enhancing workouts and recovery best practices for cellular cleanup, 36 hour fasts maximize weight loss and body composition transformation better than any dietary intervention I’ve experienced. By learning to embrace the fleeting discomfort of fasting, we tap into our hidden metabolic reserves gifting incredible power to upgrade health and slow aging.

Start Unlocking Your Fasting Superpowers!

Have I managed to pique your interest in exploring this ancestral fasting hack for yourself? I hope this guide gives you a blueprint to understand the science behind why 36 hour fasting trumps other regimes and the practical tips to implement brief fasts successfully.

Here’s a recap of all the steps involved:

Before the fast:
❏ Pick your 36 hour fasting window
❏ Experiment with shorter 12-24 hour fasts
❏ Cut back on added sugars and refined carbs
❏ Stock up on mineral supplements and fasting-friendly teas
❏ Get apps to track fasts (Zero, Life, etc.)

During the fast:
❏ Stay busy and distracted as much as possible
❏ Keep stress levels low
❏ Drink water, broth, unsweetened teas
❏ Get some extra sleep/naps
❏ Take baths or use meditation for cravings

Breaking the fast:
❏ Keep meal small, veggies and protein focus
❏ Consider extending fast if feeling great
❏ Supplement ginger, digestive enzymes

Repeat this routine weekly, or trying alternate day 36 hour fasting allowing a 12 hour feeding window in between. Track your weight, energy, hunger levels and other biomarkers to gauge effectiveness and find your “sweet spot” fasting routine for amplified fat burning with minimal misery!

I wish you the absolute best as you embark on your fasting voyage leveraging this simple free health hack. Please reach out with any questions – I love supporting people in their wellness goals! Feel free to DM me @fasting_coach. Here’s to your growth, transformation and self-mastery!