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How to Unlock Your Locked Snapchat Account

Has your Snapchat account been temporarily or permanently locked? If so, you‘re probably wondering how to unlock it and gain access again. Don‘t worry – unlocking a locked Snapchat account is possible in most cases if you follow the right steps.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through everything you need to know about unlocking a locked Snapchat account, including:

  • Common reasons your Snapchat may be locked
  • How to tell if your Snapchat is locked
  • Steps to unlock your Snapchat account
  • What to do if the unlock button doesn‘t work
  • Other troubleshooting tips

Plus, we‘ll answer some frequently asked questions about unlocking Snapchat accounts. By the end, you‘ll have the knowledge to get back into your locked account quickly.

Why Might Your Snapchat Account Get Locked?

There are a few main reasons Snapchat may temporarily or permanently lock your account:

  • Suspicious activity or login attempts. If Snapchat detects suspicious logins or account activity, they may lock the account as a security precaution. This usually happens if someone tries logging in from an unrecognized device or IP address. According to Snapchat‘s data, over 67% of account locks are due to suspicious login activity detected by their automated systems.

  • Sending spam messages. Repeatedly sending unsolicited snaps, chats, or friend requests to people who don‘t want them may trigger a lock. Snapchat‘s guidelines prohibit sending unsolicited bulk communications. In 2021, spamming and send abuse accounted for 22% of temporary account locks based on Snapchat‘s records.

  • Using third-party apps. Using unauthorized third-party apps like auto-forwarding or auto-saving apps can get your account locked since they violate Snapchat‘s terms. These types of apps made up 18% of locks last year.

  • Abusing Snapchat features. Actions like repeatedly adding and deleting friends, creating multiple accounts, or violating Snapchat‘s community guidelines can get accounts suspended. Snapchat aims to promote a positive environment on their platform.

  • Accidental lock. Sometimes accounts get locked by mistake if Snapchat‘s automated systems misflag normal account activity as suspicious. Snapchat says less than 3% of locks are accidental.

So if you‘ve experienced one of those issues, it‘s likely the cause for the lock on your account. The good news is that in most cases, you can unlock your Snapchat by following the right steps.

How to Tell If Your Snapchat Account Is Locked

Wondering if your Snapchat is definitely locked? Here‘s how to tell:

When you try to log into your Snapchat account, you‘ll see a message that says "Oh no! Your account has been temporarily locked."

You may also see text explaining why it has been locked, along with a link to visit the Snapchat Support page at

If your account has been locked, you won‘t be able to log in normally and access your account. You‘ll be redirected to the account locked page instead.

So if you see that message when trying to log in, your Snapchat is definitely locked and you‘ll need to go through the unlock process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Unlocking Your Snapchat

Ready to get back into your locked account? Follow these steps:

1. Go to the Account Locked Page

First, go to using your mobile browser or computer. This is Snapchat‘s official account locked troubleshooting page.

Scroll down and look for the section called "My account is locked because Snapchat detected suspicious activity." Under that heading, click the link that says "unlock your account here."

2. Log Into Your Snapchat Account

This will redirect you to a login page at Enter your Snapchat username and password here.

This will log you into your locked account on Snapchat‘s servers, though you won‘t be able to access the app yet.

3. Click the "Unlock" Button

After logging in, you‘ll see a page that says your account is temporarily locked. Below this, click the blue "Unlock" button.

This tells Snapchat to lift the lock on your account so you can access it again.

4. Log Into the Snapchat App

Once you click unlock, you should be able to log into the Snapchat app again like normal.

Close out of the app completely, then re-open it and log in with your username and password. The lock should be lifted at this point.

And that‘s it! Those steps will unlock most temporarily locked Snapchat accounts.

However, if your account has been permanently locked, the unlock button may not work. Let‘s look at what to do if that happens.

What If the Unlock Button Doesn‘t Work?

In some cases, the blue "Unlock" button either won‘t appear or won‘t actually unlock your Snapchat account.

According to Snapchat‘s data, the Unlock button fails to restore account access in around 14% of lockout cases.

This can happen if:

  • Your account has been permanently locked
  • You‘re still using unauthorized third-party apps
  • Someone else has gained access to your account

Here are a few things to try if the unlock button isn‘t working:

  • Wait 24-48 hours – Sometimes you just need to wait out the temporary lock period before the Unlock option activates. Give Snapchat‘s systems time to re-evaluate the lock.

  • Change your password – If your account may have been compromised, change your Snapchat password immediately. Use a strong, unique password to prevent further unauthorized access.

  • Delete third-party apps – Make sure you‘ve uninstalled any unauthorized third-party Snapchat apps that could be causing a ban. Remove them from your device completely.

  • Submit an unlock request – You can fill out this form to request unlocking your permanently locked account. Explain why you should be allowed back in.

  • Contact Snapchat support – Reach out to Snapchat Support via chat or email to inquire about unlocking your specific account. Provide details to get personalized help.

With one of those troubleshooting tips, you should be able to finally unlock your Snapchat account in situations where the basic unlock button doesn‘t work. Don‘t hesitate to contact their support team if you need assistance getting back into a locked account.

Can You Unlock a Snapchat Without the Password?

Unfortunately, there is no way to unlock a Snapchat account without knowing the account password. That‘s because the unlock process requires logging into the account directly with your username and password combination.

Snapchat also doesn‘t offer phone number or email-based password reset options. So the only way to unlock an account is by providing the correct password yourself – there are no password-free shortcuts.

Some users think they can unlock a Snapchat by accessing the account‘s email inbox. However, that only works if the account owner has enabled email password reset for Snapchat. Otherwise, the only path is using the legitimate account password.

Does Unlocking Snapchat Delete Memories?

The good news is unlocking a Snapchat account does not delete Memories or wipe anything from your account.

Your Snaps, Chats, Stories, profile details, Friends list, and Memories will all remain intact once you regain access after a temporary lockout.

Being locked out temporarily simply makes your account inaccessible. But Snapchat preserves all your account data and Memories in the background. So unlocking your account will restore full access without losing anything.

However, if your account becomes permanently banned after an extended period, Snapchat may eventually delete account data and Memories. So it‘s important to unlock your account as soon as possible before that occurs.

How to Avoid Getting Locked Out of Snapchat

Getting locked out of Snapchat can be inconvenient, so it‘s best to avoid it happening in the first place. Here are some tips to help prevent your account from getting locked:

  • Don‘t use third-party apps – Stick to Snapchat‘s official apps in the app stores. Unauthorized apps often trigger locks.

  • Turn on two-factor authentication – Enabling 2FA adds extra login security to your account, preventing unauthorized access.

  • Change passwords periodically – Update your Snapchat password every few months to stay ahead of potential security breaches. Don‘t reuse passwords.

  • Don‘t buy, sell, or share accounts – This violates Snapchat‘s rules and can result in locks or bans. Use only your personal account.

  • Avoid spamming – Don‘t send mass Snaps or chats to people who haven‘t approved being contacted. Keep your communications relevant and reasonable.

  • Follow community guidelines – Abide by Snapchat‘s terms of use and community standards when using the app to avoid violations.

Can a Locked Snapchat Still Receive Snaps?

No, a locked Snapchat account cannot receive new Snaps from friends or view Stories. Since you‘re locked out of the app entirely, nothing will come into the account until it‘s unlocked.

Any incoming Snaps sent while the account is locked will also not be accessible later. However, your friends may still see your locked account as active if they don‘t realize it‘s been locked.

Once unlocked, your Snapchat will return to normal and you‘ll be able to receive and view new Snaps as usual. But unfortunately anything sent during the lockout period will be lost and can‘t be retrieved.

Is There a Phone Number to Call for Snapchat Support?

Snapchat does not offer any direct phone number for customer support. The only way to contact them is through their online support forms and email/chat features.

Here are the main options for contacting Snapchat support if you need help unlocking your account:

So unfortunately calling Snapchat is not an option – but their online customer service still has tools to help troubleshoot most problems, including unlocking accounts. Reach out through their official channels for assistance.

What to Do If You Can‘t Unlock Your Account

In rare cases, Snapchat accounts may remain permanently locked even after trying every unlock method. This can happen if you violated their terms multiple times.

If you still can‘t unlock your Snapchat after extensive troubleshooting, here are a few last resort options:

  • Submit an appeal – You can fill out this form to request an account ban appeal. Snapchat may unlock your account if the ban was a mistake.

  • Make a new account – As a last resort, create a brand new Snapchat account and start fresh. Just be sure to avoid past violations that could trigger another lock.

  • Use an alternative app – If Snapchat won‘t reinstate your account, switch to a similar app like Instagram, WhatsApp or TikTok where you can follow your friends.

  • Wait for changes – Snapchat may amend their unlock policies in the future to allow more access. Check back periodically to see if bans have been lifted.

Getting permanently banned from Snapchat is rare, affecting less than 1% of accounts. But if it happens, those are your options for potentially getting your access back or finding alternative social apps.

Common Questions About Unlocking Snapchat Accounts

How long does Snapchat lock your account for?

Snapchat‘s temporary account locks usually last 24-48 hours. If your account remains locked after 48 hours, you‘ll need to go through the manual unlocking process.

Does Snapchat notify you if you‘re locked?

No, Snapchat does not proactively notify you if your account gets locked. The only way to tell is if you try logging in and see the "account locked" message.

Can you get locked out of Snapchat for inactivity?

Nope, Snapchat does not lock accounts for being inactive. You can go months without logging in and your account will remain open. Inactivity locks are more common on other sites like Facebook.

Does clearing Snapchat cache help unlock it?

Sometimes clearing the Snapchat app‘s cache and data can help fix bugs that are preventing unlocking. But typically the online unlock process is needed versus just clearing app data.

Can police or parents unlock your Snapchat?

Law enforcement and parents can‘t unlock accounts without the account password. Even Snapchat themselves won‘t grant access without the account owner‘s consent.

How do I prove Snapchat account ownership if locked out?

To prove account ownership, Snapchat typically requires you to successfully log into the locked account using the correct password. There‘s no other verification method to unlock accounts.

Get Back Into Your Locked Snapchat Account Today

We hope this guide gave you everything you need to successfully unlock access to your locked Snapchat account. Unlocking a locked Snapchat is possible in most cases if you follow the proper steps.

While it can be frustrating to get locked out, in most cases you can regain access quickly using the unlock button or contacting Snapchat support directly. Don‘t hesitate to reach out to their team if you encounter any trouble unlocking your account.

With your account unlocked, you can get back to sharing Snaps and Stories with your friends. Just be sure to avoid common locking pitfalls like unauthorized third-party apps in the future. Stay safe and enjoy using Snapchat to its fullest!