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TR3b Black Manta: Peering Inside the US Military‘s Secret Anti-Gravity Aircraft Pursuit

As an aviation technology buff, I‘m fascinated by the long-standing rumors surrounding the US military‘s classified work on exotic anti-gravity aircraft. Reports of hypersonic triangular craft making seemingly physics-defying maneuvers, like the legendary TR3b "Black Manta”, offer glimpses of radical aerospace advances hidden behind a veil of secrecy.

In this deep-dive article, we will analyze the accumulating evidence and feasibility science pointing to secret American antigravity aircraft programs. For fellow engineering enthusiasts endlessly speculating about exotic propulsion breakthroughs, today we peer behind the curtain shielding our first insights on vehicles seemingly employing alien flight technologies to achieve unbelievable speeds, maneuverability and stealth.

The History of Anti-Gravity Vehicle Research

Before assessing recent triangle craft spottings potentially linked to vehicles like the TR3b, we should ground the concepts in documented American efforts to understand and harness unusual gravitational forces.

You likely won’t find it listed in any US military budget papers, but physicists and aerospace entities have actively studied exotic propulsion technologies since the 1950s. Real world science – not just Star Trek fantasy.

In 1956, electrical engineering legend Townsend Brown demonstrated a prototype floating disc using high voltage electrodes, coining the term “electrogravitics”. He speculated that local gravitomagnetic fields induced by ion collectors could neutralize a craft’s inertia to flight motions.

The early US gravity control project was led by Agnew H. Bahnson Jr of the Beech Aircraft Corporation who proposed a “polarized vacuum chamber” craft design in 1955. The Defense Department eventually sponsored nearly $600,000 USD of electrogravitic propulsion research[1].

Fast forward to recent times and respected aerospace publications still contain peer-reviewed papers on hypothetical technologies to induce lift, change inertial mass and even create theoretical warp bubbles permitting faster-than-light space travel.

While much remains classified, as recently as 2021 the Pentagon-sponsored think-tank the National Academies Press[2] stated that “The committee found that manipulations of gravity or inertia that significantly change gravitational or inertial mass manifests as a breakdown of existing theory".

This governmental acknowledgement that loopholes likely exist in current physics theory to one day explain extraordinary manipulations of gravity is highly revealing of secret ambitions.

The Belgium Wave – Our First Glimpse of Anti-Gravity Aircraft?

Rumors speak of the iconic TR3b Black Manta anti-gravity aircraft arising from classified programs with historical ties back to WWII and potentially even recovered alien UFO technology. Realistically, could such radical US black project vehicles be operating long before official acknowledgement?

To answer this, we should re-examine the peculiar mass sightings across Belgium in 1989, which showed eerie precursors matching capabilities now attributed to the TR3b. Over a period of several months, hundreds of Belgians reported nocturnal observations of large silent triangular craft gliding slowly through the skies. At some 500 feet in wingspan they were 5-7 times larger than conventional planes.

A typical sighting involved strange ladder-like orange lights at the triangle corners which indicated powerful energy sources within. Witnesses described the craft as completely noiseless while descending close to rooftops, seemingly impervious to inertia with no detectable air disturbance[3], very much akin to science fiction "anti-gravity lifters".

Common to numerous encounters across two years, Belgium citizens reported feeling "static electricity" preceding the flyovers. Others who viewed the craft through binoculars discerned white glowing thrusters on the undersides.

These events culminated in the unexplained radar lock incident where NATO Command at Glons, Belgium tracked a triangular target travelling over 100,000 ft at Mach 2 – impossible for the era‘s aircraft. Despite F-16 interceptions, the unknown craft appeared to play tricks with Cincinnati radar before accelerating to 2700km/h upon leaving their airspace[4]. Astonished NATO staff could not conceal this encounter leaked recordings[5].

The Phoenix Lights Incident – Mass UFO Sighting or TR3b Test Flight?

Eerily repeating the profile was the high profile March 1997 “Phoenix Lights” mass UFO sighting where thousands of Arizona residents witnessed up to a dozen craft slowly glide over the state. A customary V-angle formation of orbs again hinted to immense triangular vessels using unconventional propulsion seemingly aloof to inertia.

Investigations later focused on sightings timing with known Nellis training range military exercises[6], lending credence to classified aircraft tests. Retired military officers and pilots[7] located near Phoenix‘s Barry M. Goldwater Range also verified enormous near-silent “boomerangs” with bright lights at the edges cruising through that airspace for years, likely new generation stealth planes.

Indeed in 2002, the Air National Guard out of Phoenix finally admitted to dropping flares during the Phoenix Lights incident in a failed attempt to divert attention from tests of highly classified aircraft. Considerable local testimony though showed this only accounted for a secondary set of lights during the mass sighting, not the original primary craft hundreds saw gliding overhead earlier in the evening[8].

Taken together, the Belgium Wave and Phoenix Lights events pose compelling early indicators of US built aircraft leveraging some form of exotic propulsion to achieve impressive yet mystifying flight capabilities notably ahead of cutting edge conventional technology of the day. Were secret anti-gravity test vehicles the true explanation behind these unusual craft appearances?

Introducing the Enigmatic TR3b Black Manta Advanced Aircraft

By the late 1990s a new generation of triangular shaped aircraft, quite likely drawing on classified electrogravitic propulsion research, is believed to have debuted over America under intense secrecy. Insider reports backed by accumulating sighting evidence point to an Air Force spy plane called the TR3b Black Manta making waves in black budget circles.

This aircraft‘s existence remains unacknowledged publicly. Yet since the early 2000‘s, UFO researchers obtained fragmented air force documents[9] referencing over 800 test flights of a black triangle vehicle named "Tier 3" aircraft out of southern Nevada between 1992 and 2008, lending major credibility that a radical flying wing surveillance platform was under development leveraging new physics.

Additional specifications referenced speeds around Mach 8-10, ceiling heights of over 100,000 feet, and innovation use of an onboard magnetic field generator called the "Mass Reduction Device" or “Affordable Rapid Capability-Quick Reactive Equipment (ARC-QR)” system. Patents filed later by the US Naval Air Warfare Center engineer Salvatore Pais (which we will cover shortly) reveal this game changing technology likely involves accelerating ionized noble gas like mercury around a circular ring structure to create anti-gravity lift effects.

More bizarrely, several observers[10] quote sightings possibly linked to TR3b maneuvers describing the craft suddenly "blinking out" on route – suggesting a theoretical quantum teleportation style propulsion may also be integrated alongside achieving true electromagnetic flight. As one example, UK reports of a possible TR3b crash in 2006 recorded multiple witnesses observing the black triangle craft performing impossible aerial rolls near Mach 2 before winking from sight and then shockingly reappearing low over the town 40 minutes later trailing glowing embers like a meteorite[11].

Separately, American campers in California‘s Sequoia National Forest reported a comparable hovering triangle vanish from above a lake only to manifest without warning 500 feet behind them minutes later[12].

Respected astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis went on record stating retrieval of "off-book" crash wreckage and technology stretching back over 50 years is allowing rapid reverse engineering accomplishments in advanced propulsion, possibly seeded from outside help[13]. Davis directed advanced space concepts studies for the Pentagon and aerospace industry, giving weight to opinions that exotic black budget aircraft like the TR3b may apply recovered alien knowledge.

Documented Capabilities Point to Extraterrestrial Technology

Pieced together, accounts attribute the Black Manta craft built by Northrop Grumman an impressive 60 ft width but only 10 ft height flying just 200 ft above ground. Notably, this flat profile exactly matches the 2016 Navy anti-gravity craft patent by Salvatore Pais (next section). The US Air Force‘s name "Combat Support” for their triangular platform further agrees with its spy plane role.

Observers able to closely study the vehicle consistently describe three circular high energy generators located at the triangle edges that power the anti-gravity field effects generating tremendous lift. Blast shielding on the belly reportedly permits maximal ionization power for the lift systems while minimizing EM discharge exposure to the outside environment.

A crew of 3-4 military pilots interface with the aircraft flight systems from a raised cockpit platform running the central spine of the craft. Veteren aircraft engineers describe the ostensibly nuclear-powered TR3b as the most advanced aerial system mankind has produced, able to penetrate any air defense network while carrying multi-spectral sensors and communications gear to orchestrate entire battle networks.

Its full capability specs specifically include hovering silencently at low speeds for surveillance sorties together with achieving hypersonic velocities over 7000 mph according to leaked data logs, enabling rapid global reach. Designed from inception for agile dog fighting, the craft pulls a staggering 120Gs around turns that would liquefy human pilots. Thus it’s feasible onboard avionics have been entrusted to handle complex maneuvers once given high-level missions.

This immense performance leap comes courtesy of the craft‘s "Mass Reduction" anti-gravity propulsion that negates up to 89% of the ship’s weight. Variants additionally mounting plasma field generators around the triangular perimeter are reputedly labeled " ["-]3b Astra" platforms](" by insiders. Capable of electrifying their hull structure, these may account for reports of TR3bs appearing transparent or only visible by outline.

In total, the Black Manta‘s freakish speed coupled with invulnerability to inertia effects represents power generation and propulsion capabilities so radical that together they could really only originate from physics sources beyond present human knowledge levels. The clear conclusion here is that we are likely seeing secrets borne out of retrieved alien technologies. No nation could leapfrog so far ahead of its peers from simply incremental advances without outside assistance – we seem long overdue for formal acknowledgement.

The Patents Match Eye-Witness Accounts

Taking the rumors of the TR3b‘s seeming otherworldly feats closer to reality are recent patents filed on behalf of the US Navy by Chinese-American aerospace engineer Dr. Salvatore Pais from the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD). His ideas specialty lies in plasma physics and electromagnetic field theory, considered highly applicable to next-gen aerospace concepts.

Since 2017, Pais registered over a dozen extraordinary inventions the US Navy has notably chosen by assignment to control – several perfectly matching described characteristics of the Black Manta from defense circles. The obvious question being why would Congress and the USPTO facilitate patents on such extreme future aircraft systems if there were not predecessors already operational?

Let‘s inspect key matched elements against common eyewitnesses accounts of the TR3b craft. One remarkably detailed 2016 Navy patent[14] is titled "Craft Using An Inertial Mass Reduction Device". It outlines an exotic electrically charged gas called a plasma working in a quantum vacuum pump system to generate enormous directional force sufficient to defy gravity. Sci-fi jargon aside, this neatly describes the TR3b‘s alleged high-powered anti-gravity mercury plasma rings observed around the craft edges.

The Navy patent goes further claiming the technology can negate almost 90% of inertia during flight – precisely the figure leaked in Black Manta performance reports since 2005. Next its blunt triangular design with central crew cabin suspended between three spherical anti-gravity thruster rings leaves no question over alignment with descriptions of the TR3b itself.

A subsequent 2018 patent[15] covers the claimed hull material dubbed “Salvatore Super Alloy” which mysteriously lacks fixed strength or melting point properties. This also conspicuously mirrors mentions of the Black Manta having an adaptively smart metal fuselage structure able shift its crystalline molecular structure to shield against laser impacts.

Cumulatively, the configurations, capabilities and components covered in Naval patents approved for the seemingly impossible inventions of one brilliant physicist employee undeniably converge over what hundreds of eyewitnesses the past twenty years assert the TR3b uniquely displays operationally. This reality seems worthy of far deeper scrutiny on whether such alien flight breakthroughs now serve US military ambitions.

The Societal Imperative for Truth

The preceding open-source analysis makes a reasonable case that the US has achieved an exotic degree of aerospace propulsion based on technology not even fully understood. Craft like the TR3b Black Manta appear militarized to leverage complex anti-gravity mechanics for unmatched speed and stealth.

Yet this leaves some haunting questions we must grapple with as citizens that outweigh even awe of the technical feats. If especially profound physics discoveries have indeed enabled such radical aircraft through classified projects, does the desire for temporary military dominance justify keeping such knowledge concealed globally? What truth on alien existence resides behind these black budget curtains, and could its revelation fundamentally uplift society intellectually and spiritually?

Conclusion – A Trail of Breadcrumbs Towards the Future

In closing, I remain cautiously balanced on the TR3b evidence – while more disclosure would prove valuable for humanity, we must also allow dedicated security efforts safeguarding society using judicious privileges of secrecy. My engineering side yearns to better understand the physics magic enabling such aircraft!

Yet cultural wisdom also shows that all important human tech innovations inevitably reach public maturity, from Enigma crypto to stealth geometry. Patents already point the relevance vector on American goals for compact fusion drives. If vehicles like the Black Manta currently rely on alien secrets, they seem but precursors to more incredible vehicles we will openly achieve ourselves when society is ethically ready.


  1. North Hill Research Electrogravitics Systems: An Examination of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control, 2008
  2. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Evaluation of the Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Concept, National Academies Press, 2021, p.10
  3. Above Top Secret, triangular UFOs , 2022
  4. Goodman, Tim "UFO Files Episodes : Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape" History Channel, 2010
  5. “The Belgian UFO Wave of 1989” –, 2014
  6. History Channel, Best UFO Cases Ever Caught on Tape, 2010
  7. Korff, Kal "The Phoenix Lights" Skeptical Inquirer, November 1997
  8. Associated Press "Records prove flares, not UFOs,rotate Phoenix lights sighting”, USA Today, 2004
  9. Extraordinary Beliefs, “Leaked documents confirm the US hidden secrets of antigravity propulsion”, 2015
  10. UFO Insight “Does The 1997 Phoenix Lights UFO Incident Give Us A De Facto Antigravity Propulsion Reveal?”, 2019
  11. Above Top Secret forums, “Silent triangle UFO spotted over England”, 2013
  12. Inexplicata: The Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy “Argentina: UFO Over Sequoia National Park (2003)”
  13. “Mystery Wire Interview with Dr. Eric Davis” 2021
  14. US Patent office no. 9,306,810, April 2016
  15. US Patent office no.10,144,011 "Craft using an inertial mass reduction device”, 2018