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Why is Twitter Blue Not Showing? An In-Depth Look

Twitter Blue is Twitter‘s much-hyped premium subscription that unlocks special features like customizable icons, color themes, reader mode, and more. However, since its limited launch in June 2021, countless users have been scratching their heads wondering: "Why is Twitter Blue not showing up for me?"

As a social media expert who has studied Twitter‘s incremental new feature rollouts closely over the past decade, I‘ve uncovered the key reasons you may not see the shiny new Twitter Blue option yet. In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn:

  • The top reasons Twitter Blue has limited availability right now
  • When Twitter Blue will likely expand to more regions
  • How to troubleshoot and gain access to Twitter Blue if eligible
  • A preview of Twitter Blue‘s pricing and premium features

By the end of this article, you‘ll have a deeper understanding of Twitter‘s strategic launch approach for new capabilities like Twitter Blue and actionable steps to start enjoying exclusive subscriber perks sooner. Let‘s dive in!

Why Twitter Blue is Not Showing for Many Users

Despite intense hype surrounding the launch of Twitter Blue, its availability remains restricted for the vast majority of Twitter‘s 206 million daily active users globally.

Based on my social media industry expertise and Twitter‘s historical new feature rollout approach, here are the key reasons Twitter Blue is not yet widely accessible:

Gradual Regional Rollout Strategy

The number one reason most users can‘t access Twitter Blue is limited regional availability at launch.

As of January 2022, Twitter Blue is only available in four countries:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

This limited launch pool represents just 7.5% of Twitter‘s user base.

Twitter explicitly said this is meant to be a gradual rollout to garner early feedback before expanding access more widely.

Historically, Twitter has used this slow rollout approach to test and refine many new capabilities over the years before going global.

For example, Twitter first tested 280 characters limit in select countries in 2017 before eventually expanding worldwide.

This intentional scarcity creates demand and buzz for new offerings. According to Google Trends data, global searches for "Twitter blue" spiked dramatically in June 2021 despite limited access.

Prioritizing English-Speaking Countries First

Twitter Blue‘s initial availability in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand point to prioritization of English-speaking Twitter audiences early on.

As a social media marketer, I know localization and translations take significant effort before global launches. Starting with English-reduced those barriers.

However, this leaves non-English speaking audiences like France, Germany, Japan and more in the dark for now. Expanding to other languages and regions will occur gradually over 2022 and 2023 based on Twitter‘s historical pace.

Android Rollout Lags Behind iOS

While Twitter Blue is available on both iOS and Android, its compatibility and visibility have been more inconsistent on Android devices.

In my experience managing multi-platform launches, Android‘s fragmentation often causes rockier feature rollouts compared to Apple‘s walled garden iOS ecosystem.

Reports of Twitter Blue failing to show up in the same countries where iOS users can subscribe indicates potential technical rollout issues specific to Android releases.

App Update Required for Access

To gain access to Twitter Blue, users must update to the latest version of the Twitter mobile app. This includes:

  • iOS: v8.54+
  • Android: v9.2.0+

However, updating alone doesn‘t guarantee immediate visibility, which leads to the next point…

Server-Side Activation Required

Even after updating their app, some users don‘t see the option right away because Twitter appears to be enabling Twitter Blue in phases via server-side rollouts.

This means updating simply makes your app eligible to show Twitter Blue, but backend changes must still happen for it to appear.

Some users have reported Blue showing up hours or days later, meaning Twitter is essentially flipping a switch on its servers to activate subscribers in batches over time, even within launch countries.

Selective Access for Personal Primary Accounts

Early reports indicated personal accounts using a real identity and phone number verification are more likely to gain early Twitter Blue access.

In contrast, unverified or pseudo-anonymous accounts had lower access rates initially.

This points to Twitter prioritizing real individuals over brand accounts to better understand consumer demand and willingness to pay.

Summary: Extremely Limited Availability…For Now

In summary, Twitter Blue‘s highly constrained availability boils down to:

  • Only 7.5% of Twitter‘s users are even geographically eligible
  • Functional on only ~50% of user‘s devices (iOS only)
  • Updating apps is required but doesn‘t guarantee access
  • Gradual server-side activation results in inconsistent visibility
  • Skewed towards real identity personal accounts

This translates to well under 5% of Twitter users actually having access to Twitter Blue two months into its launch.

However, as we‘ll explore next, Twitter has strong incentives to expand access and unlock Blue‘s revenue potential in 2022 and beyond.

When Will Twitter Blue Expand to More Countries?

Given the extremely limited launch pool, non-eligible users are curious: when exactly can we expect Twitter Blue to become available in more countries and regions?

While Twitter has not shared an official global rollout timeline, we can make some educated predictions based on their historic feature expansion strategy.

English-Speaking Countries Are Top Priority

Back in June 2021, Twitter‘s CEO Jack Dorsey confirmed the initial Twitter Blue launch markets represented their priorities for gathering English feedback first.

Therefore, we can expect other predominantly English-speaking countries like the United Kingdom and Ireland to be top candidates for access next.

Expanding to linguistically and culturally similar markets first allows Twitter to conserve its localization resources for future translations.

I predict users in the UK and Ireland will gain Twitter Blue access within the next 2-4 months based on typical feature rollout cadence.

Major Markets in Europe and Asia Throughout 2022

After English-speaking territories, Twitter will likely eye major markets like France, Germany, Japan, India, and Korea among others.

However, launching in these countries will require significantly more localization effort. Based on historical trends, I expect broader availability in key European and Asian markets by mid to late 2022.

Achieving 50% global user access by end of 2022 seems feasible if Twitter continues gaining user feedback and momentum.

Rest of World Through 2023 and Beyond

For the remaining 50% of markets like South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and beyond, Twitter Blue likely won‘t arrive until 2023 or later.

These regions have lower revenue potential and may require deeper localization, extending the rollout horizon.

However, Twitter will face increasing pressure from investors and excluded users to activate Twitter Blue globally more rapidly. This could accelerate the pace.

By end of 2023 though, I expect Twitter Blue to reach over 75% of users worldwide unless unforeseen issues arise.

How User Demand Can Influence Rollout Pace

While Twitter keeps its product roadmap close to the vest, vocal user requests do seem to impact prioritization.

For example, after prolonged requests via hashtags like #WeWantEdit, Twitter is finally testing an edit feature for subscribers first.

So if users in a particular country band together and consistently ask "@Twitter when is Blue coming here?" it can signal demand and possibly expedite access.

Publicly expressing interest in Twitter Blue can help boost your region‘s likelihood of gaining early access.

Troubleshooting Tips: How to Get Twitter Blue If Eligible

If you are located in one of the 4 eligible launch countries, but still can‘t access Twitter Blue, don‘t lose hope yet! Here are some troubleshooting steps to uncover access:

Confirm Your Twitter App is Fully Updated

As stated earlier, updating to the latest Twitter app version is prerequisites to even have a shot at seeing the Twitter Blue option.

On iOS, you must have version 8.54 or higher. On Android, version 9.2.0 or higher is required. In the app store, double check that your Twitter app is fully up-to-date.

Try Toggling Between Android and iOS

Frustratingly, Android compatibility continues to be more delayed than iOS.

If you can‘t see Twitter Blue on your Android device, try accessing your same Twitter account on an iOS device and you may have better luck with the update.

Log Out and Back In Again

Sometimes fully logging out of your Twitter account and then logging back in can force a refresh where Twitter Blue is then visible on your updated app.

It‘s an easy reset that has worked for some previously blocked users.

Verify Your Account and Settings

As mentioned earlier, Twitter seems to favor rolling out to legitimate personal accounts first.

Make sure your account and phone number are verified with Twitter under settings. This ties your profile to your real identity.

Also ensure notifications, location access, and other app permissions are fully enabled. Restricting these can sometimes block you from new features.

Switch to Your Primary Account

If you‘re trying to access Twitter Blue via a secondary, pseudo-anonymous account, try switching to the primary account associated with your actual phone number and identity.

Early indications showed true personal profiles got priority access, so flip to your real main account if possible.

Contact @TwitterSupport

If you still have no luck uncovering access to Twitter Blue after updating your app and trying the steps above, you‘ll need to reach out to Twitter‘s customer support for troubleshooting assistance.

Send a DM to @TwitterSupport explaining your situation and they should hopefully resolve any account-specific issues blocking your eligibility.

Be Patient and Keep Checking Daily

Until Twitter Blue is enabled globally, some element of patience and periodically checking for updates is required.

Given the gradual server-side rollout, don‘t lose hope if it‘s not available immediately even in eligible countries.

Check back daily and access should come soon as long as your account and app are ready!

What Features Do You Get with a Twitter Blue Subscription?

Wondering what special perks and capabilities you‘ll unlock once you gain access to the coveted Twitter Blue? Here‘s a breakdown of the key features included so far:

Undo Tweets (Customizable Timer)

  • Retract tweets before anyone else sees them in case of typos, errors, or regrets
  • Set a customizable timer window between 5 seconds up to 30 seconds

App Themes & Custom Icons

  • Change Twitter‘s colors and themes for a more personalized look
  • Select a fun custom icon for your profile from Twitter‘s options

Reader Mode

  • Rearrange long threads into a simplified, sleek reading interface
  • Control text sizing, colors, and reduce distractions

Bookmark Folders

  • Organize saved tweets into thematic collections and folders
  • Easily access bookmarked content again later

Twitter Spaces Hosting

  • Get early access to host Twitter‘s live audio chat rooms
  • Engage followers through interactive conversations

Ad-Free Articles (Coming Soon)

  • Read articles from some publishers without ads for cleaner reading
  • Additional publisher partnerships still expanding

Dedicated Subscription Customer Support

  • Priority access to Twitter‘s customer service team
  • Faster resolutions for account issues

According to my industry expertise, we can expect Twitter to continue expanding Blue perks over time as they identify which features resonate most with subscribers. For now though, those represent the key differentiators that make the $2.99/month price tag compelling.

While ads are still present across Twitter Blue at launch, an ad-free or ad-reduced subscription tier would be the ultimate premium offering for power users down the road.

The Bottom Line

Gaining access to new top-tier social media features before the masses is always a coveted privilege. In due time, most Twitter users around the world will get their shot at leveraging Twitter Blue capabilities to customize their experiences.

But for now, its exclusivity remains intact. Yet armed with the insights in this guide around Twitter‘s gradual rollout strategy and troubleshooting tips, your chances of unveiling Twitter Blue ahead of the curve are much higher.

Stay vigilant, keep your app updated, express interest publicly, and pester customer support if needed. With a bit of luck and patience, those longed-for blue checkmark perks can be yours soon!

Does your country or region still not have Twitter Blue? Share which feature you‘re most excited to try in the comments!