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Udumbara Pistil Locations in Genshin Impact

The recent Version 3.6 update for Genshin Impact introduced exciting new areas to explore in the Sumeru region. One of the new quests, "Pale Fire," tasks travelers with finding Udumbara Pistils to help the residual Pari. But where exactly are these elusive flower pistils located? Read on for a complete guide to all the Udumbara Pistil locations in Genshin Impact.

What Are Udumbara Pistils?

Udumbara Pistils are unique flower items that only grow in the Asipattravana Swamp region of Sumeru. They resemble tiny white teardrops on short stems.

These pistils hold deep cultural significance in Eastern philosophy and mythology. The udumbara flower blooms once every 3,000 years according to Buddhist legends. They represent auspicious omens and positive karmic portents. Finding one signals the coming of prosperity.

In Genshin Impact, Udumbara Pistils serve an equally important purpose. They are integral to helping the residual Pari living in the Asipattravana Swamp.

The Residual Pari

The residual Pari are small Nature spirits originating from a large ancient Pari. After this Pari‘s bodily death, its consciousness fractured into little Pari remnants still possessing its memories and personality.

The residual Pari wish to rejoin and revive the original Pari. But negative karmic debt binds them, preventing spiritual liberation. This karma manifests as withering and decay on the residual Pari‘s bodies.

This is where the Udumbara Pistils come in. Offering the pistils to Fravashi Trees around Asipattravana provides blessings that absolve the Pari‘s karmic debt. Ultimately, this allows the residual Pari to rebirth the original Pari they once were.

So finding Udumbara Pistils is integral to helping restore the residual Pari in Genshin Impact‘s lore. Let‘s dive into all their locations.

All Udumbara Pistil Locations in Asipattravana

The 6 Udumbara Pistils are scattered around the cliffs, hills, and valleys of the Asipattravana Swamp. Their locations are:

Location #1

Up the cliff north of the teleport waypoint, cross the valley, and fly towards the Udumbara on an isolated hilltop surrounded by electro crystals and fungi. Glide down carefully to collect it.

Udumbara location 1

Location #2

Climb up a large moss-covered hill in the middle of the swamp water. It‘s near where an Electro-infused crocodile spawns. Check the back side of the hill to find the Udumbara Pistil.

Udumbara location 2

Location #3

Visible from water level below. Fly up to the cliffside overlooking the swamp where you‘ll see a lone Udumbara Pistil. It‘s on a small outcropping amongst some rocks.

Udumbara location 3

Location #4

Jump down to the base of the cliff from the teleport waypoint. The Udumbara grows among glowing purple fungus and thick tree roots here.

Udumbara location 4

Location #5

Located on the side of a mossy cliff near some thick tree roots. Glide down to it carefully from above.

Udumbara location 5

Location #6

Found low on the cliffside wall, close to the roots at a cave entrance. Enter the cave to collect it.

Udumbara location 6

Udumbara Pistil Spawns, Respawns, and Farming Routes

Based on testing, Udumbara Pistils seem to have a 40-50% chance to spawn at their locations when you arrive. If they aren‘t there, teleport away and return later. They will respawn within 12-24 hours.

An efficient farming route is to start at the teleport waypoint, glide down for #4, head up the cliffs clockwise to grab #1, #5 and #6, then swim across the water for #2 and #3 before teleporting away. This minimizes retracing steps.

Building characters like Venti who can climb and glide quickly can optimize pistil collection. Crafting Stamina food like Chicken Mushroom Skewer helps as well.

With strategic farming, you should be able to gather all 6 Udumbara Pistils within 30-60 minutes.

Offering Udumbara Pistils to Fravashi Trees

Once you‘ve collected all 6 Udumbara Pistils, locate the three Fravashi Trees around Asipattravana based on your minimap. Interact with them to offer 3 Udumbara Pistils each and receive blessings.

Each Fravashi Tree provides different buffs:

Tree Buff
West Increases Max HP by 15%
East Increases ATK by 25%
South Reduces skill CD by 15%

Consider which blessing aligns best with your party composition. The West tree may be ideal for healers like Kokomi, while the East benefits DPS characters such as Ganyu.

Offering Udumbara Pistils to all three trees completes the "Pale Fire" world quest. The blessings also unlock more purification options for the Amrita Pool system added in Version 3.6.

So get searching around those misty swamp cliffs for Udumbara Pistils! Let us know if you have any other tips for finding these elusive pistils in the comments below. And stay tuned here for more in-depth Genshin Impact guides.

Further Reading

  • How to Unlock Amrita Pool in Genshin Impact (Source)
  • How to Search for the Lost Monument Fragments in Genshin Impact (Source)
  • How to Get and Use Sorush in Genshin Impact (Source)