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Mastering Tower of Fantasy‘s Perplexing Transmission Device Quest

Version 1.5‘s sweeping update introduced an esoteric new quest threaded across Artificial Island‘s fragmented landscape. The ominously titled Transmission Device Component Failure tasks explorers with restoring odd contraptions to access isolated outposts hiding valuable loot.

But disjointed steps spanning multiple islands quickly overwhelm unprepared travelers. Without explicit guidance, you‘ll spend hours scratching your head trying to unlock deeper secrets.

That‘s why I‘ve created the web‘s most comprehensive guide guaranteed to help you systematically solve this cryptic challenge!

Demystifying the Quest

Let‘s first lift the veil on what exactly Transmission Device Component Failure entails across its sprawling branches. Ever played electrical technician, maritime detective and monster hunter rolled into one? Well, now you will!

In essence, your core goals are:

  • Locate special keys and passes permitting access to bizarre locked islands
  • Repair disabled teleportation devices to warp between these remote lands
  • Explore uncharted territories while battling increasingly freakish enemies
  • Claim epic rewards like Gold Nuclei, Red Nuclei and precious relics

Without my step-by-step walkthrough, attempting to connect the dots can rapidly devolve into aimless wandering. So let‘s dive in!

Rapid Repair Devices – Where to Find All 3

Operation begins by acquiring 3 arcane tools for the upcoming repairs. Called Rapid Repair Devices, these gadgets are hidden inside Black Nuclei chests found along Artificial Island‘s eastern waters.

I‘ve mapped the precise locations where firefly clusters will summon each chest when illuminated:

Boat locations for all 3 Rapid Repair Devices

Now sail to every marker I‘ve pinned to retrieve all 3 essential devices…

Rapid Repair Device #1 (-813.4, -382.3)

Navigate here avoiding rocky outcroppings and you‘ll spot 3 small transports with bug lanterns atop their masts. Absorb each firefly‘s flame, then illuminate all 3 lamps on the large central vessel. This summons a Black Nucleus cradling the first device.

Rapid Repair Device #2 (-265.7, 844.2)

The second device lies south encircled by floating pillars of stone. Repeat the process of gathering luminous insects and lighting all beacons to spawn a Nucleus.

Rapid Repair Device #3 (309.5, -1083.5)

Lastly, claim the final piece east from the Isle of Pines. Of course, first harness those trusty fireflies once more!

With all 3 arcane tools in satchel, the next phase involves purchasing a catalyst to finally utilize them…

Acquiring the Repair Consumable Tool Set

Before you can mend crippled teleporters, a special toolkit must be secured from a vendor due to your lack of technical expertise. Consider it a metaphysical repair manual.

Fly to these coordinates just east of the Deserted Water Plant to locate the aptly named Crystal Dust shop:

821.8, -389.0

Engage the robot manager and select the Fine Gift > Tool Set option. Now spend 500 Gears to receive the Repair Consumable: Tool Set. Ironically, no tools are actually included – but this arcane blueprint finally empowers utilizing your collected Rapid Repair Devices.

Unlocking Transmission Devices – Institute Key Card

With metaphysical manual in hand, it‘s time to access the disabled teleporters themselves – but there‘s a catch. These ancient machines are secured, requiring special keys held by Artificial Island‘s sinister guardians.

Plan on farming powerful elite enemies called Aberrants until they relinquish Institute Key Cards. These ghastly creatures infest locales like the Deserted Water Plant, Feiyun Mountain and Stone Mountain zones.

I recommend targeting foes like Ex Researcher Angry Aberrant Damien first since they drop cards more frequently based on internal testing:

Target these enemies to farm Institute Key Cards

Once a pass is secured, you‘re ready to finally ignite dormant Transmission Devices!

Activating the First Warp Terminal

Teleporter components in hand, return east past the Repair vendor spotting a looming spire covered in azure circuitry – an inactive warp terminal!

Approach and use your Institute Key Card to unlock access. Select Use Institute Key Card to activate the transmission device and brace yourself as reality dissolves into blinding photons!

Journeying Onward to Gemini Islands

Ethereal energy dissipates revealing you‘ve been hurtled west onto North Gemini Island‘s unfamiliar shores! Don‘t linger yet though, as your goal lies just across the churning straits to the south.

Glide downhill from the device‘s location eventually discovering your twin destination – a matching metallic warp spindle. Interact with the console to beslung further through spacetime to South Gemini Island!

Unlocking South Gemini Island‘s Secrets

Touching down here feels like intruding on forbidden ground. Colossal natural stone columns twist into alien shapes while iridescent crystal formations sprout like forbidden fruit. What bizarre experiments occurred in this strange sanctuary?

More pressingly, a permissions pass must be tracked down to utilize South Gemini‘s departure teleporter. March south discovering an odd metallic crate crowning a ridgeline. Pry open the container to discover Permission Card: Tyrone granting authorization roam this weird kingdom.

For now, head back north locating a return portal left by former researchers. Pass through the shimmering vortex to warp instantly back to South Gemini saving a glide over choppy waves.

Next Destination – The Sea Horizon Stand

Having unlocked Gemini‘s southern locale, return through the warp conduit to regain mainland access. Seek out North Gemini Island‘s own departure teleporter, identifiable by prominent cables and a wide base.

Use newly acquired Permission Card: Tyrone to reactivate the dormant device. As reality blurs, you‘ll materialize atop the Sea Horizon Stand – a tiny landmass surrounded by open ocean.

While scenery here seems beautiful at first, this pretty perch hides deadly secrets – a pack of ferocious Wolflords! Dispatch the canine pack to earn Permission Card: Morris enabling passage from this remote place. Plus, cliff faces north conceal a Gold Nucleus awaiting brave climbers!

Exploring Listen to Earwyn Island

Having stretched your legs on Sea Horizon Stand, return to Gemini using your personal warp device or familiar gliding methods. From North Gemini, head further east locating the Estuary zone outside Isle of Pines territory.

Seek out Estuary‘s Transmission Device ashore and employ newly acquired Permission Card: Morris. Its matrix will transport you northeast onto wonderfully weird Listen to Earwyn Island.

This miserable place practically pulsates with brooding melancholy; perfect for grabbing Permission Card: Damien atop a central mesa along with another gold-hued treasure chest!

Last Stop – The Haunted Diurnal Islet

With nearly every permission found comes access to one final destination – the Diurnal Islet situated along Astra‘s battered northeastern border. Seek Listen to Earwyn‘s departure teleporter and harness Damien‘s pass to ride crackling currents to journey‘s end.

This shattered place resembles a graveyard, but don‘t be distracted by morbid environs. March south instead discovering twin elite adversaries – hulking Silver Helmet and blazing Raging Fire. Slay these monsters to unlock twin Red Nucleus chests – your ultimate reward after this grueling metaphysical marathon!

Parting Words on an Epic Endeavor

And so ends this sprawling expedition bridging Artificial Island’s fringe domains! Without guidance, the convoluted steps span hours of hopeless wandering. But by following my detailed walkthrough, you‘ll systematically conquer the obscure Transmission Device Component Failure quest.

Of course, this is just one small saga in Tower of Fantasy’s expanding cosmos. If you found this guide helpful, stay tuned for even more insider knowledge and tactical intel as I dive deeper!

Until next time adventurers – chase those glittering treasures over the horizon and may the gacha gods favor your pulls!