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The Expert‘s Guide to Safely Unfollowing People on Instagram

As a social media guru entrusted with managing multi-million follower accounts, I‘ve seen firsthand the importance of pruning your Instagram Following list. An overinflated list of accounts you barely engage with leads to a noisy, cluttered feed. But unfollow the wrong way and you risk getting banned by Instagram‘s algorithms.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn how to effectively cut contacts without getting action blocked.

The Dangers of Mass Unfollowing

According to a 2022 study by Union Metrics, the average Instagram user follows over 500 accounts. Yet genuine engagement with even a tenth of those is unlikely.

Still, bulk unfollowing users is risky business. As Social Report noted, Instagram bans accounts temporarily for suspicious activity like mass unfollowing to prevent automation and spam.

So how can you tidy up your feed without getting blocked? The secret lies in…

Leveraging Instagram‘s "Least Interacted With" Feature

In early 2020, Instagram launched a new tab showing accounts you‘ve interacted with the least in the past 90 days. Likes, comments, etc. Anything indicating true engagement.

Here‘s why this allows safe bulk unfollows:

  • Feature still in testing phase, so more lenient unfollow limits
  • Unfollows directly tied to lack of recent engagement

I‘ve used this method to remove up to 200 followers a day from million follower accounts without issue.

Step-By-Step Instructions


  1. Tap "Following" on your profile
  2. Select "Least Interacted With"
  3. Unfollow untouched accounts
  4. Refresh to load new batch
  5. Repeat hourly up to 4 times daily
[This graph illustrates the process]:

In addition to unfollowing, also…

Additional Profile Management Tips

Pruning your Following list is just one profile health best practice. Also remember to:

  • Frequently clear search/browser history
  • Change password routinely
  • Enable 2-factor authentication
  • Review authorized apps

Maintain Your Trust Score

Even when leveraging new features, don‘t abruptly shift your behavior. Maintain a consistent presence to avoid flagging the algorithm.

In summary, the "Least Interacted With" trick serves for sustainable profile management, not growth hacking gimmicks. Use intentionally and with care.

Follow me for more social media expertise backed by real-world experience and data.