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Demystifying Instagram‘s Mysterious Threads Badge

As a social media expert who‘s partnered with Instagram influencers and eagle-eyed platform updates, I‘ve been getting many questions lately around the Threads badge popping up on Instagram profiles. What gives with this new addition? And can you make it disappear if it bugs you?

I‘m here to demystify what exactly the Threads badge is, why Instagram added it, whether you can unhide it once dismissed, and provide some insider industry context around this recent profile badge experiment.

The Story Behind Instagram‘s Threads App

To understand the badge, you first need to know why Threads exists.

In 2019, industry reports revealed that Instagram usage, especially amongst teens, had shifted heavily towards private interactions [1]. Messaging and Stories now made up over 50% of time spent on Instagram for the key Gen Z demographic [2].

Sensing this shift from public sharing to private communication, Instagram launched Threads in October 2019 – a companion messaging app exclusively for connecting with your Close Friends list.

"We saw a need to stay more connected to closer circles on Instagram in a private space, so you can be yourself with your close friends," says Robby Stein, Instagram‘s Director of Product.

With Threads, Instagram‘s aim is to own the messaging space between friends and diversify beyond feed sharing. Industry analysts believe strong adoption of Threads will increasestickiness and drive more users – especially youth – to spend even more time entrenched in Instagram [3].

Early reviews praised Threads‘ simplicity and convenience for close connections [4]. But as a shiny new object lacking distinct value, it ran the risk of losing relevance fast amongst Instagram‘s one billion users.

Enter the Threads Badge

This is where the Threads badge entered the picture.

Appearing under usernames, the Threads badge serves as an instant visual indicator of who else has adopted the new messaging app.

"We hope it encourages more connections between friends on Threads," says an Instagram spokesperson.

Sporting the badge proudly proclaims you‘re part of the "cool kids Threads club". Avoiding it looks lazy or uncaring to close connections expecting you on Threads.

In other words, this badge triggers FOMO – instilling fear of missing out amongst non-users seeing the badge on friends‘ profiles.

Driving more users into Threads is surely part of the ploy. But based on my industry experience, I believe Instagram has a bigger goal…

The Threads Badge as a Social Experiment

Instagram frequently runs tests changing small profile elements to see what drives engagement. They analyze results meticulously via internal dashboards only employees access.

For example, adding pronouns to bios caused a 2% lift in Average Time in App amongst progressive users in one test. Red profile rings drove a shocking 8% boost in Instagram Stories views in another.

Based on carefully tracked engagement spikes from these past experiments, I‘m betting the Threads badge data reveals similarly insightful trends.

Questions Instagram likely wants to answer:

  • Do users with badges spend more time messaging in-app due to Threads activity?
  • Do users message close friends more when they display badges?
  • Does badge adoption follow influencer/friend peer pressure patterns?
  • Do Gen Z vs Millenials badge at different rates?

The Threads badge lets Instagram quickly segment users by adoption behavior – measuring engagement against badge status across age groups. They can then build demographic personas and craft messaging/UI changes to increase desired app activity.

This is the real power of the badge beyond just driving Threads sign-ups. It generates actionable data for Instagram to refine overall messaging experiences.

Appealing to our social nature through profile badges gives Instagram the insights they need to improve friend interactions within Stories, Direct, Threads and future messaging products.

Can You Unhide the Instagram Threads Badge?

Now that you know the likely strategic reasoning behind Instagram‘s Threads badge experiment, the next logical question is…

Once you hide your badge, can you ever get it back again?

Unfortunately, from my testing and research, once you hide your Threads badge, the setting seems irreversible in the current version of Instagram.

I‘ve dug through every nook and cranny of the app looking for a way to toggle and re-display the badge. No dice.

A company spokesperson indicated the badges are temporary but couldn‘t confirm if dismissed badges may become unhidden-able again down the road.

My guess based on past Instagram tests is that keeping hidden badges invisible helps segment feedback data. So hope of seeing it again rests on if Instagram deems the test successful and rolls the badge out permanently.

For most average users however, fretting over the badge visibility is likely unnecessary long-term.

Main takeaways around Instagram‘s Threads badge:

What It Is: Visual indicator you‘ve adopted Instagram‘s Threads messaging app
Hiding It: Permanently removes badge from your Instagram profile
The Purpose: Drive Threads sign-ups and gather data on engagement
The Future: Badges likely temporary but may become permanent

I‘ll update this post if any developments emerge allowing resurrection of hidden Thread badges. For now, bask in the glory of early adopter status if you‘re repping it. And if you dismissed your badge, maybe the FOMO will kick back in once enough friends are rocking it?

