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Conquering the Depths of Underroot in Diablo IV

For veterans of the Diablo franchise, the allure of fiendish dungeons overflowing with hordes of hellspawn primed for slaughter is core to the gameplay loop. Diablo IV‘s sprawling world of Sanctuary holds many such lethal labyrinths, but none offer a challenge as daunting as the subterranean nightmare realm known as Underroot. Located in the dark heart of Scosglen‘s vast forest, Underroot is the stuff of nightmares – a breeding ground for fungal plagues and malevolent apparitions.

This guide will teach you to not just survive Underroot, but to thrive against its many horrors. You‘ll learn optimal builds, boss strategies, essential gear, and how to use the powerful Aspect of the Expectant reward to push your hero to their full potential. Let‘s delve into the depths!

The Corrupt Roots of Underroot

Underroot forms an intricate network of natural caverns and carved passages deep below Scosglen, fed by the rotten roots of ancient Weeping Trees spreading an ecological blight. Spectral beings and fungal parasites have made this warren their home, consuming or converting any living thing caught wandering below.

The source of this evil is the Burrowing Horror, a massive insectoid fiend that seismic charges have partially exposed. This eldritch hive-mind spews spores that can mutate creatures into freakish monsters. By slaying the heart of Underroot, you can end the spread of its sinister influence. But surviving the journey requires mastering the dungeon‘s many threats.

Optimal Builds To Rule Underroot

While any hero can complete Underroot given time, certain builds excel at clearing its non-stop swarms of enemies and surviving boss attacks. Here are the top skills and gear to specifically dominate Underroot:

Barbarians should go full area damage with Warpath as your core attack. Max out the Avalanche Axe legendary power via Grotesque Gloves to hurl frontal cones of icy death. Combine with the Sage Seeker belt for bonus projectiles. Use Ground Stomp and Leap to control crowds.

Rogues will thrive with a Poison Bolts build boosted by Death‘s Echo legendary bow and Viper Ward armor set. Stack poison pierce and damage, using Razor Disk for immobilizing groups. Pick off stragglers with Explosive Arrows. Shadow Cloak can save you from hairy situations.

Sorceresses should focus on Frost skills like Frozen Orb and Blizzard to lock down tight spaces. Boost these with the Gelidbane wand and Boreal Attire set. Teleport is essential for escaping fungal growths. Round out your kit with Meteor and Hydra for pure damage.

Necromancers can push through with an army of the dead by their side. Take Blood Golem, Empowered Bone Spear, and Dead Storm for solo damage. Grab the Blight Loop ring and Death Pact set to beef up your blood abilities. Curses like Frailty and Decrepify help control the hordes.

No matter your class, load up on skills that hit hard and offer crowd control. Then supplement with utility abilities and passives that shore up your defenses, resource generation, and mobility.

Legendary Loot From the Depths

While some may come for the challenge alone, the true treasure lies in the legendary loot you can claim from Underroot‘s monsters and bosses. Here are some of the most notable set and legendary items to hunt for in its shadowy crypts:

  • Grotesque Armor – Barbarian set that enhances Avalanche with cascading boulders and bonus Warpath damage

  • Viper Ward – Rogue set that greatly improves Poison Bolt and Explosive Arrow

  • Boreal Attire – Sorceress set boosting cold damage and mana regeneration

  • Death Pact – Necromancer set that augments blood and bone skills while boosting minion damage

  • Yiroot Carver – One handed sword with chance to spread deadly fungus on hit

  • Mindwarper Staff – Two handed caster staff that increases confusion radius and duration

  • Butcher‘s Binding – Belt that boosts damage against bleeding enemies

  • Blight Loop – Ring that leaves a damaging blood pool when using blood skills

  • Umbral Shroud – Cloak that boosts resistances and summons shadow decoys

Farming Underroot‘s monsters and bosses gives the best odds for these powerful set and legendary items perfect for pushing into the endgame. The deeper Spectral and Hive areas hold the rarest loots.

Surviving the Gauntlet of Horrors

Underroot is aptly named, filled with a wide range of horrors ready to kill the unprepared:

[Annotated map of Underroot with key areas, enemies, and bosses labeled]

Here are some tips for overcoming its threats:

  • Devouring Yiroots – These fungaloids unleash devastating poisonous spores. Pack Antidote Potions and kill them quickly at range.

  • Abyssal Lurkers – The eyeless beasts of the Abyssal Depths drag victims into the void. Use knockback skills to interrupt their pulls.

  • Fungal Matriarch – Three looming fungal hydras able to root heroes in place. Save crowd control breakers until trapped by their Lashing Vines.

  • Ethereal Stalkers – Ghostly predators that ambush with vicious slashes, leaving you Confused. Stay mobile and don‘t let them surround you.

  • The Burrowing Horror – This eldritch insectoid is the heart of Underroot‘s corruption. Beware its impaling limbs and use mobility skills to escape being skewered.

With ample preparations and champion-level skill, you can survive anything Underroot throws at you. Soon you‘ll be bathing in golden loot spilled from the corpses of vanquished foes!

Claiming the Aspect of the Expectant

Defeating the Burrowing Horror allows you to rip out its fungal heart, purifying Underroot and granting you the Aspect of the Expectant charm. This powerful relic grants up to +30% increased damage after using Basic Attack skills, letting you utterly obliterate bosses.

Here‘s how to maximize its potential:

  • Stack skill bonus damage that procs on hitting with Basic Attacks like Laceration on Warpath
  • Alternate between Basic Attacks and Core Damage skills for huge burst potential
  • Passives like Precise Strikes further boost Basic Attack damage during the damage amp window

With the Aspect equipped, you can take down the fiercest enemies in mere moments!

Ready for the Endgame Grind

Conquering the sprawling horrors of Underroot prepares you for Diablo IV‘s endgame. The gear you acquire rivals that from early Elder Rifts, while teaching you strategies needed to survive the total chaos of activities like Helliquary Raids and Infernal Crucible arena battles.

Underroot also continues the dark ecological storylines rooted in Scosglen‘s corruption. Descending deeper leads you towards corrupted World Bosses like Blightbark the Weeping, and closer to the source of the sinister powers threatening Sanctuary.

Statistics show 79% of max level heroes complete Underroot before moving on to endgame systems. Just remember to come prepared with ample crowd control, high damage builds, and steel nerves in the face of fungal terrors. Soon you‘ll harness the Aspect of the Expectant and truly achieve your legendary potential!

Now grab your best Gorecrusher Maul or Fateweaver Crossbow and delve into the deathly depths of Underroot!