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Uncovering Hidden Riches: Treasure Locations in Dredge

Dredge thrusts players into a foreboding world of deadly waters and remote islands guarding long-lost secrets. As the captain of a fishing trawler, you slowly uncover a troubled history spanning wars, disasters, and mystical forces converged around these isles. Strange catch drifts into your net – prehistoric sharks, glowing anglerfish, massive crustaceans, and other oddities among the over 125 discoverable sea creatures. Take them to port towns to sell for parts and rumors of greater opportunities. This is how you finance better ships and gear to access more dangerous corners of the map, pushing the boundaries of known waters.

For all its open-world size and environments rich with lore, what drives you to keep voyaging out into the ominous unknown is simple: the promise of treasure.

Sunken Riches Beckon Adventure

Dredge‘s world hides over a dozen wrecked ships lost to its rocky shallows and demonic storms. Inside cracked hulls on the seafloor lie tantalizing glints of wealth – coins and ingots, engraved weapons, artifacts hinting at deeper secrets. It‘s a siren song for explorers and gamblers, made sweeter by the risks that dash so many careless captains against the rocks.

But for those bold and skilled enough to uncover them, these hidden stashes bring profit and power to push further into the dark frontier. Fetching relics may unlock quests, upgrade opportunities, or access to more distant wrecks bloated with spoils. Every new discovery fuels this cycle, making you hungry for the next biggest score.

Let‘s chart the coordinates of known sunken treasure troves just waiting to be dredged up!

Treasure Trove Locations

1. East of Blackstone Isle – Ancient wreckage litters the shallows around this small rocky island. Seek glinting treasure chests in the Carmoa ship remains. Beware roving ocean predators!

2. South of Blackstone Isle – Old sailor stories whisper of the wrecked Tourism and its secret compartment stuffed with rare gold dolphins dating back centuries.

3. North of Dust Pontoon – The mysterious wreck dubbed "The Rose" has flowering vines sprouting from its cracked deck near this floating outpost. Could there be thorns protecting prizes inside?

4. East of Research Outpost – The ghostly, barnacled hull of the Singer holds strongboxes hidden away in the old crew quarters. How long was this ship stranded before sinking? What caused the dessicated remains found aboard? There may be clues among its hoarded artifacts.

5. Within Research Outpost – The lower levels of this half-flooded station contain long-lost equipment and personal effects from initial stranded researchers. Tread carefully – some said ghosts haunt these corridors.

6. South of Old Fortress – Smugglers frequent these waters, some never returning. One rumor claims a ship called the Raven was transporting a stolen chest of rubies and silver bars when it ran afoul of the currents and still sits nearby on the seafloor.

So gather your best lures, chart a course, and unearth these sunken caches! Of course, we‘ve only scratched the surface of Dredge‘s many hidden zones and secrets. Nearly 50% of wrecks remain completely unverified, with more added in frequent updates. What will you dredge up next?

Related Reading:

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Early Game Guide – Essential Tips for New Captains

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