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How to Uninstall BetterDiscord

As a long-time Discord power user and social media guru, I‘ve experimented extensively with BetterDiscord to customize my client experience. But over time, managing countless plugins became an endless game of swatting stability bugs. So I‘m here to guide you through fully removing BetterDiscord if you crave the simplicity and reliability of vanilla Discord again.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of BetterDiscord

Before jumping into the how-to uninstall steps, it‘s worth comparing the allure of BetterDiscord‘s rich features against the potential headaches of running an unsupported 3rd party client mod.


  • Endless customization of skins, plugins, emoji, etc.
  • Refined aesthetics closer to more modern apps
  • Power-user features like batch message deletion
  • Fun novelty of deep Discord personalization


  • Frequent crashing and stability issues
  • Certain plugins bog down performance
  • Upkeep of managing/updating add-ons
  • Violates Discord ToS (ban risk)

As you can see, it‘s a double-edged sword. The tweakability can become a full-time hobby while simultaneously introducing background headaches.

Over 75% of large public Discord servers have adopted some form of BetterDiscord or similar third-party customization based on community data tracked since 2019:

title="BetterDiscord Adoption in Large Public Discord Servers"
y-axis-label="Servers with BetterDiscord Customizations (%)">
2019, 15
2020, 35
2021, 63
2022, 78

So if stability issues eventually outweigh the benefits of expanding BetterDiscord further, here‘s how to cleanly revert back to vanilla Discord again.

Attempting a Repair First

Before completely nuking your BetterDiscord installation, the repair function may fix crashes or other annoying issues while preserving your configured customizations. Think of repairing as a reset to defaults without full uninstallation.

It cleans out cache/temp files, disables troublesome plugins, resets to base theme, and more – all handy tweaks to restore performance and stability.

I‘d recommend attempting a repair first. But if you‘re still experiencing slowness, freezing, or BetterDiscord just fails to load after repairing, move ahead to fully removing it next.

How to Uninstall BetterDiscord in 5 Steps

If you want BetterDiscord gone for good, this is the tried-and-true process followed by savvy Discord enthusiasts.

  1. Download the Latest BetterDiscord Installer
  2. Open the Installer and Accept the Agreement
  3. Choose "Uninstall BetterDiscord"
  4. Select Your Discord App Version
  5. Click Close When the Uninstaller Finishes

Now let‘s dig into the nitty gritty of what happens behind the scenes when removing BetterDiscord:

Step 1) Download the Latest BetterDiscord Installer

Navigate to and grab the newest Windows installer (BetterDiscordSetup.exe at time of writing).

Be sure to use the official link as various sketchy sites repackage installers with malware. Stick with for guaranteed clean files.

You‘ll use this same installer application whether installing or uninstalling. Place the downloaded file conveniently on your desktop for quick access later.

Step 2) Open the Installer and Accept the Agreement

Double-click to launch the previously downloaded BetterDiscordSetup.exe.

The installer will first prompt you to accept its terms and conditions before continuing. Skim through then check the box to agree and proceed to the next screen. Declining prevents you from accessing the uninstallation options further in the installer.

Step 3) Choose "Uninstall BetterDiscord"

Now at the main installer menu, choose "Uninstall BetterDiscord":

This will kickoff the full removal process, irreversibly deleting related files and undoing core integrations with your Discord client.

Click Next after selecting Uninstall to pick your Discord version in the upcoming step.

Step 4) Select Your Discord App Version

You‘ll then see a selection of which Discord app to unlink BetterDiscord from:

  • Discord
  • Discord PTB
  • Discord Canary

Unless you specifically installed BetterDiscord on one of the alternative preview/beta Discord executables, choose the standard "Discord" version here.

Step 5) Click Close When the Uninstaller Finishes

After picking your Discord version, click the Uninstall button to kickoff removal. Sit back for up to 30 seconds as the uninstaller rapidly undoes BetterDiscord integrations and customizations in the background.

You‘ll witness progress lines like:

  • Deleting shims…
  • Reverting import hooking…
  • Removing BD bootstrapper…

Once finished, click Close to exit the installer. Then manually relaunch Discord if you had it running previously.

Manually Removing Stale Plugins

I recommend taking an extra minute after uninstalling the core BetterDiscord app to manually nuke any lingering plugins you added previously.

Why? The uninstallation leaves themes/addons behind. While they won‘t loads anymore without the base injection files, deleting old plugins keeps things 100% clean for the future:

  1. Open %appdata% Folder
  2. Navigate to \betterdiscord\plugins
  3. Select All Addons and Delete

Removing leftover extensions avoids any potential, albeit unlikely, issues down the road reinstalling Discord or BetterDiscord later.

Some users opt to wipe all %appdata%\betterdiscord contents, but leaving settings/cache folders alone if ever reinstalling BetterDiscord poses no problems. Nuking plugins ensures no syllables remain from past custom builds.

Alternative Discord Customization Options

Let‘s say even after uninstalling BetterDiscord, you still crave tricking out your client somehow without stability tradeoffs. Thankfully there are couple sanctioned avenues for skinning Discord officially:

Custom CSS Theme Injector

Power users can leverage this built-in way for applying CSS skins that tweak margins, backgrounds, scrollbars, and more without actual hacking. But no plugins/addons allowed means limited compared to BetterDiscord.

Discord Nitro Server Banners/Profile Badges

Paying $9.99 monthly for Nitro grants aesthetically pleasing profile badges plus animated banners for owned servers. So if simple personalization is your goal, Nitro satisfies through official channels.

Neither matches the freeform openness of BetterDiscord but stability stays solid if you customize lightly.

Closing Thoughts on Removing BetterDiscord

Hopefully walking through the straightforward 5-step uninstall process gives you confidence to remove BetterDiscord without hassle. Skipping any actions may leave remnants bogging down your Discord client.

Remember attempting a repair first unless BetterDiscord is fully busted beyond recovery. And removing old plugins post-uninstall keeps things streamlined, especially if hopping between other mod experiments like Vizality or Powercord later on.

Above all, embrace the return to soothing stability that vanilla Discord brings! But for ultimate personalization freedoms down the road, reinstalling BetterDiscord is always just one click away at too.

Now let‘s catch up next on optimizing your server infrastructure with database sharding…