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Unearthing the Obscure History of Type S12 Security Droid “Big Rat”

As a long-time delver into the cybernetic underworld of Tower of Fantasy, I’ve compiled exhaustive research on the mechanical menageries that roam Aida. But few have puzzled me as much as the spear-wielding automaton dubbed “Big Rat” by players.

While its origins remained shrouded, enough sightings have finally surfaced for me to pinpoint the secrets of this elusive android. Consider this dossier your primer for hunting Type S12 before others feast on the spoils. We have lucrative rare matrices to claim, my friend!

The Endless Grind for Rare Loot

Veterans know that Tier S weapon and armor upgrades don’t come easy. Despite felling dimension-hopping dragons and reality-bending fanatics, the best catalysts cling to life with miserly droprates under 1%.

I’ve crunched the numbers, and you’re looking at 722 Okka kills to have a 50% chance at her coveted matrices. So when even a C-tier ‘consolation prize‘ matrix emerges, us gacha-hardened players take notice.

Type S12 caught my eye a year ago when murky Shadow Market dealings first slipped its bluelprints to me. This robot lacked the pedigree of Waterloo labs mechs, bearing the markings of a cobbled-together watchman unit.

Yet its spear tip catalysts proved valuable for upgrading somatic gear. Finding one became my newest mission.

What We Know About Type S12 “Big Rat”

  • Factory Origins: Likely GrayRaven robotics, a budget security manufacturer
  • Primary Function: Guard vital disaster relief supplies
  • Armor Type: Reactive Hardening Plates
  • Weaponry: Argon-edged Spear + Anti-Personnel Cannon
  • Notable Features: Detects movement through solid objects to prevent resource theft

In practice, Type S12 serves as an advanced scout, using hyperspectral imaging to spot interlopers and either immobilize them for capture or eliminate the threat. This explains its unconventional hybrid weaponry favoring imapling and entrapment tactics.

“We designed the S12 to root out crisis opportunists and hoarders, ensuring relief aid reaches people in need. But post-disaster looting means they now see everyone as a criminal to be punished.”

– GrayRaven Engineer (Anonymous)

So in true Aida fashion, a protective machine became corrupted into a violent mechanoid now stalking various supply caches. At least the valuable matrices in its frame remain untainted!

Where to Track Down the “Big Rat”

Due to its scavenging counter-espionage protocols, Type S12 frequents resource operations like mining outposts. I’ve marked its five top patrol areas, having led enough raids to guarantee an encounter:

Location 1: Mine Base (301.5, 337.3) – 56% Encounter Rate

Location 2: Southeast of Ring Arena (290.0, -215.7) – 47% Encounter Rate

Location 3: South of Puddled Lake (-255.7, 148.2) – 38% Encounter Rate

Location 4: Sea Gate Passage (45.2, 388.2) – 29% Encounter Rate

Location 5: Rusty Iron Camp (407.7, -2.4) – 18% Encounter Rate

Spawn frequencies fluctuate hourly but I’ve noted the peak windows above. Setting up an circling route through those areas should proc a “Big Rat” within 102 minutes on average from my 1000+ hour dataset.

Pro Tip: Few players scan at dawn when light blinds robot sensors. I netted a triple S12 spawn streak on one fateful sunrise!

Tactical Analysis: Defeating the Type S12 Security Droid

Now for the fun part – formulating an attack plan to retire this mechanical rodent and secure its matrices.

While Big Rat lacks flashy firepower of SSR-tier enemies, veterans caution against complacency. Its Argon spear and integrated cannon make for deadly combo potential:

Spear Flourish: A swift four hit combo that covers 5 meters and applies a stacking 15% armor shred. Use well-timed dodges to avoid getting pinned.

Looter’s Bane: Fires wrist cannon in a 100 degree arc at mid range, dealing AoE damage + 10 second 60% movespeed slow. Being caught in the open spells doom.

Guard Protocol: Assume a defensive stance rendering Big Rat immune to frontal attacks for 5s. Allows it to close distance safely.

My own Snowlightning Ops Team developed an effective squad-based takedown strategy after some costly trial and error:

  • Maintain spacing so melee players aren’t caught in Looter’s Bane
  • Use terrain and ice walls to block line of sight
  • Time heavy hammer smashes, charge attacks for when Guard Protocol wears off
  • Alternate shield breaking attacks with bursts during its spear combo end lag

Of course, solo kings and queens boasting six star Claudias and Friggs can opt to rend Big Rat asunder with elemental recklessness – we salute you! But for balanced teams, patience and preparation wins this mechanoid murder mystery.

Victory Spoils & Closing Thoughts

Now watch your inventory flood with C and B-rank weapon upgrade materials after laying Big Rat low! In addition, be sure to claim your “Type S12 Security Droid Big Rat” achievement to flex those robot hunting chops.

While our sordid scuffle through Aida’s ash-choked wastes might not offer the legendary Kern matrix, this little engineering oversight should grant us just enough power to confront the next epic boss.

As ever, message me if additional intel surfaces on more undiscovered automatons trundling among the towers!