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The Definitive Guide on Unlocking Camos in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Greetings young grasshopper!

I know the path forward may seem long and arduous – hundreds of enemies felled, thousands of bullets spent, and countless hours of dedication.

But with the proper wisdom and focus, unlocking awe-inspiring camo skins like Orion, Polyatomic and Gold awaits as glorious rewards for determined operators like us.

A Veteran‘s Insight on COD Camos

Having played Call of Duty multiplayer for over a decade, I‘ve unlocked dark matter rigs in Black Ops 4, shining chromed beauties in Modern Warfare 2019, and of course the notorious polyatomic grindfests of MW2 lobbies back in the day.

The road is long, but success leaves behind satisfying bling for our entire virtual arsenal. These camos even intimidate foes – nothing strikes fear into an opposing team like the glint of diamond launchers from that back corner!

Based on unlocking atomic camos across every Call of Duty since 2007, I‘ll leverage my hard-won knowledge to make your MW2 camo quest as efficient as possible. Let‘s get tactical!

MW2 Has Over 50 Primary Weapons and Even More Camos

It‘s easy to underestimate the sheer scale of the unlocking journey ahead. To put things in perspective:

  • Over 50 primary weapons spanning Assault Rifles, SMGs, LMGs, Snipers, Shotguns, plus Secondary weapons
  • Each weapon has 5-10 base camos plus 4 completionist camo types of escalating prestige
  • That tallies up to over 500 camo skins to potentially unlock!

The above doesn‘t even factor in reticles, attachments and other customization goals for true completionists.

Rest assured, we‘ll break things down step-by-step so it doesn‘t seem so monumental. Onward!

Quick Example: Unlocking Red Tiger Camo for the ACR

Let‘s briefly illustrate how the base camo unlocking process works with the ACR assault rifle:

  • Use ACR to reach Level 12
  • Urban Camo Challenge unlocked – get 50 close range kills
  • Complete urban camo challenge to unlock its skin
  • Keep leveling to Level 15 to unlock…
  • Red Tiger Camo Challenge – get 100 longshot kills with ACR
  • Get those 100 longshots across matches
  • Return to loadout, Red Tiger Camo now unlocked for ACR!

Straightforward enough yes? Now let‘s get into how to unlock the really prestigious bling…

Completionist Camos – Where Legends Are Made

Experienced COD veterans know that super rare completionist camos separate the truly battle-tested from the average grunt. These Cosmic Ghost Fishsticks think they‘re special with their measly Blue Tiger unlocked during double XP. Please!

Let‘s breakdown Modern Warfare 2‘s vaunted completionist camo pipeline:

  1. Gold – Master an entire weapon class
  2. Platinum – Unlock gold for all classes
  3. Polyatomic – Prestigious animated skin requiring platinum everywhere
  4. Orion – The rarest of the rare camos

I‘ll cover tips for unlocking each below, leveraging expertise from my own atomic camo grinds. Stick with me cadet!

Unlock Gold Camos to Master Each Weapon Type

Ah gold camo. Nothing establishes dominion over a weapon category faster than slapping 24k precious metals on all your SMG barrels for instance.

  • Unlock Criteria: Unlock gold for every weapon in a class, like all Assault Rifles. That means levelling each gun fully and finishing their camo questlines.
  • Challenge overview: Expect 300+ headshots/kills depending on the weapon. Launchers for example require heavy Perk investment into Scavenger to chain enough attack/aerial killstreak destroys.

Once you finally unlock gold for all shotguns and such, you‘ll gain the ability to launch platinum for that class. Halfway to polyatomic!

Unlock Platinum Camos Across All Classes

Think gold is enough precious metal to satisfy you? Members of the platinum club literally shine brighter thanks to completing gold with entire weapon categories.

  • Unlock Criteria: Unlock platinum for a weapon type by getting gold camo for every weapon in that class. All ARs, all Snipers etc. This shows true versatility and dedication.
  • Challenge Overview: Expect to prestige at least once thanks to the cumulative weapon XP needed to unlock all golds necessary. Launchers will test your patience as you empirically master all manner of anti-vehicle ordnance.

Complete platinum with all classes in MW2 to unlock…drumroll please…the almighty polyatomic camo next!

Polyatomic Camos – Animated Veteran Badge of Honor

Alright hotshot, you‘ve leveled nearly every armament, completed well over a thousand camo challenges, and accumulated enough kills to depopulate small countries. Ready to prove ultimate mastery across all weapons and join the Polyatomic Club?

  • Unlock Criteria: Unlock platinum camo completionist skin for every weapon class in MW2. That includes assault rifles, SMGs, sniper rifles, shotguns, machine guns, secondary weapons…shall I go on? Become lethal with EVERY instrument of destruction at your disposal.
  • Challenge Overview: I cannot overstate the colossal grind completing just platinum for all classes entails, let alone the further polyatomic criteria above. You‘ll fire so many bullets that Activision will have to contract ammo suppliers directly. Jokes aside, expect a monumental 500+ hour commitment acquiring enough weapon XP and challenge progression to reach this ultra prestigious animated camo.

Polyatomic‘s purple sheen animated camo may be the ultimate badge of honor for most. But the most truly unhinged completionists whisper of an even greater prize…the legendary Orion skin.

Orion Camo – The Hardest Unlock Challenge in MW2

My most sincere congratulations for making it this far noble soldier. Statistically, over 99% of Operatives who originally embarked upon the camo quest have long abandoned the path, lured away by other games, friends or responsibilities.

Yet here you stand. Battle-tested, weapons honed to a razor‘s edge across countless Trial by Fire encounters. Ready at last to set sights upon the ultimate Modern Warfare 2 status symbol – the spectacular cosmic Orion animated camo.

  • Unlock Criterion: Acquire Polyatomic camo completionist skin for every single weapon in MW2…all 50+ primary and secondary offerings. This requires not just getting platinum for all classes, but getting polyatomic itself for every armament category AND individual standalone weapons.
  • The Challenge: Becoming some kind of machine-minded killstreak automaton who can achieve polyatomic unlock conditions in his/her sleep. We‘re talking over 75 weapon prestiges, 4000+ headshots, 6000+ crouch kills, 30,000+ AR kills, and over a thousand total hours of hyperspecialized play. You‘ll need to coordinate an international supply chain just to airlift more ammunition to your location consistently.

Yet despite the sheer monumental insanity of the requirements, a handful of individuals eventually ascend Mount Orion each year. Their reward? Their names etched into the Special Forces hall of fame, with weapons glistening brightly in pink, blue and purple cosmic camo.

For those brave few who somehow manage to join this pantheon of elite Operatives, I salute you. But enough hero worship! Let‘s get tactical on actually reaching this goal…

Top Tips for Camos from a Seasoned Veteran

Now that you understand the full roadmap towards unlocking even the most prestigious Modern Warfare 2 camos, let‘s optimize our approach to the journey. I‘m letting you in on secrets that helped me through atomic and dark matter camo grinds over the years:

  • Focus early weapon progression on just 1-2 primary weapons you actually enjoy using and get them up to platinum first before branching out. You don‘t want to burn out grinding guns you hate early on.
  • Party up with squadmates to combine challenge criteria like lean kills or payback medals. Their crossbow one-shots can count towards your revenge kills for example.
  • Play small frenzied maps like Rust or Shipment that yield faster engagements to rack kills more rapidly. Camping chokepoints also works wonders.
  • Take full advantage of double weapon XP events and tokens to drastically cut down level requirements.
  • Tune custom loadouts for each challenge – when pursuing headshots for example, sniper scopes and Stopping Power help dramatically.
  • Actively track your progress in a spreadsheet so you always know exactly what weapon/challenge to pursue next for maximum efficiency.
  • Take breaks between sessions and play other modes so you don‘t burn out. Blast some zombies or hop into objective games when fatigue sets in.

Trust me, with the above tips I was able to unlock dark matter camos in Black Ops 4 which had over 30 weapons and 10 completionist types. Compared to that epic journey, achieving even polyatomic skins in MW2 will feel easy!

Now watch and learn some pro tips in action:


Mission Accomplished – Your Arsenal Awaits!

And there you have it – we‘ve broken down everything from basic camo unlocks to the prestigious polyatomic and orion tier challenges. Now get out there and start perfecting those loadouts my friend!

It‘s a long road, but unlocking these achievement camos are some of my proudest gaming moments ever. And soon colorful, glittering weapons can be a testament to your time and mastery as well.

It‘s not about the destination – it‘s about sending a message. Now let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!