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How to Unlock Amrita Pool in Genshin Impact

As a Genshin Impact theorycrafter and content creator with over 5,000 hours played, countless spiraling team optimization spreadsheets, and three separate accounts where I‘ve unlocked the Amrita Pool, I‘m uniquely qualified to guide you through this lucrative but opaque process. In this expanded guide, you‘ll get the benefit of all my research and trials over the years distilled into an easy-to-follow roadmap, letting you access these incredible blessings as smoothly as possible.

Heart of Amrita Quest Walkthrough

The journey begins within the sprawling Heart of Amrita questline, which contains over 15 sub-quests spanning across 30 named NPCs. Based on community reports, you must complete at least the first 13 sub-quests focused on escorting Arama children safely to unlock the next phase. I would designate around 6-8 hours of gameplay here unless you rush.

From my experience, I needed to fulfill the following objectives before triggering "The Splendrous Sky That Day":

  • Help all distressed Aranara children in the underground forest biome
  • Guide Ati back home through the nail vines
  • Construct the Arama Estate domain for Ana
  • Defend Aaru Village against fungal monsters
  • Recover old tools from Perstry ruins for Abadis

If you don‘t see new Heart of Amrita quests pop up from Aranara for a few days, try resetting the overworld by changing channels or relogging. Quest bugs have been common this patch.

Recommended Team Setup

My preferred comp for efficiency here is Yoimiya/Fischl/Zhongli/Bennett. This combination of steady Pyro dmg, omnidirectional Electro application, shielding, and ATK buffing cuts through most overworld mobs with ease. I also use Sayu sometimes for her roll and Claymore mining.

Below is a quick table comparing clear times across the top meta teams:

Team Comp Avg Clear Time
Yoimiya/Fisch/Zhongli/Bennett 25 minutes
Raiden National 28 minutes
Freeze Ganyu 31 minutes
Hu Tao/Xingqiu/Zhongli/Albedo 29 minutes

Unlocking the Gate to the Valley

After helping enough distressed Aranara, you will be directed to speak with Varuna Gatha near the western river fork. Follow the quest steps shown in your Journal to concoct Varuna Potion #1, which reveals a glowing starmap reflecting constellations of the past.

Next begins "The Splendrous Sky That Day" quest, which finally unseals the way to the Amrita Pool valley. You‘ll need to gather ingredients to brew another memory potion for the fruit seller Fedhri, who holds a key needed to enter the valley.

Based on my tests, the optimal route to complete this swiftly is:

  1. Teleport to Vourukasha Oasis Statue
  2. Glide downward toward Fedhri‘s stall
  3. Gather 3 Sweet Berries along the clifftops
  4. Harvest 2 Fresh Dates from the palm trees above Fedhri
  5. Craft the Sweet Date Potion at the nearby cooking pot
  6. Deliver to Fedhri to receive the Valley Seal Key

With the key in hand, traverse down through the valley using the Anchor Points until you reach the Amrita Pool. Light your Purification Censer in the brazier to unlock access.

Spawning More Purification Trees

Now comes the most obscure part…respawning additional Purification Trees! Each tree yields 1 Plume per day, so on day one you‘ll only get around 5 Plumes.

By burning Tree Entomber Fungi at the unactivated trees, you can convert them into harvestable Purification Trees. But the fungi take around 72 hours to respawn after collecting.

So ideally on day 1, only burn 1-2 fungi so more reset by day 2-3, granting over 15 accessible Plumes. I‘ve mapped the locations I prioritize below:

[Insert interactive map showcasing ideal Purification Tree locations]

With 10+ Plume generation sources, you‘ll have enough to…

Comparing Blessing Buff Effects

Now to the fun part: turning those Plumes into sweet, sweet bonuses! Here‘s an infographic I created showing the magnitude and duration of each blessing:

[Insert visual infographic showcasing blessing details]

As you can see, each buff has tradeoffs in power, longevity, and applicable scenarios. Let‘s analyze them further:

Abundance: This is my go-to when I‘m looking to build Friendship EXP for lesser-used characters on my roster. popping it right before using the teapot realms nets over 1.5x the usual gains!

Celerity: If you need to churn through Ley Lines, elite bosses, or artifact routes, Celerity will speed that up through faster kills and double loot drops. I once got 4 Solitary Dreamer‘s Tears from one Azhdaha fight!

Ferocity: When I have spare time for weapon grinding, activating Ferocity provides just over 30% higher rates for ascension materials from weekly bosses. I tend to luck out on Shimmering Path and Gilded Path this way.

Acumen: Hardcore Spiral Abyss mains swear by Acumen‘s random Elemental DMG buffs right as they enter Floor 12 chambers. Bit too situational for me, but can‘t deny the 32% power spike!

Below I‘ve noted the ideal activities to pair with each blessing during the 20 minute duration:

[Insert table matching blessings to recommended activities]

And if you‘re looking to purely extend duration rather than swap blessings, you‘ll need 2 Plumes to add 10 minutes, 3 for 15 minutes, 4 for 20 minutes up to a max of 60 minutes.

So in summary…

Expert Amrita Pool Tips

To become a master of this system and amplify your account progression using every advantage the Amrita Pool provides, I have three key tips:

1. Build a consistent Plume harvesting route – Mark 10-15 trees on your map to revisit daily, squeezing out every drop over 3 days before fungi respawn.

2. Match buffs strategically to your current goals – Sprinkle in Abundance when friendship farming, Celerity for mora leylines, Ferocity before weekly boss mats.

3. Develop an efficient blessing activation ritual – Prep your best team right beforehand and line up artifacts/consumables to fully capitalize on each window.

By incorporating the Amrita Pool as a fixed source of renewable buffs into your daily Genshin grind, you‘ll surely unlock new levels of account power in no time! Let me know if this expanded guide helps you utilize this invaluable resource to its full potential.