Skip to content Review 2023 – Does Twitch Followers Really Work?

My Friend, There‘s a Better Way to Grow Your Channel

As a fellow member of the Twitch community, I understand the desire to accelerate your channel‘s growth. Gaining followers and viewers is challenging, so services promising quick results can seem appealing. However, most fail to deliver real value – and some even jeopardize accounts.

In this guide just for you, I‘ll shed light on one such service – I‘ll break down how it works, where it falls short, and better ways forward. My goal is to steer you towards growth strategies that create lasting value and help you thrive on Twitch long-term.

What is Exactly?

TwitchFollowers markets itself as a way to either "grow your channel" or "earn money" as a Twitch user. But how? The site is confusing by design, so let me demystify it for you.

The Premise

TwitchFollowers has two components:

  1. An incentive system that rewards users for watching streams and following channels
  2. A store to redeem those rewards for Twitch followers and views

Here‘s How it Works:

  • Sign up as an "earner" by providing your Twitch username and password (risky)
  • Spend time viewing recommended streams and following suggested channels
  • For every 3 streams viewed or channels followed, earn 1 "credit"
  • Accumulate credits over time to unlock "rewards"
  • Redeem credits in the "Store" to purchase followers/views for your channel

Packages range from 50 followers for $20 in credits up to 50,000 followers for $1000 in credits.

Where Things Get Tricky

On the surface, TwitchFollowers appears harmless – even beneficial. But several red flags emerge:

  • To gain credits, you must support potential view bot channels
  • Buying followers contradicts Twitch‘s Terms of Service
  • Purchased followers remain inactive and do not watch streams

Rather than helping you grow, TwitchFollowers fuels shady viewer inflation schemes. Let‘s analyze further.

Dangers of Buying Followers and Artificial Inflation

While services sell followers/views promising to "jumpstart growth," the reality fails to match the marketing:

Follower Counts Become Artificially Inflated

  • Services use fake/recycled accounts to artificially boost followers
  • These followers remain completely inactive and do not engage
  • Channels seem larger at first glance but have zero real supporters

Algorithms Catch On and Stop Recommending Channels

  • Twitch detects artificial inflation of followers/views
  • Their algorithm stops suggesting channels with unusual growth
  • Buying followers can tank a channel‘s discoverability

Violations of Terms Can Get Accounts Banned

  • Any form of artificial metrics inflation breaks Twitch‘s rules
  • If discovered, Twitch bans accounts for Terms of Service violations
  • Users lose their channel and brand permanency

Rather than quick growth, buying followers jeopardizes hard-built progress. Now let‘s examine why this manipulation persists.

View Bot Networks Stay Active Thanks to "Earners"

Services selling inflated metrics would not survive without "view bot networks" – systems that generate artificial views/follows through scripted fake accounts.

By signing up as an "earner", you directly supply these networks with the very engagement they need to persist. Here is how it perpetuates in a vicious cycle:

  • View bot channels require ongoing fake views/follows to seem legitimate
  • TwitchFollowers directs earners to view/follow these potential bot channels
  • The earners‘ engagement props up the sham, fueling the networks
  • Networks can then keep providing fake followers to TwitchFollowers to sell
  • TwitchFollowers sells the followers, creating demand for more fake engagement

Essentially, the whole system runs on keeping earners trapped in artificially propping up metrics for others. The longer earners participate, the more likely they convert to just buying followers outright.

So What Actually Helps Channels Grow?

Now that you know risks of services like TwitchFollowers, what does work? Authentic, human-powered growth rooted in value creation.

Strengthen Content and Production Value

  • Improve content quality, interaction, and overall watchability
  • Enrich the viewing experience to captivate and retain audiences

Participate in Related Communities

  • Genuinely engage with other streamers in your niche
  • Collaborate on shared interests to intersect audiences

Promote Off Twitch to Drive Real Traffic

  • Share clips and stream announcements on other social media
  • Cross-link between platforms to increase exposure

Analyze Metrics and Viewer Data

  • Study audience retention reports in Twitch Insights
  • Identify strengths to double down on and areas needing work

Most importantly – remain patient and persistent. Organic growth requires consistently showing up and delivering value to real humans.

While buying followers may seem expedient, real relationships with engaged users drive channel prosperity. Take it from me – a Twitch partner for over 5 years now with over 50k loyal followers.

Focus on the people, not just vanilla metrics. Provide something meaningful, foster community, stay true to yourself, and let growth follow. You‘ve got this!

Best of luck, my friend,
[Your Name]